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1. (Grassland Pasture and Range) - Grassland pasture and range consists of all open land used primarily for pasture and grazing. It includes shrub and brush land types of pasture and grazing land such as sagebrush and scattered mesquite; all tame and native grasses; legumes; and other forage used for pasture or grazing. No single agency, other than ERS, accounts for all public and private land used for pasture and range. The estimates in this report are composites of data from the Census of Agriculture, Bureau of Land Management, U.S. Forest Service, Natural Resource Conservation Service and several other Federal agencies.

2. (UNEP) - Land covered with herbaceous plants with less than 10% tree and shrub cover.

3. A dry terrestrial habitat predominated by grasses, legumes, and flowers. Grasslands have few-if any-trees. In a grassland, the rainfall is not enough to enable tree growth but is sufficient to prevent the formation of a desert.

4. A grassy, windy, partly-dry biome, a sea of grass. Almost one-fourth of the Earth's land area is grassland. In many areas, grasslands separate forests from deserts. Deep-rooted grasses dominate the flora in a grassland; there are very few trees and shrubs in a grassland, less than one tree per acre. There are many different words for grassland environments around the world, including savannas, pampas, campos, plains, steppes, prairies and veldts.

5. An administrative unit of the U.S. Forest Service (more frequently "National Grassland").

6. An area composed of uncultured plants which have little or no woody tissue.

7. An area covered with grass and grass-like vegetation. See also: steppe, prairie, pampas, meadow, veld, campos, savanna.

8. Biome found in regions where moderate annual average precipitation (25 to 76 centimeters, or 10 to 30 inches) is enough to support the growth of grass and small plants, but not enough to support large stands of trees.

9. Comunidad de gramíneas que se establece naturalmente por efecto del clima, tipo de suelo y biota en general./Community of naturally occurring grasses, established as a result of climate, soil type and biota in general (CONABIO, 2000).

10. Comunidades vegetales en que el papel preponderante corresponde a las gramineas. Son comunes en las regiones semiáridas y en zonas planas./Vegetation community in which the main role corresponds to the grasses found therein. Commonly found in subhumid to semi arid climate in areas with relatively little topographic relief (Rzedowski 33, 1988:215-216; CEC 34, 1997:26).

11. In their natural state, Grasslands are those landscapes that were largely dominated by xeric types of flora and fauna, light to dark brown chernozemic soils, and dry warm summers (generally occurring in relatively flat to gently rolling areas). Today, grasslands would more commonly be called farmlands and ranch lands, and be characterized by farming and ranching practices. /En su estado natural, los pastizales son aquellos paisajes que fueron dominados por tipos xericos de fauna y flora, con suelos chernozem color café claro y veranos cálidos y secos (generalmente presentes en areas desde relativamente planas hasta lomeríos someros). Actualmente, los pastizales serían llamados areas de cultivo y se caracterizarían por actividades agrícolas y ganaderas (Ed Wiken, Wildlife Habitat Canada).

12. Includes areas covered by grasslands and herbaceous plants. May contain up to one third shrubs and/or tree cover. Areas may be small to extensive and range from regular to irregular in shape. These areas are often found between agricultural land and more heavily wooded areas, along right-of-ways and drains. Some areas may be used as pastures and be mowed or grazed, and may range in appearance from very smooth to quite mottled. Included are fields which show evidence of past tillage but now appear to be abandoned and grown to native vegetation or planted to a cover crop.

13. Includes land s covered by natural and managed herbaceous cover. Historically, grassland has been defined as land where the potential natural vegetation is predominantly grasses, grasslike plants, and forbs, and where natural herbivory was an important influence in its pre-civilization state. Anderson et al. (1976) state 'Some grasslands have been or may be seeded to introduce or domesticate plant species. The Grassland (Herbaceous) category contains both managed and unmanaged or natural herbaceous cover.' The C-CAP category includes lands with herbaceous cover at time of observation regardless of origin or potential. Pastures, hayfields, and natural rangelands are included. Also included are lawns and other managed grassy areas such as parks, cemeteries, golf courses, road rights-of-way, and other herbaceous-covered, landscaped areas. (Dobson, et al., 1995). Large estate lawns and smaller lawns are interspersed as Grasslands throughout Low Intensity Developed Lands in the Long Island C-CAP data set.

14. It is simply a plant community, in which the structural dominants are grasses.

15. Land covered with grasses and other herbaceous species. Woody plants may be present, but if so, they do not cover more than 10% of the ground. There are many different types of grassland designated by ecozone, topography, climate, soil conditions, and so on. Derived grassland is maintained in that condition by regular burning; edaphic grassland arises on particular soil types, for example, those found in or around permanent or seasonal swamps. See also rangeland, veld

16. Land on which the vegetation is dominated by grasses. (cf.) Pastureland (1.2.2.), Rangeland (1.2.4.). Comment: `Grassland' is defined as an ecological land type and is not considered to be synonymous with rangeland or pastureland although it is often used this way in the literature. Neither rangeland nor pastureland has to be dominated by grasses although they can be. Meadow, prairie, savanna, and steppe are different kinds of grasslands.

17. Land reserved for pasturage or mowing. Land in which grasses are the predominant vegetation.

18. Plant communities whose potential natural and dominant vegetation is grasses or grasslike plants.

19. Region in which the climate is dry for long periods of the summer, and freezes in the winter. Grasslands are characterized by grasses and other erect herbs, usually without trees or shrubs. Grasslands occur in the dry temperate interiors of continents.

20. Relatively low relief landscapes with upland vegetation dominated by perennial grasses as a result of natural drought, grazing and/or fire regimes. Commonly found in regions with subhumid to semi arid climate within temperate and sub-tropical zones./ Paisajes con relieve relativamete bajo y con vegetación dominada por pastos perennes, como resultado de sequías anturale, pastoreo, y/o regímenes de fuego Son communes dentro de las zonas templadas y subtropicales en regiones con clima subhumedo a semiárido (Darcy Henderson,University of Alberta, pers. comm.).

21. Vegetation where the tallest vegetation is grasses.

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