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Catch of species other than the intended target species in a fishing operation. By-catch can either be discarded or landed


Fish caught by fishing operations. Catch can be partitioned into categories, such as target or incidental, landed or discarded, discarded dead or released alive, etc.

Control rule

A way of expressing actions to be taken under a management strategy, depending on the status of the stock


The portion of the catch that is not retained aboard vessels. Discards can be live or dead

FAD (fish-aggregating device)

An artificial or natural object placed on the surface to attract one or more species, thus increasing their catchability

Fishery controls

Tactics used by managers to regulate fishing activities. Controls can be catch or effort limits, closed areas or seasons, etc.

Incidental species

Species which are caught by fishing activities directed at other species


The part of the catch that is retained and landed

Limit reference point

A reference point intended as a conservation boundary. According to the UN Fish Stocks Agreement, limit reference points should be used to constrain harvesting at levels within which the stocks can produce maximum sustainable yields

Management strategy

The entire set of actions designed to achieve the goals of management. Broadly, a strategy includes every aspect addressed in this report, plus socio-economic and enforcement issues


A term used when the abundance of the stock is "too low," meaning below the limit biomass reference point


A term used when the fishing mortality being exerted on the stock is "too high," meaning above the limit fishing mortality reference point

Reference point

A benchmark against which an estimate about the stock can be measured in order to determine its status and guide fisheries management


(1) The portion of the catch that is discarded alive at sea or (2) in tagging studies, the fish that are tagged and released at sea


regional fisheries body


The probability of something bad, such as exceeding the limit reference point as a result of taking a given level of catch from the stock, happening


A determination made, on the basis of stock assessment results, about the condition of the stock and of the fishery. Status determinations are often made with respect to reference points. See Overfished and Overfishing

Target reference point

A reference point intended to meet management objectives (such as maximization and stability of the catch and socio-economic considerations)

Target species

The primary species for which the fishing activities are conducted


The incompleteness of knowledge about the state or processes of nature

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