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ADB. 1994. Study of the fisheries in the Philippines. Preparatory document to the ADB project Development Mission for the Fisheries Resources Management Project.

Allain, R.J. 1988. Monitoring, control and surveillance in selected West African coastal states with recommendations for possible ICOD interventions in the future. Ottawa, ICOD.

Allain, R.J. 1982. A study of aerial fisheries surveillance in certain CECAF coastal states. FAO CECAF/TECH/82/46 (En). 70 p. Rome, FAO.

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Armstrong, A.J. 1991. Development of International/Regional Cooperation in Fisheries Monitoring, Control and Surveillance. London, United Kingdom, Commonwealth Secretariat.

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FAO. 1989. The standard specifications for the marking and identification of fishing vessels. 69 p. Rome, FAO.

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FAO. 1992a. Draft agreement for the establishment of the Indian Ocean Tuna Commission. Rome, FAO.

FAO. 1992b. Report of a regional workshop on monitoring, control and surveillance for African states bordering the Atlantic Ocean (Accra, Ghana, 2-5 November 1992). FAO GCP/INT/466/NOR Field Report 92/22 (En). Rome, FAO. (This includes State reports from participants)

FAO. 1992c. Monitoring, control and surveillance of fisheries in the exclusive economic zones of Asean countries: project findings and recommendations, MCS training, completed manuals and course materials. FAO FI:DP/RAS/86/115. Rome/Jakarta, FAO.

FAO. 1993a. Coastal state requirements for foreign fishing. FAO Legislative Study No.21 Rev.4, Rome, FAO.

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FAO. 1993c. Fisheries monitoring, control and surveillance: recommendations for technical regulations in Indonesia. FAO TCP/INS 2252(A). Rome, FAO.

FAO/Directorate of Fisheries Indonesia. 1993. Fisheries monitoring, control, surveillance manual. FAO TCP/INS 2252, Jakarta, FAO.

FAO/IPFC. 1994. Socio-Economic Issues in Coastal Fisheries Management. RAPA Publications: 1994/8. Proceedings of the IPFC Symposium held in conjunction with the Twenty-fourth Session of IPFC, 23-26 November 1993, Thailand. Bangkok, Thailand.

FAO. 1995. Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries. Rome, Italy.

FAO. 1996a. FAO Technical Guidelines for Responsible Fisheries. Integration of fisheries into coastal area management. No. 3. Rome, FAO. 1996. 17p.

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FAO. 2002. FAO Technical Guidelines for Responsible Fisheries. Implementation of the International Plan of Action to Prevent, Deter and Eliminate Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated Fishing. No. 9. Rome, FAO. 122p.

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FFA, 1993. FFA Regional legal consultation on fisheries surveillance and law enforcement, Rabaul, Papua New Guinea, 4-7 October 1993. Working papers and record of proceedings (Niue Treaty and Tonga/Tuvalu Agreement). FFA Report 93/55. Papua New Guinea, FFA.

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Flewwelling, P., Report of travel to Bangladesh (21-28 March, 1999),
FAO/FISHCODE Project, GCP/INT/648/NOR: Mission Report No. 14: 25p. Philippines.

Flewwelling, P., Report of travel to Cambodia (4-15 July, 1999),
FAO/FISHCODE Project, GCP/INT/648/NOR: Mission Report No. 25: 43p. Philippines.

Flewwelling, P., Report of travel to India (28 March - 8 April, 1999),
FAO/FISHCODE Project, GCP/INT/648/NOR: Mission Report No. 15: 28p. Philippines.

Flewwelling, P., Report of travel to Indonesia (10-22 October, 1999),
FAO/FISHCODE Project, GCP/INT/648/NOR: Mission Report No. 31: 94 p. Philippines.

Flewwelling, P., Report of travel to Malaysia (9-21 April, 2000),
FAO/FISHCODE Project, GCP/INT/648/NOR: Mission Report No. 42: 52p. (unpublished) Philippines.

Flewwelling, P., Report of travel to Maldives (4-10 September, 2000),
FAO/FISHCODE Project, GCP/INT/648/NOR: Mission Report No. 62: 55 p. Philippines.

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FAO/FISHCODE Project, GCP/INT/648/NOR: Mission Report No. 13: 24p. Philippines.

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