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A fisheries sector profile may be considered an extended “frame survey”, where it has been attempted to describe all elements of the fisheries sector of an administrative division (a province) or the entire country, depending on the size of country.

A fisheries sector profile contains:

The additional data can often be found in other databases. They are not data collected by the programme described in this manual, but a recompilation of existing data.

The fisheries sector profiles are used by several groups of fisheries workers:

Below follows a tentative checklist of additional data, which may or may not be included in the fisheries sector profiles, dependent on the local situation. The list may be supplemented and/or be reduced, to meet local needs.

Map of province and provincial watersPart of map covering landCapital and major cities
Districts, with major city
Major rivers
All major ports
All major landing places
Larger fishing villages
Major roads
Location of major fish processing industries
Location of other major industries of relevance to fishing sector
Part of map covering seaBorders of provincial waters
Depth contours, bottom types
Fishing grounds
Abundance of fish species of major commercial interest.
Fisheries regulation boxes (e.g. areas closed for all fishing, trawling etc.)
Key figures of province (state or country):PopulationTotal population
Population by district (Table)
Population of fishers and families by district (Table)
Population of fisheries support personnel by district (Table)
Sociological parametersDemographic data (age distribution, family size,…)
Ethnic groups
Women's position in society
Sanitary, housing and health situation
Fishers standard of living in general
Income per capita
Fishers alternative occupations
GeographyArea of provincial waters
List of coastal districts (Table)
Length of coastline, total and by district (Table)
Road system
Main industriesList of main industries in province (summary employment and value of production)
Political systemStructure of local governments, councils, committees, decision makers in general
Relationship between local and central administration.
Sources of income to local administration
Local legislation contra central legislation
Representation of central administration
Administrative structureProvince/government institutions
Departments, authorities etc.
Local fisheries administrationStructure of fisheries administrationStructure of provincial fisheries administration
Structure of district fisheries administration
Collaboration with central directorate of fisheries
RegistrationRegistration of vessels at central, province and district level.
Registration of fishers at central, province and district level.
Local data collectionLocal fisheries data collection (coverage, data sources, etc)
Collection of landings statistics
Collection of effort statistics
Tax, fee, duties and subsidies to fisheriesTaxation in general and for fisheries sector in particular
Fees/duties related to fisheries
Fisheries licence system
SafetyInspection of fishing vessels for safety reasons
Fisheries managementManagement of fisheries
Fisheries regulation
Enforcement of fisheries regulation
Compliance with fisheries regulation
DevelopmentDevelopment of fisheries (local initiatives and central initiatives)
Decommission of fishing vessels and other fisheries investments
 Education/training of fishers
Fisheries extension service (subsidies/support given to fisheries)
Inspection of sea productsQuality control of landings
 Post harvest regulation
 Inspection of processing plants
Weather forecastsMeteorological information service
LiteratureList of literature on fisheries sector of province
Other regulation, control or inspectionCoast guard/Harbour policeAuthority and responsibility
Legal power of authority
Equipment (vessels etc.)
Stations and sub-stations
Number of inspectors
Collaboration with directorate of fisheries (local and central)
Harvesting sectorOverall structureList of fleets and number of units in each fleet
Artisanal FleetsSpecify for each major artisanal and industrial fleet and other fishing devices:
Industrial fleets
Other fishing devices (fixed gears etc.)
Fleet structure (number of vessels by fleet)
 Type of construction (material of hull)
Gear(s). (primary gear and secondary gear(s))
Average dimension of vessels (length, depth, width)
Average engine power (HP)
Average crew size
Hold capacity
Means of preservation of catch
Navigation equipment
Fish finding equipment
Communication equipment
Fishing techniques (light attraction, bait, FAD etc.)
Group fishing (e.g. pair trawling)
Processing of catch onboard (e.g. drying, cooking)
Description of fishing trips
Description of catching techniques
Description of landing procedure
Description of sale of landings
Description of discarding
Target species (groups) and bycatch species (groups)
Sharing of profit
Average income of fishers
Seasonality of fishing
Fishing grounds by season (migration of vessels)
Base port(s) by season
Investments in an average vessel of fleet
Credit schemes (for investments in fleet)
Routinely maintained records (notebooks, logbooks, sale-slips, accounting, etc.)
Fishers organisationsOrganisationNumber of members (percent of total)
Legal status
Activities of organisation
Power relative to government and industry
Fee for membership
Landing placesLanding placeName of landing places
Landings by fleet and commercial group
Roads to landing places (Table)
Facilities on landing place
Population in landings place
Fish markets
Transport system
Storage of sea products
Relative importance of fishery
Distribution of sea products on domestic market
Mari cultureSummary descriptionLocation and type of mariculture
ProductsList of species and processing (if any)
Annual productionAnnual production in value and weight and as percentage of compatible capture production
Inland fisheriesSummary descriptionMain species and production
Processing sectorProcessing plantProduction (quantity and quality)
Relationship to harvesting sector
Relationship to merchants
Fisheries support industry sectorShip yardsType of ship yard
Annual production of fishing vessels(number of vessels and tonnage)
Repair shopsAnnual production and employment
Ice plantsAnnual production and employment
Gear manufacturingAnnual production and employment
Merchants structureMerchant or group of merchantsRelationship to fishers
Hierarchy of merchants
Merchant's ownership of vessels
Type of sea products purchased
Relationship to processing sector
Involvement in export and/or sale on domestic market
Loans to fishers
Fishing companiesFishing companyName and location of fishing company
Number and types of vessels
Employment (land and sea based)
Annual production in weight and value
Relationship to processing sector
Co-operativesCo-operativeType of co-operative
Number of vessels
Number of fishers
Members contribution (fee, investment, share of profit)
Annual production in value and weight
Joint venturesJoint ventureType of joint venture
Number of vessels
Number of fishers
Contribution (fee, investment, share of profit)
Annual production in value and weight
Local History of fisheryTime series of number of vessels.
Time series of production, effort and CPUE
Historical assessments of fisheries sector and resources
Other historical statistic of fisheries
Future of local fisheryDevelopment plans
Literature on provincial fisheries sector not included elsewhere


The “FDDB” (Fisheries Demonstration DataBase) was constructed as a tool for teaching the theory and practice of fisheries databases. It was used by the author in the implementation of a fisheries database for Viet Nam's commercial marine capture fishery, the “VIETFISHBase”. FDDB is a simplified and reduced version of VIETFISHBase. However, FDDB contains all the essential features of the commercial fishery part of the database, except for spatial information, such as landing places and fishing grounds by statistical rectangles and divisions of rectangles. Nor does FDDB contain information about landing places or gears. Only “provinces” and “fleets” are considered.

This Section is presented as an example and it aims only at introducing the basic principles of fisheries databases to those who have not got experience in fisheries databases. By working through the example, you should be in better position to understand a full-scale fisheries database, which is a complex system.

FDDB is implemented in ACCESS (the database module of Microsoft Office, see Section 6.2). The database application contained a full set of data and the forms of FDDB. The FDDB was created exclusively using “wizards”. Wizards are utilities for easy generation of simple applications.

6.10.1 Tables of FDDB

FDDB comprises 10 Tables, of which 5 are look-up tables (see Figure 6.10.1). The names assigned to tables and fields of tables (columns) are assumed to be self-explanatory (It is recommended always to use more or less self-explanatory names of fields and tables).

The look-up tables all start their name with “L_”. Except for the vessel register, the only purpose of the look-up tables is to translate a code into a name in the English language. The vessel register contains another type of information, namely the definition of fleets, as it assigns each vessel to a fleet.

The field “"LgtUnit” indicates the length measurement unit, such as “MM” or “CM”, and could also have had a look-up table associated with it. However, as this is a small static list of values, it will appear as a “List-box”, which is fixed and cannot be changed easily.

All field names starting with “ID_” are keys. Whenever they appear as the first field in a table, they are unique keys for that table. All the relations are “one-to-many-relations”, between the key-fields. The other fields are “data”, such as landings and effort. Tables 6.10.2–6 present a complete example of the tables with data.

Note the hierarchy of data tables

1st Level in hierarchy: Table: “Interview”, key “ID_Interview”

2nd Level in hierarchy: Table: “Commer_Gr_Weigth”, key: “ID_CommGr_Wgt”

3rd Level in hierarchy: Table: “Species_Composition”, key: “ID_Spec_Comp”

4th Level in hierarchy: Table: “LgtFrq”, key: “ID_LgtFrq.”

Each relationship is “one-to-many” downwards in the hierarchy. The links are from the first (unique) key in the higher level to the second field in the lower hierarchical level.

Figure 6.10.1

Figure 6.10.1 Tables and relations of FDDB.

6.10.2 Forms of FDDB

Figure 6.10.2Figure 6.10.2 shows the main menu of the FDDB. There are two options for entry of data, namely “Interview data” and “Frame survey data”. Then there is one option for reports, which in turn leads to a new menu with many options. The FDDB menu for reports contains only the administrative reports, as the exercise behind the present annex is to create the reports, using the SQL language. “About FDDB” is a short description of the software.
Figure 6.10.3 shows a list of the controls of the FDDB forms, that is “buttons” you can “click” on with the mouse, to instruct the FDDB. These controls are the standard Windows controls. It is tacitly assumed that the reader is already (more or less) familiar with these controls from other software packages.
Figure 6.10.2 The main menu of FDDB 

Figure 6.10.3Close form. Go back to the foregoing form.
Figure 6.10.3Delete record (row in a table).
Figure 6.10.3Display/print table (report control, see Fig. 6.10.7)
Figure 6.10.3Change from interview form to length frequency form
Figure 6.10.3Show Look-Up table. Select item from the list, to enter in a field of a row.
Figure 6.10.3Scroll bar. Navigate between rows in a table. Navigate on the screen.
Figure 6.10.3Go to next record
Figure 6.10.3Go to last record
Figure 6.10.3Add new record
Figure 6.10.3 Record selector
Figure 6.10.3Record (row) pointer
Pointer to new record (row)

Figure 6.10.3 Controls of the forms.

Figure 6.10.4 shows the form for entry of interview data, which actually contains three forms, “INTERVIEW”, “WEIGHT OF COMMERCIAL GROUP” and “SPECIES COMPOSITION” organised in a hierarchy, as illustrated in Figure 6.10.5. “Hierarchy” means here that you cannot fill in a form before all forms “higher up in the hierarchy” have been filled in. The “SPECIES COMPOSITION” form contains a control “LgtFrq” (Length Frequency). By clicking on “LgtFrq” you enter the “LENGTH FREQUENCY” form, which is the form on the fourth level in the hierarchy. Thus, the interview forms contain the structured hierarchically:

1st level in Hierarchy: “INTERVIEW”

2nd level in Hierarchy: “WEIGHT OF COMMERCIAL GROUP”

3rd level in Hierarchy: “SPECIES COMPOSITION”

4th level in Hierarchy: “LENGTH FREQUENCY”

Level 1 always has to be filled in to create a record in the database, but then you may fill in from zero to any number of level 2 forms. For each level 2 you may fill in from zero to any number of “species composition forms”, and for each of them any number of “length frequency forms”. Each form corresponds to one record. The length frequency form (Figure 6.10.6) is actually a list of forms, as each line corresponds to a record.

Figure 6.10.4

Figure 6.10.4 Interview form

Figure 6.10.5

Figure 6.10.5 The hierarchical structure of interview sub-forms

Figure 6.10.6

Figure 6.10.6 Length frequency form.

Figure 6.10.7

Figure 6.10.7 Frame survey form

The effect of the “report” control is shown in Figure 6.10.7, which shows the complete set of input data to the frame survey. The table also shows the subtotal and the estimated total number of boat days per month (= (number of boats) * (Fishing days/month)).

The forms show the key (in the actual implementation of FDDB as red characters on blue background, whereas other characters are in black and white). Normally, keys are used for the internal bookkeeping of the database, and are of no immediate interest to the user. Keys, which are (arbitrary) numbers, will normally not be shown on the forms. When they are shown on the screen forms of FDDB, it is to demonstrate the structure of the database. Keys, which are also codes, (for example the vessel code) can be of interest to the user, and they will usually be shown on the screen.

The frame survey is executed in parallel to the interviews (see Table 6.10.1), thus it is not a part of the hierarchy of landings data. As appears from Tables 6.10.1 and 6.10.2, there are five provinces and three fleets. This generates 5*3 = 15 combinations, which is the number of records (rows) in the frame survey table (see Table 6.10.2). In this simplified example, there is only one frame survey. In a realistic case, the frame survey would be repeated regularly, if infrequently. With 15 records, the present frame survey represents a complete enumeration. The interview samples, however, are sampled only from three of the five provinces, as can be seen from Table 6.10.3.

Table 6.10.1 Frame survey report showing the input data

ID_ProvinceFleetNumber of boatsFishing days/monthTotal fishing days
 Total Province245 6150
 Total Province102 2108
 Total Province285 5470
 Total Province124 2282
 Total Province169 4484

Table 6.10.2 Example of tables with data of FDDB

Look-Up: Fleet-Names

ID_FleetFleet Name
BBBFleet 1
CCCFleet 2
AAAFleet 3

Look-Up: Species Names

ID_SpeciesName of species
FISHA fishy fish
FISHAAnother fishy fish

Look-Up: Commercial groups

ID_CommGroupComm Gr Name
CG_X_A_01Comm. Gr. 1
CG_X_A_02Comm. Gr. 2
CG_X_A_03Comm. Gr. 3
CG_X_B_01Comm. Gr. 4
CG_X_B_02Comm. Gr. 5
CG_X_C_01Comm. Gr. 6
CG_X_C_02Comm. Gr. 7
CG_Y_A_01Comm. Gr. 8
CG_Y_A_02Comm. Gr. 9
CG_Y_A_03Comm. Gr. 10
CG_Y_B_01Comm. Gr. 11
CG_Y_B_02Comm. Gr. 12
CG_Y_C_01Comm. Gr. 13
CG_Y_C_02Comm. Gr. 14
CG_Z_A_01Comm. Gr. 15
CG_Z_A_02Comm. Gr. 16
CG_Z_A_03Comm. Gr. 17
CG_Z_B_01Comm. Gr. 18
CG_Z_B_02Comm. Gr. 19
CG_Z_C_01Comm. Gr. 20
CG_Z_C_02Comm. Gr. 21

(Note: Commercial groups are fleet and province specific)

Look-Up: Province Names

ID_ProvinceProvince Name
XXXProvince 1
YYYProvince 2
ZZZProvince 3
QQQProvince 4
RRRProvince 5

(There are 5 provinces in the country)


(First letter indicates province)


ProvinceFleetNumber of boatsActivity LevelInterview samples
QQQBBB10025 No interviews sampled

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