FAO/GIEWS: Africa Report No.3, December 1998

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Table 4 - Triangular Transactions within Sub-Saharan Africa in 1997/98 or 1998 ( tonnes ) 1/

Donor Source
Total by donor
EC South Africa Rwanda (2 882) 6 410
Uganda Rwanda (3 528)
NGO Kenya Zaire (25) 50
South Africa Zaire (25)
Botswana Angola (795), Madagascar (74) 227 775
Congo,Dem.Rep.of Rwanda (337)
Kenya Rwanda (5 054), Sudan (803), Uganda (177)
Niger Mali (830)
South Africa Angola (24 520), Benin (1 505), Chad (2 895), Ethiopia (8 600), Kenya (21 974), Lesotho (4 519), Liberia (15 780),
Mozambique (5 656), Rwanda (37 545), Sierra Leone (21 377), Somalia (2 015), Sudan (6 382), Tanzania (32 836)
Uganda Rwanda (9 534)
Zimbabwe Kenya (4 850), Malawi (2 600),
Mozambique (13 340), Somalia (1 827), Sudan (1 950)
234 235

1/ Based on information reportd by donors to GIEWS as of late November 1998.

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