FAO/GIEWS - Food Outlook No.4 - October 2001 p. 12

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In April 1999, an International Consortium, known by the Spanish acronym CLAYUCA, was established to promote cassava, strengthen the transfer of improved technologies and enhance exchange of experiences, information and technologies on cassava among Latin America and the Caribbean countries (LAC). Founder members of the consortium are Bolivia, Colombia, Cuba, Ecuador, Venezuela, the International Centre for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT) and the International Co-operation Centre for Agriculture Development (CIRAD). In each country, the participants in activities promoted by the Consortium  can range from institutions from public and private sector, universities, and non-governmental organizations, to farmers groups and other sectors involved in cassava production, processing, marketing, utilization, training, research and technology transfer. The potential members are all cassava producing countries in LAC with the capacity to contribute, finance and execute activities of the Consortium.

So far, the regional network has started different programmes for enhancing the use of cassava and products in the animal feed industries in substitution for imported feedstuffs. One example is a project recently presented for submission to the Common Fund for Commodities for evaluation and subsequent financing. The project, "Enhanced Use of Cassava in the Animal Feed Industries of Latin America and the Caribbean: a Market Development Approach for improved Competitiveness", is at present being reviewed by FAO.

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