FAO/GIEWS: Africa Report No.2, August 1999 7

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1998/1999 OR 1999 (IN THOUSAND TONNES)

Sub-Region/ Country Marketing year 1998 Cereal production 1/ 1997/98 or 1998 imports Position for 1998/99 or 1999
Total   As % of average of previous
5 years
Total Imports   As % of average of previous 5 years  Food aid Cereal import require- Ment 2/   Antici-pated commer- cial imports   Food aid requirements Commercial
already made or contracted  
Food aid
Total Of which: excep- tional Pledges 3/ of which received so far Uncov. Food aid requirements
    Countries still in 1998/99 or 1999 marketing year
Eastern Africa   18 229 108 4 001 141 1 020 2 135 1 475 660 0 370 682 577 253
Burundi Jan./Dec. 271 103 42 70 1 70 20 50 - - 1 1 49
Comoros Jan./Dec. 6 100 46 108 4 46 36 10 - 5 1 - 9
Djibouti Jan./Dec. - - 73 76 11 66 56 10 - 3 2 2 8
Eritrea Jan./Dec. 459 356 327 161 103 109 65 44 - - 16 - 28
Ethiopia 4/ Jan./Dec. 7 198 100 608 107 546 200 15 185 - 16 359 292  
Kenya Oct./Sept. 3 041 100 1 951 193 74 790 721 69 - 258 76 67  
Rwanda Jan./Dec. 221 126 200 79 142 215 - 215 - - 97 91 118
Seychelles Jan./Dec. - - 33 252 - 13 13 - - 33 - - -
Sudan Nov./Oct. 5 293 126 573 106 64 500 475 25 - 57 120 120  
Uganda Jan./Dec. 1 740 93 150 295 75 126 74 52 - - 12 6 40
Southern Africa 2 100 265 125 - 248 248 - - 15 - - -
Mauritius Jan./Dec. 2 100 265 125 - 248 248 - - 15 - -  
Western Africa   33 145 99 6 514 132 434 5 333 4 905 428 - 1 190 409 243
Coastal countries   26 881 109 4 092 128 288 3 395 3 175 220 - 988 182 116
Benin Jan./Dec. 790 113 124 109 12 125 120 5 - 21 8 8  
Côte d'Ivoire Jan./Dec. 1 249 113 626 128 23 640 640 - - 52 1 -  
Ghana Jan./Dec. 1 722 105 471 135 52 475 450 25 - 83 61 2  
Guinea Jan./Dec. 687 109 410 124 7 385 385 - - 3 18 18  
Liberia Jan./Dec. 141 271 200 92 104 155 105 50 - 3 69 63  
Nigeria Jan./Dec. 21 458 109 1 845 133 - 1 250 1 250 - - 780 - - -
Sierra Leone Jan./Dec. 263 87 294 145 88 290 150 140 - - 24 24 116
Togo Jan./Dec. 571 101 123 100 3 75 75 - - 45 - - -
Sahelian countries   6 264 72 2 423 139 146 1 938 1 730 208 - 202 227 128
Burkina Faso Nov./Oct. 2 627 113 216 153 21 160 130 30 - 11 51 23  
Cape Verde Nov./Oct. 5 83 81 97 46 95 40 55 - 1 91 44  
Chad Nov./Oct. 1 269 142 86 128 22 72 60 12 - 1 3 3 9
Gambia Nov./Oct. 112 117 122 136 6 124 115 9 - 18 3 3 6
Guinea-Bissau Nov./Oct. 102 69 104 173 1 87 55 32 - 14 20 10 12
Mali Nov./Oct. 2 304 111 94 93 10 80 70 10 - 11 6 5 4
Mauritania Nov./Oct. 161 114 318 118 15 295 260 35 - 23 17 8 18
Niger Nov./Oct. 2 947 144 504 230 26 220 210 10 - 3 30 26  
Senegal Nov./Oct. 953 103 898 127 2 805 790 15 - 120 7 7 8
Central Africa   3 127 116 772 36 12 796 765 31 - 68 10 8 22
Cameroon Jan./Dec. 1 232 113 260 93 3 280 278 2 - 31 3 3  
Cent.Afr.Rep. Jan./Dec. 140 127 39 114 2 34 33 1 - - - - 1
Congo, Dem. Rep of Jan./Dec. 1 726 117 250 111 2 250 240 10 - 16 5 5 5
Congo, Rep.of Jan./Dec. 4 80 121 117 2 130 115 15 - 8 2 - 13
Equat.Guinea Jan./Dec. - - 9 78 1 9 8 1 - - - - 1
Gabon Jan./Dec. 25 100 82 129 - 82 82 - - 10 - - -
Sao Tome Jan./Dec. - - 11 103 3 11 9 2 - 2 - - 2
Sub-total   54 503 103 11 553 132 1 466 8 512 7 393 1 119 - 1 642 1 101 828 449
    Countries which have entered their 1999/2000 marketing year
Eastern Africa 4 332 108 942 701 53 981 819 162 - 258 120 118 87
Somalia Aug./July 230 81 280 140 17 385 250 135 - 102 48 47 87
Tanzania June/May 4 102 110 662 562 36 596 569 27 - 156 72 71  
Southern Africa 18 315 85 4 094 77 373 5 306 4 859 447 - 3 625 553 478 268
Angola April/March 599 168 508 142 157 471 350 121 - 313 143 140  
Botswana April/March 9 21 233 114 - 256 256 - - 256 - -  
Lesotho April/March 152 82 135 63 8 188 188 - - 156 6 6  
Madagascar April/March 1 669 90 214 168 38 205 175 30 - 77 25 19 5
Malawi April/March 1 872 110 117 35 4 102 102 - - 165 37 34  
Mozambique April/March 1 622 150 317 61 165 212 212 - - 106 223 165  
Namibia May/April 59 58 93 80 - 155 155 - - 97 - -  
South Africa May/April 9 657 79 1 882 81 - 2 169 2 169 - - 1 417 - -  
Swaziland May/April 110 115 62 75 - 63 63 - - 75 - -  
Zambia May/April 707 55 371 111 2 660 364 296 - 357 33 33 263
Zimbabwe April/March 1 859 73 164 23 - 825 825 - - 605 86 81  
Sub-total   22 647 89 5 036 89 426 6 287 5 678 609 - 3 883 673 596 355
TOTAL   77 150 98 16 589 115 1 892 14 799 13 071 1 728 - 5 524 1 774 1 424 804

Note : Totals computed from unrounded data.
1/ Including rice in milled equivalent.
2/ Excludes re-exports.
3/ Includes all pledges reported to the GIEWS , whether for free distribution or market sale. However, there may be some cases where governments count some food aid received for market sale against commercial import requirements.
4/ Includes refugee needs.

FAO/GIEWS - August 1999
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