Mostly dry weather in July severely affected recently planted crops. Following substantial early rains in the south-east in mid-May, precipitation covered the rest of the country in June. However, rains were erratic in most regions, decreased significantly in early July and the weather remained almost dry until the end of the month. Cumulative rainfall as of late July was below the same period last year and below average almost everywhere. The dry spell has resulted in crop failure in several regions, necessitating replantings and earlier planted crops are suffering water stress. Moreover, a sharp rise in cereal prices on all markets across the country has been reported, which makes access to food difficult. In early August, the "Conseil national de concertation et de cooperation des ruraux"a grouping of about 20 farmers organizations launched an appeal to the Government to help the rural population "threatened by the drought and the famine".

Grain eating birds are reported on off-season rice in the Senegal River valley. Grasshoper infestations are also reported in the centre, while army worms are present in the centre and the south.

Satellite Images (Cold Cloud Duration for the last three dekads)

Page with graphics of the evolution of Cold Cloud Duration average values over various zones of the country and compared to 1989-1995 average values.

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