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Anonymous, 1997. The Sea Fishing Industry. BMCE Information Review, March 1997.

Augier, P., & Gasiorek, M. 2000. Trade liberalisation between the southern Mediterranean and the EU: The sectoral impact. Paper prepared by Patricia Augier (CEFII, IDM) and Michael Gasiorek (University of Sussex, GREQAM) for the 1st FEMISE network conference, 17-18 February 2000, Marseilles, France.

Chaherli, N.M., & IFPRI. 1999. Med agriculture in transition: structural change and the impact of the Association Agreements. Note prepared for 1st FEMISE Workshop. Cairo, Egypt, 5 February 1999.

Chambre Algérienne de Commerce et Industrie. 1999. Dossier: Secteur des Pêche in Mutations. Revue de la Chambre Algérienne de Commerce et Industrie, No. 27 (Mars 1999).

EU Directorate General for External Relations Website, 2001. The Euro-Mediterranean Partnership (Barcelona Process), Overview,

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FAO. 1999a. Implications of the Uruguay round for trade in fisheries products, with some information on recent developments in fish trade between North Africa and the European Union. Report prepared by A. Lem (FAO Fisheries Department) for the Expert consultation on the preparation for the next trade negotiations on agriculture. Rabat, Morocco, December 1999.

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FAO. 2001b. Le Commerce Mondial et d’Afrique des Produits de la Pêche. Prepared by Ababouch Lahsen, Chef de Service FIIU, FAO, Rome, for Atelier Régional sur la Qualité des Produits de la Pêche. Rabat, Maroc, 7-9 Mai 2001.

FAO/GLOBEFISH. 2000. Regional Trade Agreements in the context of WTO. Prepared by L. Helland. FAO, Rome.

FAO/RNE. 2001. Arab fish trade: Constraints and development potentials. Prepared by A. Barrania and M.S. Abdullah. Cairo, May 2001.

Hadhri, M. 2000. La grande zone arabe de libre échange et le perspectives d’integrations Sud-Sud en Méditerranée. Centre d’Études Méditerranéennes et Internationales, Cetima, Tunisia.

Handoussa, H., & Reiffers, J.-L. 2000. The Euro-Mediterranean Partnership in the year 2000. Second FEMISE Report on the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership. Prepared by Heba Handoussa (Economic Research Forum), and Jean-Louis Reiffers (Institut de la Méditerranée), as FEMISE Coordinators.

Handoussa, H., & Reiffers, J.-L. 2001. On the Evolution of the Structure of Trade and Investment Between the European Union and its Mediterranean Partners. Prepared by Heba Handoussa (Economic Research Forum), and Jean-Louis Reiffers (Institut de la Méditerranée), as FEMISE Coordinators.

ISS [Institute of Social Sciences]. 2000. The impact of EU’s “Partnership Initiative” on the Med. Region: dependent development or regional integration? Report Prepared by the Institute of Social Sciences, the Netherlands, for FEMISE (Forum Euro-Mediterranéen des Instituts Economiques).

Lamy, P. Por un nuevo contrato entre la UE y el Mediterráneo. Article in El Pais, 29 May 2000.

ProFound. 1998. Exporting fishery products. A survey and marketing guide on the major European markets. Compiled for CBI, OSEC and PROTRADE.

Sadek, S. 2000. Sea bream culture in Egypt; status, constraints and potential. Fish Physiology and Biochemistry, 22: 171-178.

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Tovias, A. 2000. From 15 to 21: the impact of the next EU enlargement on Mediterranean non Member countries. Some trade effects. The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel.

UNIDO, 2001. International Yearbook of Industrial Statistics.

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