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In 1999, FAO initiated a major exercise to evaluate the impact of the Agreement on Agriculture (AoA) on agricultural trade and food security in developing countries. Fourteen country case studies were commissioned, and an overview paper synthesizing these experiences and the lessons to be learned was prepared.[1] FAO has now updated this exercise, drawing on a wider set of countries and more recent data. Sixteen country case studies were commissioned by FAO at the beginning of 2002 to review national experiences. In some cases, the studies revisited countries included in the 1999 sample, but the opportunity was also taken to widen the sample by including additional countries. Although the synthesis chapter draws on all 23 of the case studies to date, only the 16 recent studies are included in this volume.[2] These studies attempt to provide answers to four questions concerning the impact of the AoA on developing countries:

The preparation of this volume has benefited from the contribution of many. In addition to the authors of the country studies, whose names are mentioned in the corresponding papers, particular thanks go to Professor Alan Matthews, Department of Economics, Trinity College, Dublin, who assisted FAO in the coordination of comments and revised drafts of the studies, as well as in the preparation of the synthesis chapter in this volume.

These studies were prepared under the supervision of Harmon C. Thomas, Chief, Commodity Policy and Projections Service (ESCP) of the Commodities and Trade Division of FAO. Others involved in the project were Nasredin Elamin and Ramesh Sharma. Special thanks to Suzanne Giometti, who provided administrative assistance, to Hansdeep Khaira, who provided statistical assistance, and to Olwen Gotts, who arranged for the publication of this volume.

[1] FAO. 2000. Agriculture, trade and food security: issues and options in the WTO negotiations from the perspective of developing countries, Vol. II: Country case studies. Rome.
[2] The other earlier studies are available in FAO. 2000. ibid.

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