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APPENDIX A Fishing Boat Subsidy Scheme - Details


  1. Grants may be for the purchase of new fishing boats, as specified in sub para(b)

  2. To qualify for grants, fishing boats must be 18 ft. in length or more, and must be of a design approved by the Chief Fisheries Officer.

  3. Boats must be constructed by boatbuilding yards approved by the Chief Fisheries Officer, and construction should be supervised by the Chief Fisheries Officer, or his representative.

  4. Grants shall be 33% of the expenditure incurred and the contract price of the vessel must be approved by the Chief Fisheries Officer.

  5. Grants will not be paid nor must owners take delivery of the vessel until it has received a valid fishing vessel licence and been numbered in the prescribed manner.

  6. Grants will not be paid until the applicant has paid in full the sum to be found by him towards the cost of the vessel.

  7. Applicants must be active fishermen, or the sons of active fishermen and citizens of Uganda.

  8. Applicants must give an undertaking to:-

    1. Prosecute fishing diligently and vigorously to the satisfaction of the Chief Fisheries Officer.

    2. Make available for inspection by the Chief Fisheries Officer, at all times, any books, records, or other documents necessary to enable the Chief Fisheries Officer to satisfy himself that the conditions of the grant have been complied with.

  9. If there occurs, within 5 years of the date of payment of the grant, any breach of the conditions, or any sale, mortgage, or disposal of the vessel, the applicant shall repay a proportion of the grant, to be decided by the Chief Fisheries Officer, on the unexpired portion of the 5 year period.

  10. Grants are subject to the availability of funds.

  11. Grants for imported boats will need special permission from the Chief Fisheries Officer who will normally require proof that the required boat is not obtainable in Uganda.


Contract to build a boat

AN AGREEMENT made the                         day of                                    19             between                                                 boatbuilder (hereafter called the vendor) of the one part and the Government of Uganda (hereinafter called the Government) acting by the Fisheries Officer of the second part and Mr.                                                     (herein called the purchaser) of the third part.

WHEREAS the vendor has agreed to build for the purchaser and the Government a boat and the purchaser and the Government have agreed to buy the boat hereinafter described for the sum of Shs.                         to be paid in the manner hereinafter appearing.

NOW IT IS HEREBY AGREED between the parties hereto as follows:-

1. That the vendor shall build for the purchaser of the best material and workmanship the hull of 1 boat in accordance with the following dimensions and class and the specifications set out in the schedule to this agreement.


Dimensions:       Length Keel                             feet                        inches

Length Overall                         feet                        inches

Depth Moulded                        feet                        inches

Breadth Moulded                     feet                        inches

2. The boat shall be built under the superintendence and to the satisfaction of the Chief Fisheries Officer or his representative who shall at all times during usual working hours have free access to the premises where the boat is being built and shall be delivered ready for use at                                                 by the                                                 day of                                    19            .

3. The purchaser shall pay for the boat the sum of Shs.                                    

Payment to be made as follows:-

On the making of this agreementShs.                                   
When the boat is framedShs.                                   
When the boat is plankedShs.                                   
When the boat is completed and accepted.Shs.                                   
TOTAL  Shs.                                   

4. The Government shall pay the vendor the sum of Shs.                                     (the subsidy) in one instalment when the boat is completed and delivery accepted.

5. In the event of the vendor making default in proceeding with the construction of the boat it shall be competent for (but not incumbent upon) the purchaser to take possession of the boat in her then state and all the materials intended for her and to complete the boat and for this purpose with power to enter into any contract with other builders and to use the Yard workshop machinery and tools of the vendors and the cost incurred by the exercise of any of the powers of this clause shall be deducted from the purchase money then unpaid if sufficient and if not sufficient shall be made good by the vendor.

6. The boat shall be at the risk of the vendor until handed over to the purchaser.

7. The purchaser shall be at liberty to require any alterations or additions to be made in the boat provided it does so in writing and an addition to or an abatement from the purchase money shall be thereupon allowed.

8. The boat shall be built in accordance with the specifications referred to in clause 1 of the best materials and workmanship and finished in a substantial and workmanlike manner complete in every detail.

9. In the event of any delay brought about by war fire shortage of labour strikes extending to or directly or indirectly affecting the works of the vendor or of persons supplying materials fittings and appurtenances before or after the date of this contract and interfering with the commencement or continuance of the construction of the boat and in the event of any delay in delivery of materials fittings and appurtenances or in the payment of any instalments the vendors shall be allowed an extension of time of one day for each day of delay so caused.

10. In the event of any instalment remaining unpaid for twentyeight days after becoming due the vendor shall be at liberty to sell the boat as she may then lie or may complete and sell her after completion and any loss on such resale shall be made good by the purchaser.

11. If any defective workmanship or material shall be discovered in the hull of the vessel within                         months after the trial trip fair wear and tear excepted and notice in writing of the same be given to the vendor within 14 days the vendor shall either repair and make good the same or pay a sum equal to the cost which he would have incurred in repairing or making good the same at his yard at . . . . . . . . . . but the vendor shall in no case be liable for detention consequential or other damages or for any defects in either original or substituted work or material which shall appear after the said period of                         months.

12. The boat may not be handed over to the purchaser without written permission from the Chief Fisheries Officer. The contract price must include the painting on of the Canoe Licensing Number in the approved manner.



VENDOR:                                                                        )in the presence of:-





PURCHASER:                                                                  )in the presence of:





CHIEF FISHERIES OFFICER:                                                                                           )
 in the presence of:





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