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The first significant rains covered the extreme south in early April. They decreased in late April, resumed in early May, again decreased in mid-May but increased as well as progressed to the centre in late May. Abundant precipitation covered the western regions in early June. Land preparation is underway and first planting has started. Plantings will progress northwards following the establishment of the rains.

There were unconfirmed reports of small groups of Desert Locust maturing adults in the Timetrine near Tinkar during the second dekad of May. Low numbers of solitary adults may be present and concentrating in some parts of the Adrar des Iforas and Timetrine. These are expected to persist and may be supplemented by other adults and perhaps a few small groups coming from the Red Sea area. However, numbers are likely to remain low. Small scale egg laying could occur with the onset of the seasonal rains.

Satellite Images (Cold Cloud Duration for the last three dekads)


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