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Table 3. Main NWFP by country with examples of production and trade figures



Selected statistical data available


Bamboo, cane, medicinal plants, sungrass, golpatta, horitaka, hantal, murta (pati pata), hogla and honey and beeswax, fish and wildlife resources.

Golpatta (1990–91): 2.63 million kg,

value: Tk.5.8 million; 1992–93: 75 600 MT

Hantal (1990–91): 6.7 MT, value: Tk.334 400 Bamboo (1986–1987): 92 616 000 culms Harvesting of 4 821 MT of fish during 1990–99


Food, fodder, medicinal plants, natural dyes, exudates, rattan, bamboo, lemon grass, handmade paper, fibres and flosses, brooms, handicraft items, ornamentals, incense sticks and honey and beeswax.

Mushrooms (1999): 7 525 kg. Price for canned mushrooms can reach Nu.5(US$1.65)/kg

Export of medicinal plants (1998): 297 kg, value: Nu.78 867

Export of lemon grass oil (1999): 21 504 litres, value:

Nu.6 480 413

Export of handmade paper and paperboards (1999): 497 kg, value: Nu.310 612; 1998 exports: 33 269 kg, value:

Nu.2 848 810

Turpentine (1999): 66 000 kg, value: Nu.717 500 Rosin (1999): 504 310, value: Nu.1 257 0684


Resin, rattan and bamboo, mushrooms, medicinal plants and incense.

1999: export of rattan: 120 MT

2000: export of resins: 42 MT


Exudates, essential oils, bamboo, food (e.g. fruits, nuts and mushrooms), honey and medicinal plants.

Dry bamboo shoots p/a: 20 000 MT;

fresh bamboo shoots p/a: 1.5 million MT

Shiitake mushroom p/a: 120 000 MT

Export of shiitake mushrooms p/a: 1 000 MT, value:

US$2 000/MT

Gingko kernels p/a: 5000–6 000 MT;

leaves 7 000 MT; fleshy seed coats:

10 000–12 000 MT

Value of bamboo (1993): ¥5.5 billion, exports of US$150 million


Edible plants, fibres and flosses, bamboos, exudates (gums, resins and oleoresins), medicinal plants, essential oils, tans and dyes, wrapper leaves and animal products (e.g lac and silk).

Export of edible plant products (1996–97):

348 541 MT, value: lakh* Rs.268 392

Export of oil seeds and fatty oils (1996–97):

264 139 MT, value: lakh Rs.61 173

Export of medicinal plants (1996–97):

42 592 MT, value: lakh Rs.51 500

Export of spices (1996–97):

73 046 MT, value: lakh Rs.515 000

Export of essential oils (1996–97):

3 554 MT, value: lakh Rs.17 663

Export of dyes and tans (1996–97):

8 193 MT, value: lakh Rs.2 765

Export of gums and resins (1996–97):

107 158 MT, value: lakh Rs.50 500


Rattan, bamboo, resins (gondorukem and turpentine, jelutung gum, damar, kemenyan, gaharu and kopal), tengkawang seed, sandalwood oil, cayeput oil, honey, shellac, fruits and medicinal plants.

Export of rattan-finished products (1999):

112 078 MT, value: US$294 million

Export of gondorukem (1999):

39 166 MT, value: US$18.5 million

Export of turpentine (1999):

7 188 MT, value: US$2.13 million

Export of gaharu (1995):

309.8 MT, value: Rp. 6.2 billion

Sandalwood oil (1997): 145 446 MT

Honey (1997–98): 2 615 728 MT

Export of lac (1999): 93 MT, value: US$130 200


Medicinal plants, food (nuts, fern roots, fruits), fibres, exudates (damar resin, oleoresin, benzoin), incense, spices, orchids

Export of sugar palm fruit (1998): 982 000 kg, value: US$320 132

Export of malva nuts (1998): 837 940 kg, value: US$1 340 704

Export of cardamom (1998): 424 347 kg, value: US$2 376 343

Export of damar resin (1998): 1 525 566 kg, value: US$305 113

Export of oleoresin (1998): 274 400 kg, value: US$92 198

Export of benzoin (1998): 15 500 kg, value: US$46 500


Rattan, bamboo, medicinal plants, wild fruits, vegetables, palms, resin, tannin, barks and wood-oil.

Export of medicinal plants (1996): $M55 871 852

Export of bamboo (1990): US$176 474

Local market of bamboo products is worth $M3 million annually


Bamboo, rattan, edible bird nests, natural rubber, spices, medicinal plants, tanning barks, perfumes, exudates, honey and beeswax, bushmeat, lac and bat guano.

Bamboo (1994): 946 million nos.; export of 843 million nos. (1996–97), value: US$582 000

Rattan (1994–95): 73 million nos.; export of 2 804 MT (1996–97), value: US$1 601 000

21 MT of honey and 1 134 kg of beeswax (1994–1995)

Edible bird nests (1994–95): 2 923 kg; export of 1 197 kg (1996–97), value: US$440 000


Medicinal and aromatic plants, resin, turpentine, sal seed, katha and cutch, lokta paper, sabai grass, bamboo and cane.

Rosin: 1 518 MT (1999)

Turpentine: 341 MT (1999)

Papua New Guinea

Food from plants (tubers, fruits, nuts and vegetables), mushrooms, medicinal plants, rattan, bamboo and orchids, bushmeat, copal gum, vatica, massoy bark, tannins and insects (butterflies).

The value of the domestic orchid cut-flower trade has been evaluated at K50 000 + p/a

Estimated value of butterfly trade US$250 000

Export of rattan (1992): 108 5 00 kg (FOB K758 000)


Rattan, bamboo, fibres, vines, palms, exudates, essential oils, dyes, wild food plants, medicinal plants, honey and butterflies.

1998: 10 463 lm of unsplit rattan; 5 000 lm of split rattan

1998: 448 000 pcs of bamboo

1998: 6 746 000 nipa shingles

1998: export of 645 840 kg of salago bark, value:

US$443 990

1998: 261 000 kg of Almaciga resin; exported 355 000 kg, value: US$(FOB)254 000

1998: export of 221 000 kg of elemi gum, value: US$(FOB)448 000

Sri Lanka

Rattan, bamboo, medicinal plants, kitul products, edible plants, honey and bushmeat.

Export of medicinal plants: SL Rs.116 million (US$1.7 million)

1999: import of SL Rs.66 million (US$943 000)

1993: export of rattan – SL Rs.1.5 million (US$20 000)

Export of bamboo and bamboo products:

SL Rs. 80 000 (US$1 150)

Income from the sale of bushmeat in the dry zone: SL Rs.120 000–150 000/ p/a

Household income from grazing in the dry zone: SL Rs.15 000–20 000 p/a (US$150–225) and

SL Rs.50 000–120 000 p/a (US$550–1 300) for large-scale cattle owners in the same area


Bamboo, rattan, lac, honey, gums and resins, spices, medicinal plants, food and bark for tanning and dyeing.

1992: export of medicinal plants – 3 379 MT, value:

B173 394 000

1999: export of spices – 83 680 kg, value: US$0.20 million.

1999: export of raw rattan cane – 36 011 kg, value:

US$0.02 million

1999: export of rattan furniture: 493 852 kg, value: US$1.33 million; export of 122 810 kg, value: US$0.05 million

1999: export of lac – 3 722 902 kg, value: US$4.30 million

1999: export of honey – 1 053 103 kg, value:

US$0.61 million

Viet Nam

Handicrafts (rattan and bamboo), resin, essential oils, medicines, spices, mushrooms and honey.

1995: export of mushrooms – 896 192 kg, value:

US$1 881 963

2000: export of anise star seeds – 3 000 MT, value:

D70 billion (US$5 million)

1995: export of cardamom – 17 800 kg, value: US$143 880

1995: export of medicinal plants – 855 912 kg, value:

US$1 733 967

1997: export of eaglewood – 34 071 kg, value:

US$6 046 091

1991: export of rattan – 50 542 MT, value: US$26.3 million

*1 lakh = 100 000


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