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The workshop is expected to review information on socio-economic impacts, risks of disease incursions and health management strategies in rural, small-scale aquaculture and enhanced fisheries programmes. It should identify potential interventions for better health management in rural aquaculture, and follow up actions from the workshop, which can be carried out at local, national and regional levels. The workshop is complementary to ongoing efforts of FAO/NACA and others to assist countries within the region to develop effective policy and capacity to control serious shrimp and fish disease outbreaks. However, the focus of this workshop is to look specifically at the occurrence of aquatic animal health problems, their impacts and management within small-scale rural aquaculture and livelihood programmes involving aquaculture and enhanced fisheries. It will emphasize low external input fisheries and aquaculture rather than more intensive systems and will focus on populations rather than pathogens and on livelihoods rather than production.

Expected Outputs from Working Group Sessions

1) An assessment of the impacts of aquatic animal diseases on rural aquaculture, including where available poverty alleviation programmes involving aquaculture. The assessment would identify where possible direct and indirect impacts, and 'nature of the impacts'.
2) An assessment of the risks to poverty alleviation programmes through disease incursions and lack of primary aquatic animal health.
3) An assessment of the impact of current strategies for disease control targeted at rural communities, including extension programmes, special diagnostic requirements etc. Analysis on comparative costs and benefits of different strategies would also be included where available.
4) Identification of possible model intervention strategies for primary aquatic animal health care.
5) Identification of strategies for effective integration of aquatic animal health management within national and regional rural aquaculture development and enhanced fisheries livelihood programmes.
6) Identification of indicators of aquatic animal health and indicators for monitoring the impacts of primary health care interventions in aquaculture and enhanced fisheries development initiatives.
7) Identification of research and associated needs to clarify various matters related to aquatic animal health management.

Organization of Working Groups

The workshop will split into three Working Groups, which will develop conclusions and recommendations on the following issues. All groups should look at the appropriate interventions and provide detailed recommendations as to how GO/NGO/private sector institutions, donor agencies, etc., could assist in facilitating implementing the identified interventions. The interventions should also be prioritized. All working groups should broadly think of the regional situation - different status/circumstances - different issues and solutions. The following issues should also be considered:

Terms of Reference - Working Group 1

This group will focus on impacts and risks to farmers/ fishers, producers/consumers, strategies for the management of risks, and appropriate skills development. The group will specifically address the following:

The group will identify recommendations on follow up required - directed at different levels/organizations as required at GO/NGO/private sector national, regional and international levels, including capacity building, policy development, research as appropriate.

Terms of Reference - Working Group 2

This group will look into the institutional environment, what does it deliver and how should it deliver more to address needs. More specifically it will address:

The group will identify recommendations for follow up directed at different levels/organizations as required at GO/NGO/private national, regional and international levels, including capacity building, information exchange, policy development, research as appropriate.

Terms of Reference - Working Group 3

This group will look into the research needs, programmes, monitoring aspects, and indicators for monitoring management of health in rural, small-scale aquaculture sector. They will consider the following:

The Group should also bear in mind the following statement - "…looking very narrowly at only pathogens/bugs which would further fuel supply-driven research rather than concentrating on what would really benefit small-scale fishers/farmers. It is this last point that is the real challenge".

The Group will identify recommendations on follow up required - directed at different levels/organizations as required at GO/NGO/private national, regional and international levels, including capacity building, information exchange, policy development, research as appropriate.

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