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Science and technology development constitute the engine that drives agriculture-led national growth and progress. Scientific discoveries and technological innovations proceed apace. Such innovation must be matched by genuine policy innovations and strategies - nationally and internationally - to meet development goals: food security, nutritional adequacy, poverty alleviation, and environmental sustainability. "Foresight studies" have been undertaken by many countries; they must be intensified to link science and technology policy more coherently to socio-economic and environmental needs.

Not every country needs to develop cutting-edge technologies. But every country does need a minimal national capacity to possess, procure, assess, and use judiciously such scientific knowledge and technology as is consistent with its people's needs and aspirations. Sustained and coordinated support to, and adequate investment in, agricultural science, research, and development by public and private sectors, international donors, and technical-support organizations are crucial if governments are to create the knowledge and technology base wherewith to achieve and maintain comprehensive food security and poverty alleviation. Correspondingly, if the power and potential of science and technology are to be realized, complementary support and investment (from those fore-listed sources) shall be needed to strengthen skills and human resources, infrastructures and services, and policies and regulatory systems. Recognizing that "technology can be not only a reward for successful development, but also a critical tool for achieving it", the partnership between technology and development must be nurtured, strengthened and kept dynamic.

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