The start of the rainy was somewhat erratic. Following the first significant rains in the extreme south in April, precipitation progressed northwards and was generally above normal up to mid-May but decreased to below normal during the last dekad of May. Rainfall resumed in early June but decreased during the second dekad before improving again in the last dekad. Cumulative rainfall as of late June was below the same period last year and below average in most meteorological stations. Land preparation and sowing of millet and sorghum are underway. First plantings of millet are emerging/tillering. Planting of rice in seedbeds is underway in the irrigated areas along the Niger river.

Pastures are regenerating, notably in the south. The pest situation is reported to be calm but isolated Desert Locust adults may be present and may persist in parts of Timetrine and the Adrar des Iforas.

Satellite Images (Cold Cloud Duration for the last three dekads)

Page with graphics of the evolution of Cold Cloud Duration average values over various zones of the country and compared to 1989-1995 average values.

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