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Annex 1: Key informant interviews: Discussion guide

N.B. This is a checklist, implying that the researcher chooses questions depending on the flow of discussion and may not necessarily ask all questions.

1. Data on key informant/organization

- Name of informant.

- Name of organization.

- Organizational mandate - community development roles and obligations.

- Organizational mission and specific objectives.

- Type of extension service vis-à-vis community development, and in what areas:

topical - intervention programmes and specific issues;

geographic - location and natural region.

- Organizational approach and strategies.

- Extent to which organizational approach and strategies are oriented towards collaboration.

- Organizational culture - norms, beliefs and taboos.

- Perceptions on problem of uncoordinated extension.

- Perceptions/perspectives on benefits of coordinated extension.

- Organizational structure.

- Staff complement at various levels.

- Outreach indicators:

distribution of staff and offices in the country and by region;

current farmer to community development officer ratio;

current farmer to community development worker ratio;

dates when ratios were established.

- Resource endowments.

- Profile of beneficiaries:

geographic location;

numbers and percentages of target clientele currently serviced;

gender (percentage male and percentage female);

major source of income and economic activity;

extension needs and services provided.

2. SWOT analysis of service providers (institutional/organizational level)

- Strengths and capacities.

- Weaknesses and constraints.

- Opportunities.

- Threats.

3. Actor analysis of the pluralistic extension system in community development

- Major categories of actors involved in public and private extension systems.

- Actors involved in each category.

- Other "peripheral" service providers (including informal farmer-to-farmer extension).

- Brief analysis of type of service provided by each actor.

4. Formal partnerships and institutional linkages among extension service providers

- Existing formal partnerships with other organizations.

- Actors involved - collaborating partners.

- Types and forms of partnerships:

division of tasks, resources and authority among different organizations;

joint decision-making, programmes, activities and sharing of resources;

examples of collaborative work, joint ventures, combined meetings and resource sharing;

other forms of partnership;

levels of coordination, collaboration, communication and resource sharing among organizations;

impact and evidence of improved coordination, collaboration, communication and resource sharing;

constraints to effective coordination, collaboration, communication and resource sharing;

opportunities for improved coordination, collaboration, communication and resource sharing.

- Why and how the various partnerships were initiated.

- Where applicable, funding and level of funding for partnerships.

- Communication among organizations:

code of communication used;

mode/channels of communication;

flow and direction of communication;

level(s) at which communication takes place;

constraints to effective communication;

opportunities/suggestions for improving interorganizational communication.

- Areas of community development where potential partnerships exist:

topical - intervention programmes and specific issues;

geographic - location and natural region.

- Potential partners - actors that can be involved in specific partnerships.

- Why identified potential partners are not yet partners.

5. Network analysis

- Informal collaboration programmes/projects/initiatives that are already in place.

- Initiators and sources of funding of such programmes/projects/initiatives.

- Logistics of the programmes/projects/initiatives.

- Actors involved in the programmes/projects/initiatives.

- Post and level of contact person within each involved organization.

- Types and forms of networks:

division of tasks, resources and authority among different organizations;

joint decision-making, activities and sharing of resources;

other forms of partnership.

- Contributions of individual actors/organizations:

financial (monetary);

other resources;

specific tasks.

- Communication among network components.

- Benefits accruing from the existing networks.

6. Interface analysis

- Interfaces within and among organizations.

- Actors involved.

- Causes: Political factors:

institutional politics;

interest groups that play a role in institutional politics.

- Causes: Technical factors:

individual or collective organizational strategies associated with community development programmes;

methods and activities associated with community development programmes.

- Causes: Organizational factors:

division of tasks, resources and authority among different organizations;

internal management and informal dynamics of each organization and its components.

- Other causes of various interfaces.

- Programmes/initiatives affected by various interfaces.

- Suggestions for improvement.

7. SWOT analysis of service providers (collective level)

-Strengths and capacities.

-Weaknesses and constraints.



8. Experiences o improving smallholder farmer livelihoods

- Examples of successful experiences of improving smallholder farmer livelihoods from extension/collaboration efforts:

perception (definition) of success and failure;



other initiatives.

- Period and implementing organization(s).

- Reasons for success.

- Other conducive and contributory factors.

- Examples of failures at improving smallholder farmer livelihoods:



other initiatives.

- Reasons for failure.

- Documentation of successes and failures.

- Examples of exceptional cases that are not well documented.

9. Collaborative extension delivery strategies

- Existing collaborative extension delivery strategy options:

existing strategies and options fostering strong pluralistic coordination among service providers;

components/facets of the collaborative strategy;

ways in which existing strategies address linkages/collaboration issues.

- Individual recommendations for coordinated and collaborative strategies for effective delivery of extension services:

strategies and approaches;

components/facets of the collaborative strategy;

ways in which recommended strategies address linkages/collaboration issues;

ways in which recommended strategy is different from strategies tried before.

- Suggestions for effective coordination.

- Suggestions for division of responsibilities.

- Areas recommended for pilot study:

topical - intervention programmes and specific issues;

geographic - location and natural region.

- Justifications for recommendations.

- Other opportunities for improving the efficiency and effectiveness of extension intervention.

Additional guidelines

10. Organization fact file

- Name of organization.

- Organizational mandate.

- Motive for extension work (e.g. for private companies - profit).

- Major extension approach used.

- Extension and community development programmes.

- Source of funding.

- Sustainability of funding.

- Type of target population/beneficiaries (e.g. cotton growers).

- Numbers in hundreds or thousands.

- Staff compliment:


technical qualifications.

- Extension worker to farmer ratios.

- Mobility means and capacity.

- Perceptions at different administrative levels.

- AGRITEX and stakeholders' views about the changes at DR&SS and AGRITEX.

11. Swot analysis (category level)

- Strengths and capacities.

- Weaknesses and constraints.

- Opportunities.

- Threats.

12. Linkages

- Factors hindering the establishment of effective linkages.

- Examples of successful interventions:

measurable indicators mentioned by earlier studies as evidence of success.

- Potential role of the government (e.g. collaboration function).

13. Chivi project

- What has been done?

- Project components.

- Linkages with other extension service providers.

- Division of resources, tasks and responsibilities.

- Critical analysis of project (success or failure).

- Elements of success/failure.

- Measurable indicators of impact (success/failure).

- Impact of the project on people outside the project area.

- Empowering the communities: are they given a platform?

14. Commercial Farmers' Union/commercial and smallholder farmers

- Sources of technical information for:

commercial farmers;

small-scale and resettlement farmers;

communal farmers.

- Farmers' linkages with sources of information.

- Sustainability of the links?

- Farmers' perceptions of pluralistic extension:



- How farmers deal with pluralistic extension.

- Why is the commercial farmers' extension system efficient?

- Interface between commercial farmers and public extension system.

- Are all commercial farmers members of the Commercial Farmers' Union?

- Issues for further research.

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