Prospects for rainfed ("dieri") crops are very poor due to dry weather in July while prospects for recession and irrigated crops are still uncertain. The dry weather which occurred in July after the first rains in June severely affected "dieri" (rainfed) crop, which represents about one third of total cereal production in a normal year. Rainfall resumed in early August in the southern and south-eastern regions, allowing replantings. In the western Brakna and Traza regions, where first significant rains were registered only during the first dekad of September, plantings are still underway. Due to reduced yield potential and planted areas, harvest prospects for rainfed ("dieri") crops are very poor. Prospects for production in low-lying areas, below dams and for recession crops, although more favourable, are still uncertain, and will depend on rainfall pattern in October.

The food situation in the country remains very serious. Some 750 000 of Mauritania's 2.7 million people are already affected by food shortages, with malnutrition now taking on alarming proportions according to WFP. A joint FAO/CILSS/WFP Crop and Food Supply Assessment Mission is scheduled from 21 to 26 October, to estimate the 2002 cereal production and assess the overall food supply situation.

Satellite Images (Cold Cloud Duration for the last three dekads)

Page with graphics of the evolution of Cold Cloud Duration average values over various zones of the country and compared to 1989-1995 average values.

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