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Archiving of Data


99. Data are stored in the Australian Fishing Zone Information System and VMS database. Some Indian Ocean logbook data are stored in the Australian Antarctic Department's system and in the system of the BRS. Observer's reports are archived electronically. At the moment, observer data for 2000/2001 remain to be entered.

South Africa

100. Observer's data are stored in an ACCESS database run by the research department. A separate, highly secure, Vessel Monitoring System (VMS) database exists but has not been used by the research department as yet.


101. Research vessels logbook data for research vessel cruises and of biological information remain in hard-copy form and are archived at YugNIRO, Kerch. Commercial fishery logbook data are available for the 1990s only.


102. Database modules exist at the Scientific Centre in Swakopmund and at the Inspectorate in Walvis Bay.


103. An inter-linked database (FoxPro, but migrating to ACCESS/MAPINFO) exists at the Seychelles Fishing Authority.

New Zealand

104. Catch and effort data, observer reports and VMS data are stored in a relational database run by the Ministry of Fisheries. New Zealand has had VMS on all deepwater fishing vessels (including those on the high seas) since 1994.


105. Observer data are stored in an Excel file in a system based in Paris; fishing effort and biological information are also required. This information is linked by a trawl-number primary key.


106. Only data as provided to FAO are available.

107. It was agreed to solicit countries to provide copies of any annual summaries that departments produce. These should be reviewed as a possible basis for producing a summary report for the convention area.

108. Consideration was also to be given to the possibility of producing some form of meta-data sheet that would summarise data for all fisheries in the study area, to the extent that was possible. It was hoped that FAO would follow up on this possibility.

109. Operations of the Southwest Indian Ocean Programme began in the 1980s but the focus of interest then switched to tuna; this work was mainly in waters <200m; meagre results were obtained in waters >200m.

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