FAO Support to the WTO negotiations

Cancún Ministerial Conference

Fact Sheets 1 to 15

1. Food self-reliance of developing countries and trade-distorting subsidies
2. Major constraints to trade in processed agricultural products confronting developing countries
3. Trade preferences in agriculture and adjustment issues
4. Identification of special products: possible selection criteria
5. The need for special safeguards for developing countries
6. Food import bills of least developed countries (LDCs) and net food importing developing countries (NFIDCs)
7. Forestry trade issues in the WTO
8. Fisheries trade issues in the WTO
9. Trade related intellectual property rights: Plant varieties and biodiversity, traditional knowledge and benefit-sharing
10. Trade related intellectual property rights: geographical indications
11. Important commodities in agricultural trade: sugar
12. Important commodities in agricultural trade: cotton
13. Important commodities in agricultural trade: fruits and vegetables
14. Non-tariff measures in agricultural trade
15. Global trade in agriculture, fisheries and forestry