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Crop development is generally satisfactory following improved rains since mid-July. Following the start of the rainy season in June in the west and the centre, precipitation decreased somewhat in late June and early July but resumed in mid-July, becoming widespread and abundant in late July. Torrential rains exceeding 100mm in one night were registered over Niamey and its region on 1st August. They caused substantial damage to infrastructure and possibly to crops.

Pastures are regenerating satisfactorily. Unconfirmed reports from the Aïr indicate that Desert Locust adults were seen laying. Solitarious adults are also probably present in a few places of Tamesna. Small-scale breeding may be in progress in a few of these areas where rains have recently fallen. Breeding is expected to continue and scattered hoppers are likely to appear.

Satellite Images (Cold Cloud Duration for the last three dekads)


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