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This manual is one of the outcomes of the 1996 World Food Summit resolutions on the need to achieve global food security. It examines the serious and worsening problems of animal diseases and veterinary public health worldwide. Animal diseases are a major constraint to livestock production and safe utilization of animal products everywhere. They are devastating for poor livestock farmers and farming communities In developing countries. Improved animal health for poverty reduction and sustainable livelihoods examines practical ways of reducing poverty and creating sustainable livelihoods among rural populations in the developing world by improving the health of livestock. Demand for animal products is likely to increase dramatically In the next two decades, and producers will benefit from increased trade opportunities. The extent to which producers In poor countries will share the benefits depends on the production levels they can achieve and on whether their products will be accepted as tradable commodities. These determining factors are inextricably linked to the health of their livestock. The manual looks at ways of Improving national animal health policies and delivery systems through objective analysis of problems and training of personnel; the importance of raising public awareness is underlined. It stresses the need for global response strategies to support animal and public health Issues and sustain national and local initiatives. An Important element of the manual is that its lessons are drawn from extensive practical experience worldwide, particularly in developing countries.

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