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3.5.2 Epidemiological data summary and analysis

Of the 33 outbreak reports collected from the published literature and from unpublished data received by FAO and WHO following the call for data, 23 contained sufficient information on the number of people exposed, the number of people that became ill, and the number of organisms in the implicated food to enable calculation of a dose-response relationship. Of the 23 outbreaks, 3 were excluded because the immune status of the persons exposed could not be determined. The remaining 20 outbreaks comprise the database used to calculate a dose-response relationship.

Of the 20 outbreaks in the database, 11 occurred in Japan and 9 occurred in North America. Several serotypes were associated with the outbreaks, including Enteritidis (12 outbreaks), Typhimurium (3), and in single outbreaks, Heidelberg, Cubana, Infantis, Newport and Oranienburg. Several vehicles were implicated, including food (meat, eggs, dairy products and others), water, and a medical dye capsule (carmine dye).

Reports provided by the Ministry of Health and Welfare of Japan (1999) represent a valuable source of information on the real-world dose-response relationship and expand our database of Salmonella pathogenicity considerably. The data in these reports are generated as part of the epidemiological investigations that take place in Japan following any outbreak of foodborne illness. In accordance with a Japanese notification released on March 1997, large-scale cooking facilities that prepare more than 750 meals per day or more than 300 dishes of a single menu at a time are advised to save food for future possible analysis in the event of an outbreak. The notification is also applicable to smaller-scale kitchens with social responsibility, such as those in schools, day care centres and other child-welfare and social-welfare facilities. Thus, 50-g portions of each raw food ingredient and each cooked dish are saved for more than 2 weeks at a temperature below -20ºC. Although this notification is not mandatory, the level of compliance is high, and some of the local governments in Japan also have local regulations that require food saving, but the duration and the storage temperature requirements vary.

The doses, attack rates, serovars and characteristics of the exposed populations derived from the outbreak reports described in the preceding section are summarized in Table 3.14 and Figure 3.10. The analysis of the epidemiological data was intended to serve three purposes:

[1] To determine if there is any epidemiological evidence for greater attack rates in susceptible vs normal populations.

[2] To determine if there is any epidemiological evidence for different attack rates for S. Enteritidis compared with other Salmonella serotypes.

[3] To compare the epidemiological data for dose and attack rate with the estimates generated by the dose-response models.

Table 3.14. Summary of outbreak data.

Case no.




Dose(2) Log CFU

Attack Rate(2)(%)



S. Typhimurium





Boring, Martin and Elliott, 1971

S. Typhimurium






S. Heidelberg

Cheddar cheese




Fontaine et al., 1980


S. Cubana

Carmine dye




Lang et al., 1967


S. Infantis





Angelotti et al., 1961


S. Typhimurium

Imitation ice cream




Armstrong et al.,1970


S. Newport





Fazil., 1996
Fontaine et al., 1978


S. Enteritidis

Hollandaise sauce




Levy et al., 1996;
USDA-FSIS., 1998


S. Enteritidis

Ice cream




Vought and Tatini, 1998;
Hennessy et al., 1996


S. Typhimurium

Ice cream




Taylor et al., 1984

S. Typhimurium

Ice cream





S. Enteritidis

Roasted beef




Ministry of Health and Welfare, Japan, 1999


S. Enteritidis

Grated yam with soup





S. Enteritidis

Beef and bean sprouts





S. Enteritidis

Scallop with egg yolk





S. Enteritidis






S. Enteritidis

Peanut sauce





S. Enteritidis

Chicken and egg





S. Enteritidis

Chicken and egg





S. Enteritidis

Cooked egg





S. Enteritidis






S. Enteritidis

Egg salad





S. Oranienburg

Grated yam with soup




NOTES: (1) Popn. = population exposed, where N = Normal population and S = Susceptible population. (2) Expected value based on defined uncertainty ranges and distributions.

Figure 3.10. Summary of epidemiological data. Legend numbers indicate outbreak number given in text.

The data in Table 3.14 and Figure 3.10 are coded according to the outbreak number assigned in this document. If additional information related to a specific data point is required, for example the assignment of two data points, the details of the outbreak can be referred to in the previous section. The related assumptions for inclusion, exclusion or multiple data points are certainly issues for discussion and debate, and therefore included in the summary of reported outbreaks.

The data shown in Figure 3.10 appear to reflect our theoretical assumptions regarding the increasing trend in attack rates as dose increases. In addition, although there is a degree of clustering in some of the data points, a dose-response relationship is visually evident.

As noted earlier, some data were excluded from this summary and further analysis. For example, outbreaks numbers 27, 28 and 29 were attributed to S. Enteritidis in a hospital setting, where the exposed population would be expected to be more susceptible. The characteristics of the individuals that were exposed to the food is highly uncertain, so it may in fact be the case that the condition for which they were hospitalized is such that their immunity was not compromised. However, even if they are assumed to have normal susceptibility, these outbreaks were still distinctly different from outbreaks with a similar dose level, if the reported exposures were accurate. Alternative explanations for these data sets are that the individuals served the meal did not actually consume the implicated food, or that concurrent antibiotic therapy prevented the ingested Salmonella from colonization and illness production.

Figure 3.11. Attack rates corresponding to dose for "Normal" and "Susceptible" populations in reported outbreaks.

Susceptible vs Normal Populations

The observed outbreak data were used to gain some insight into the potential differences that may exist between "susceptible" and "normal" populations. The database of quantitative outbreak information collected during the course of this work includes several outbreaks that could be associated with "susceptible" and "normal" populations. Unfortunately, limited data allowed a comparison to be made based only on age. Susceptibility in this analysis was therefore limited to outbreak data for individuals less than 5 years old being classified as "susceptible", with other outbreak data representing a "normal" population. This was the case for all but one of the "susceptible" data points (estimated 85% attack rate, approximately 4.5 log dose), that occurred in a hospital and was attributed to carmine dye capsules. The "susceptible" and "normal" outbreak data were compared on the basis of reported attack rate corresponding with reported dose. Given the potential range in the observed data (dose and attack rate could vary based on the nature of the epidemiological investigation), the comparison was intended to look for overall trends first, and then, if necessary, additional analysis could be done. A plot of dose against attack rate for the "susceptible" and "normal" populations is shown in Figure 3.11.

Similarly, at other dose intervals there are outbreaks attributed to "normal" populations with attack rates either very similar to or higher than outbreaks involving "susceptible" populations. Given the data that currently exists from outbreaks, there is insufficient evidence to conclude that "susceptible" individuals, as defined in this database, have a higher probability of illness compared with the "normal" population.

It should be noted that, within the database of outbreaks, there are two outbreaks in which a "susceptible" and "normal" population were identified in the same outbreak with differing attack rates. The "susceptible" definition in these cases was again based on an age criteria (<5 years old and >5 years old). In these two outbreaks, shown in Figure 3.12, the attack rate was clearly reported to be higher for the susceptible population compared with the normal population. Taken in isolation, it could be concluded from this information that there is clearly a higher probability of illness for the susceptible population compared with the normal population. However, if we look at the whole picture, we can see other outbreaks involving a "normal" population with higher attack rates at similar doses.

Given the outbreak data that are currently available, it is not possible to conclude that some segments of the population are more susceptible to becoming ill upon exposure to Salmonella than are other segments. Furthermore, it is impossible to derive a quantitative estimate of the increased probability of illness for some segments of the population compared with others. The dose-response relationship for the probability of illness for different segments of the population was therefore assumed to be the same.

The key distinction that needs to be made in this conclusion is that the probability of illness is assumed indistinguishable, given the current data and the susceptible populations defined in the database. It is important to recognize that even if the probability of becoming ill, defined in the dose-response assessment as any degree of gastroenteritis, the severity of the illness may be markedly different for certain segments of the population. To quantify the probabilities of different outcomes, information is needed in the form of quantitative patient follow-up and data on physician visits, hospitalizations, death or other chronic outcomes.

Figure 3.12. Attack rates for two outbreaks in which different populations in the same outbreak were identified.

S. Enteritidis vs other Salmonella serovars

In a similar manner to the comparisons made for susceptible and normal populations, the attack rates in outbreaks associated with S. Enteritidis were compared with outbreaks associated with other Salmonella serovars. This information is summarized in Figure 3.13.

The attack rates observed in outbreaks associated with other Salmonella serovars are indistinguishable from outbreaks associated with S. Enteritidis. At some dose ranges, the highest attack rate reported is for S. Enteritidis, while at others the highest attack rate is for other serovars. Based on this information, S. Enteritidis and other serovars were treated as equivalent for the purposes of the dose-response relationship. It is acknowledged, however, that less virulent strains may infrequently be the cause of foodborne outbreaks and hence would not be captured in this database.

In summary, it was concluded that for the purposes of the current assessment and based upon the existing observed evidence:

(1) a single dose-response relationship for the probability of illness would be used for all members of the population; and

(2) S. Enteritidis and other Salmonella serovars are assumed to have a similar probability of initiating illness at the same dose.

Figure 3.13. Attack rates corresponding to dose for S. Enteritidis and other Salmonella in reported outbreaks.

Comparison of outbreak data with existing Salmonella dose-response models

Three dose-response models for Salmonella exist in the literature. The first (Fazil, 1996) is the beta-Poisson model (Haas, 1983) fitted to the human feeding trial data for Salmonella infection (McCullough & Eisele, 1951a, c, d). The second model was proposed in the US SE RA (USDA-FSIS, 1998) and was based on the use of a surrogate pathogen to describe the dose-response relationship. This model assumed a shift in the dose-response model for "susceptible" and "normal" populations. The third model was introduced in a Salmonella Enteritidis risk assessment done by Health Canada (Health Canada, 2000, but unpublished), which was based on a Weibull dose-response relationship that was updated to reflect selected outbreak information using Bayesian techniques. Similar to the US SE RA model, this one also assumed a higher probability of illness for susceptible populations. The models and their comparison with the outbreak data are shown in Figures 3.14 to 3.16, and discussed in the following sections.

Naive human feeding trial data (beta-Poisson model)

The model suffers from the nature of the feeding trial data (i.e. the subjects used were healthy male volunteers) and may not reflect the population at large. The model also tends to greatly underestimate the probability of illness as observed in the outbreak data (Figure 3.14), even under the extremely conservative assumption that infection, as measured in the dose-response curve, equates to illness.

Figure 3.14. Beta-Poisson dose-response model fitted to naive human feeding trial data compared with reported outbreak data.

Figure 3.15. US SE RA dose-response model compared with reported outbreak data.

Figure 3.16. Health Canada Salmonella Enteritidis dose-response model compared with reported outbreak data.

US SE RA (beta-Poisson model)

The model uses human feeding trial data for Shigella dysenteriae as a surrogate pathogen, with illness as the measured endpoint in the data. The appropriateness of using Shigella as a surrogate for Salmonella is questionable given the nature of the organisms in relation to infectivity and disease. Compared with the outbreak data (Figure 3.15), and on a purely empirical basis, this curve tends to capture the upper range of the data, but overestimates the probability of illness that is observed in the outbreak data.

Health Canada Salmonella Enteritidis (Weibull-Gamma model)

To date, this model has not been fully documented and lacks transparency. The model uses data from many different bacterial-pathogen-feeding trials and combines this information with key Salmonella outbreak data using Bayesian techniques. Using data from many bacterial-feeding trials and the current lack of transparency regarding their influence is a point of caution. Empirically, the curve describes the outbreak data (Figure 3.16) at the low dose well but tends towards the lower range of response at higher doses.

Dose-response model based on outbreak data

The availability of a reasonably large data set representing real-world observations for the probability of illness upon exposure to Salmonella (outbreak data) allowed a unique opportunity to attempt to develop a dose-response relationship based upon this data. The beta-Poisson model (Equation 1) was used as the mathematical form for the relationship, and this was fitted to the outbreak data.

Equation 3.1

The maximum likelihood technique was used as the basis for generating the best fitting curve to the data. The fit was optimized using an iterative technique that minimized the deviance statistic, based upon a binomial assumption (Haas, 1983).

The outbreak data have merits as real-world observations of the probability of illness upon exposure to a dose, but there are also some drawbacks in the data. Specifically, it should be recognized that there is a degree of uncertainty in the outbreak data, primarily due to the uncontrolled settings under which the information and data were collected. In some cases, the actual dose ingested can be uncertain, while in other cases the true number of people exposed or ill during the outbreak can be under- or over-estimated.

The uncertainty in the outbreak data set was incorporated into the fitting routine by reviewing the outbreak information and assigning an uncertainty distribution on observed variables that were potentially uncertain. A detailed summary of the assumptions associated with each outbreak and the estimation for the range of uncertainty for each of the variables were described in Section 3.2.2. A summary of the data set, with uncertainty for the variables, is given in Table 3.15.

Table 3.15. Uncertainty ranges assigned to variables in reported outbreak data

Case no.


Log Dose (Uncertainty)

Response [Attack Rate] (Uncertainty)






S. Typhimurum






S. Heidelberg






S. Cubana






S. Infantis






S. Typhimurium






S. Newport






S. Enteritidis






S. Enteritidis






S. Typhimurium






S. Enteritidis






S. Enteritidis






S. Enteritidis






S. Enteritidis






S. Enteritidis






S. Enteritidis






S. Enteritidis






S. Enteritidis






S. Enteritidis






S. Enteritidis






S. Oranienburg





Figure 3.17. Dose-response curves generated by fitting to samples from uncertain outbreak observations.

In order to fit the dose-response model to the uncertain outbreak data, the data were re-sampled based on the uncertainty distributions, generating a new data set at each sample. The dose-response model was then fitted to each of the re-sampled data sets. This procedure was repeated approximately 5000 times, generating 5000 dose-response data sets, to which 5000 dose-response curves were fitted. The fitting procedure used (Haas, 1983) places a greater emphasis on fitting the curve through the larger-scale outbreaks compared with the smaller outbreaks. This is primarily a result of the binomial assumption and the greater variance associated with data from a small observation compared with a large one. Figure 3.17 shows an example of the dose-response curves that are generated by fitting to the uncertain data. The observed outbreak data were found to be over-dispersed compared with what would be expected from the binomial assumption inherent in the deviance statistic that is minimized during fitting. As a result, it was not possible to get a statistically significant single "best fitting" curve to the expected value of all the outbreak data points. However, the characterization of the observed outbreak data by the fitted dose-response model was better than that of the other dose-response models described previously. It is important to note that the range of possible responses at any one given dose shown in Figure 3.17 do not represent the statistical confidence bounds of the dose-response fit, but rather the best fit of the beta-Poisson model to different realizations of the observed data, given its uncertainties.

Figure 3.18 shows the comparison between the fitted curves and the expected value for the observed data. The upper bound, lower bound, expected value, 97.5th percentile and 2.5th percentile for the dose-response curves fitted to the 5000 data sets are also shown. The fitted dose-response range captures the observed outbreak data quite well, especially at the lower- and mid-dose range. The greater range at the high doses is due to the existence of several large-scale outbreaks at the lower- and mid-dose levels through which the curves attempt to pass, while the two high-dose data points are for relatively small-scale outbreaks that allow greater "elasticity" in the fit.

Figure 3.18. Uncertainty bounds for dose-response curves, compared with expected value for the outbreak data.

Since the fitting procedure generated a dose-response curve for each of the 5000 data sets, there are also 5000 sets of beta-Poisson dose-response parameters (alpha & beta). In order to apply the dose-response relationship in a risk assessment, the ideal approach would be to randomly sample from the set of parameters that are generated, thereby recreating the dose-response curves shown in Figures 3.17 and 3.18. As an alternative, it is also possible to use the upper, lower, expected value, 2.5th percentile or 97.5th percentile to represent the uncertainty ranges in the dose-response relationship, as opposed to a full characterization resulting from the sampling of the parameter sets. The parameters that generate dose-response curves that approximate the bounds shown in Figure 3.18 of the dose-response relationship are summarized in Table 3.16.

Table 3.16. Beta-Poisson dose-response parameters that generate the approximate bounds shown in Figure 3.18.



Expected Value



Lower Bound



2.5th Percentile



97.5th Percentile



Upper Bound



Figure 3.19 summarizes all the dose-response models described so far, as well as the outbreak data. It also highlights the expected result of a better characterization of the outbreak data using the current model compared with the alternatives.

Figure 3.19. Comparison of all dose-response models with reported outbreak data.

In dose-response analysis, the critical region is the lower-dose region. These are the doses that are most likely to exist in the real world and this is also the region for which experimental data are mostly non-existent. The outbreak data extend to a much lower dose than is common in experimental feeding trials, and as such may offer a greater degree of confidence in the lower dose approximations generated by the outbreak dose-response model. Table 3.17 and Figures 3.20 and 3.21 summarize the low-dose estimates for the various dose-response models.

Table 3.17. Probability of illness, estimated by alternative dose-response models at selected low-mean-dose values.

Mean Log Dose {Mean Dose}

0 {1 cell}

1 {10 cells}

2 {100 cells}

3 {1000 cells}

Outbreak (Mid)





Naive BP (feeding trial)





US SE RA (Susc.)





US SE RA (Norm.)





HC SE RA (Susc.)





HC SE RA (Norm.)





Figure 3.20. Comparison of alternative dose-response models in the 0 to 2.0 mean log dose interval

Figure 3.21. Comparison of alternative dose-response models in the -1.0 to 1.0 mean log dose interval.

There is a wide range of estimates generated by the dose-response models. At a dose of 1000 cells, the US SE RA model for the normal population estimates a 65% probability of illness, and an 81% probability for the susceptible population. The Health Canada S. Enteritidis model estimates a 31% probability for susceptible populations and 19% for normal populations, while the outbreak model estimates a probability of 33%. At a dose of 100 cells, the US SE RA model continues to be the most conservative, with estimates ranging from 37% to 64%, while the outbreak model estimates a probability of 13%, lying within the range (10-17%) estimated by the Health Canada S. Enteritidis model. Perhaps the most telling feature of low-dose estimates is the probability of illness estimated by the models upon ingestion of 1 cell. The US SE RA and Health Canada S. Enteritidis models for susceptible populations estimate 9% and 5% probabilities respectively. In the case of the normal population, the Health Canada S. Enteritidis model estimates a higher probability (2.7%) than the USDA model (1.1%). The outbreak model estimates the probability at 0.24%, approximately an order of magnitude lower than the Health Canada model for normal populations.

In conclusion, the dose-response model based upon the observed outbreak data provides an estimate for the probability of illness that is based on real-world data. Given the assumptions associated with some of the other models - surrogate pathogens; infection response with healthy male volunteers; and lack of transparency with non-linear low-dose extrapolation - the outbreak model offers the best current alternative for estimating the probability of illness upon ingestion of a dose of Salmonella.

3.6 Discussion and conclusions

It has been postulated that some strains of S. Enteritidis, particularly the phage types isolated from the increased number of egg-related outbreaks seen in recent years, may be more virulent than other serovars of Salmonella. From the outbreak data used to examine the dose-response relationship, there was no evidence that the likelihood of S. Enteritidis producing illness differed from other serovars. In total, 12 sets of data were evaluated for S. Enteritidis, against 8 sets of data for other serovars. However, increased severity of illness once infected was not evaluated.

It was concluded that there is insufficient evidence in the current outbreak database to conclude that some segments of the population have a higher probability of illness compared with others. There was some indication in two instances, in which two populations potentially exposed to Salmonella in the same outbreak exhibited different attack rates. There is therefore a possibility that the probability of illness upon exposure may be different for some members of the population compared with others. However, in the absence of additional information, the probability of illness could be assumed the same for all members of the population, although the severity of the illness could be potentially different.

This document did not consider a quantitative evaluation of secondary transmission (person-to-person) or chronic outcomes. In addition, the impact of the food matrix was not incorporated into the assessment. These may be considerations for future document development.

The dose-response model fitted to the outbreak data offers a reasonable estimate for the probability of illness upon ingestion of a dose of Salmonella. The model is based on observed real-world data, and as such is not subject to some of the flaws inherent in using purely experimental data. Nevertheless, the current outbreak data also have uncertainties associated with them and some of the outbreak data points required assumptions to be made. Overall, the dose-response model generated in the current exercise can be used for risk assessment purposes, and generates estimates that are consistent with those that have been observed in outbreaks.

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