Undisplayed Graphic


Abundant rains in late July and early August benefited crop development but caused floods in the Senegal river valley. Following generally widespread and above average rains in early July, precipitation ceased or decreased significantly over the northern half of the country during the second dekad of July. Rains resumed during the third dekad and became particularly abundant in the centre and the north, notably during the night 30 July/1st August. Strong rains exceeding 100 mm caused flooding in Dakar, Louga and Saint Louis areas. Cumulative rainfall is above normal in half of the meteorological stations. Coarse grains benefited from these abundant rainfall in the centre and the north. They are developing satisfactorily in the south where rice is now being transplanted from seedbeds.

Pastures are regenerating. Grasshopper attacks have been reported in Diourbel, Kaolack, Louga, Saint Louis and Thiès regions. Grain eating birds are reported in Dagana area, in the Senegal river valley. Surveys and treatments have been undertaken.

Satellite Images (Cold Cloud Duration for the last three dekads)

Page with graphics of the evolution of Cold Cloud Duration average values over various zones of the country and compared to 1989-1995 average values.



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