FAO/GIEWS: Africa Report 05/97 af9705.htm

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Table 2: Cereal Imports and Food Aid Requirements in Sub-Saharan Africa, 1996/97 or 1997 (in thousand tons)

Marketing year 1996 Cereal production 1995/96 or 1996 imports Position for 1996/97 or 1997
As %
of average
of previous
5 years
Food aid Cereal
Anticipated commercial imports Food aid requirements Cereal import position
made or
Food aid
Total As % of average of previous 5 years Total of which exceptional Pledges 3/ of which received so far Uncov.
Food aid
Eastern Africa
25 450 118 2 530 77 957 2 580 1 950 630 24 553 404 191 433
Burundi Jan./Dec. 256 94 56 119 2 54 31 23 - - 9 - 14
Comoros Jan./Dec. 14 100 44 109 1 44 34 10 - - 1 - 9
Djibouti Jan./Dec. - - 57 57 12 80 59 21 5 1 4 - 17
Eritrea Jan./Dec. 132 80 172 85 62 289 120 169 - - 17 - 152
Ethiopia 4/ Jan./Dec. 11 128 143 403 49 403 - - - - - 152 52
Kenya Oct./Sept. 2 782 93 710 83 36 1 219 1 019 200 - 424 61 29 139
Rwanda Jan./Dec. 182 83 355 247 347 43 26 17 - - 57 31
Seychelles Jan./Dec. - - 13 110 - 13 13 - - - - - -
Somalia Sept./Aug. 288 110 165 84 12 256 170 86 19 18 29 21 57
Sudan Nov./Oct. 5 320 125 439 63 40 405 331 74 - 60 38 34 36
Tanzania June/May 3 731 102 70 51 22 135 135 - - 37 16 5
Uganda Jan./Dec. 1 617 88 47 128 20 42 12 30 - 14 21 20 9

Southern Africa
24 470 137 4 989 93 891 2 662 2 130 532 154 1 900 664 370 22
Angola April/March 508 149 483 164 228 442 202 240 129 128 235 188 5
Botswana April/March 82 234 238 123 7 234 234 - - 152 1 1
Lesotho April/March 250 191 250 109 30 144 94 50 - 106 33 33 17
Madagascar April/March 1 970 108 151 129 28 141 115 26 - 9 43 20
Malawi April/March 1 902 131 230 69 222 95 45 50 - 60 107 20
Mauritius Jan./Dec. 2 100 240 141 1 172 172 - - 36 - - -
Mozambique April/March 1 331 197 435 72 302 300 140 160 25 54 220 97
Namibia May/April 87 109 148 150 11 109 109 - - 60 - -
South Africa May/April 13 513 132 2 116 92 - 872 872 - - 1 024 - - -
Swaziland May/April 139 154 77 118 6 38 32 6 - 40 6 6
Zambia May/April 1 559 139 312 105 58 50 50 - - 75 10 5
Zimbabwe April/March 3 127 167 310 49 - 65 65 - - 158 8 -

Western Africa
34 462 107 5 446 128 513 4 954 4 296 658 - 626 445 201 248
Coastal countries
25 590 110 3 485 134 367 3 145 2 791 354 - 453 296 143 85
Benin Jan./Dec. 661 104 126 106 9 115 99 16
- 11 2 5
Côte d'Ivoire Jan./Dec. 1 337 129 587 115 47 505 465 40 - - 22 9 18
Ghana Jan./Dec. 1 698 114 365 117 40 387 310 77 - 22 51 13 26
Guinea Jan./Dec. 668 100 355 134 7 375 355 20
- 5 - 15
Liberia Jan./Dec. 64 142 177 90 143 165 50 115 - - 141 101
Nigeria Jan./Dec. 20 387 110 1 475 153 - 1 250 1 250 - - 400 - - -
Sierra Leone Jan./Dec. 288 93 260 163 117 260 179 81 - 21 62 19 19
Togo Jan./Dec. 487 100 141 155 4 88 83 5 - 11 3 - 2

Sahelian countries
8 872 99 1 962 120 146 1 809 1 505 304 - 173 149 57 163
Burkina Faso Nov./Oct. 2 444 101 153 88 26 123 105 18 - 12 26 10
Cape Verde Nov./Oct. 1 13 73 93 46 90 25 65 - - 55 21 10
Chad Nov./Oct. 813 91 80 125 15 116 66 50 - - 22 3 28
Gambia Nov./Oct. 96 102 98 124 4 110 97 13 - - 6 2 7
Guinea Bissau Nov./Oct. 134 95 60 98 6 60 54 6 - 17 1 1 5
Mali Nov./Oct. 2 005 98 115 104 5 110 75 35 - - 7 7 28
Mauritania Nov./Oct. 106 75 241 100 27 300 225 75 - 101 19 10 56
Niger Nov./Oct. 2 307 103 316 196 6 250 230 20 - - 10 1 10
Senegal Nov./Oct. 966 105 827 123 11 650 628 22 - 43 3 2 19

Central Africa
2 953 114 767 105 26 759 684 75 - 134 36 19 63
Cameroon July/June 1 278 130 255 87 4 260 260 - - 86 - - -
Cent.Afr.Rep. Jan./Dec. 105 109 34 105 - 39 38 1 - - - - 1
Congo July/June 27 100 123 130 9 123 121 2 - - 26 13
Equat.Guinea Jan./Dec. - - 11 106 1 10 8 2 - - 1 - 1
Gabon Jan./Dec. 25 100 74 122 - 76 76 - - - - - -
Sao Tome Jan./Dec. - - 10 83 4 11 6 5 - - 4 3 1
Zaire Jan./Dec. 1 518 104 260 118 8 240 175 65 - 48 6 3 59

87 335 118 13 732 101 2 386 10 955 9 060 1 895 178 3 213 1 549 781 765

Note : Totals computed from unrounded data.
1/ Including rice in milled equivalent.
2/ Excludes re-exports.
3/ Includes all pledges reported to the GIEWS , whether for free distribution or market sale. However, there may be some cases where governments count some food aid received for market sale against commercial import requirements.
4/ Includes refugee needs.

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