FAO/GIEWS: Africa Report No.3 - December 2002 p.11

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Table 6: Availabilities for Export and Local Purchase Requirements in Cereals in sub-Saharan Africa
Current situation (in thousand tonnes)

Sub-Region /
Local Purchase Requirements Local Purchase requirements
Total Contracted  so  far Total Uilized so far
  Countries still in 2001/02 or 2002  marketing year
  Eastern Africa 350 50 212 26
   Eritrea - - 2 2
   Ethiopia 50 50 200 14
   Uganda 300 - 10 10
  Western Africa 285 - - -
  Coastal countries 285 - - -
    Benin 55 - - -
    Côte d'Ivoire 10 - - -
    Ghana 25 - - -
    Nigeria 180 - - -
    Togo 15 - - -
  Central Africa 5 2 - -
    Cameroon 5 2 - -
  Sub-total 640 52 212 26
  Countries which have entered their 2002/03  marketing year
  Eastern Africa 140 - 162 51
   Kenya - - 100 30
   Sudan 90 - 2 2
   Tanzania 50 - 60 19
  Western Africa 347 - 20 2
  Sahelian countries 347 - 20 2
    Burkina Faso 295 - 15 -
    Chad 16 - - -
    Mali 20 - - -
    Mauritania 1 - - -
    Niger 15 - 5 2
  Southern Africa 1 690 856 37 22
   Angola - - 3 3
   Lesotho - - 7 7
   Mozambique 200 200 20 5
   South Africa 1 480 656 - -
   Zambia 10 - 7 7
  Sub-total 2 177 856 219 75
TOTAL 2 817 908 431 101
Note: Totals computed from unrounded data.
1/ Includes 906 000 tonnes of commercial exports and 2 000 tonnes of triangular transactions.

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