FAO/GIEWS: Africa Report No.2, August 1998

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Table 1: Cereal Imports and Food Aid Requirements in 1998/99 for Sub-Saharan Africa Countries which have entered their 1998/99 marketing year ( in thousand tonnes )

Marketing year  1998 Cereal Production 1/  Position for 1998/99 
 Total.  As % of average of previous 5 years  Cereal Imports requirements 2/  Anticipated commercial imports  Food aid requirements  Cereal imports position 
 Total   of which exceptional  Commercial imports already made or contracted  Food aid 
Pledges  of which received so far  Uncov. Food aid requirements
Eastern Africa
4 382 109 352 227 125 - - 36 - 125
Somalia Aug/July 230 82 340 215 125 - - - - 125
Tanzania June/May 4 152 111 12 12 - - - 36 -
Southern Africa
19 807 92 4 821 4 344 477 - 336 67 367
Angola April/March 594 166 471 350 121 - - 87 16 34
Botswana April/March 9 21 256 256 - - - - - -
Lesotho April/March 93 54 263 233 30 - - 6 6 24
Madagascar April/March 1 860 100 145 115 30 - - 11 6 19
Malawi April/March 1 895 111 102 102 - - - 26 15
Mozambique April/March 1 618 149 212 212 - - - 120 21
Namibia May/April 59 58 155 155 - - - - -
South Africa May/April 11 026 90 1 669 1 669 - - - - -
Swaziland May/April 107 111 63 63 - - - - -
Zambia May/April 707 55 660 364 296 - - 6 3 290
Zimbabwe April/March 1 839 73 825 825 - - - 80 -
24 189 96 5 173 4 571 602 - - 372 67 492

1/ Including rice in milled equivalent.
2/ Excluding re-exports.

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