FAO/GIEWS: Africa Report No.1 - May 2003 p.52

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Harvesting of the 2003 cereal crop is underway. The overall food outlook is favourable but a firm forecast of production is not yet available. An FAO/WFP Crop and Food Supply Assessment Mission is currently visiting the country. Tentatively, the maize crop is estimated at 1 million tonnes, about 65 percent over the reduced level of last year and 20 percent above average. Import requirements of coarse grains are estimated at 90 000 tonnes, with minimal food aid for localized areas affected by drought/floods. Imports of wheat and rice, in which the country has a structural deficit, are anticipated at 60 000 tonnes.

 WheatRiceCoarse GrainsTotal Cereals
 [thousand tonnes]
Previous year production7510663748
Previous five years average production8016873969
Previous year imports4611378435
Previous five years average imports4521256322
2003/04 Domestic Availability8281 0701 160
2003 Production (rice in paddy terms)82121 0701 164
2003 Production (rice in milled terms)8281 0701 160
Possible stock drawdown----
2003/04 Utilization132181 1601 310
Food use120189641 102
Non-food use4-171175
Exports or re-exports--2525
Possible stock build up8--8
2003/04 Import Requirement501090150
Anticipated commercial imports501090150
of which: received or contracted----
Food aid needs----
Current Aid Position    
Food aid pledges----
of which: delivered----
Donor-financed purchases----
of which: for local use----
for export----
Estimated Per Caput Consumption (kg/year)12297111
2003 Prod. compared to average (rice paddy terms):10375123120
2003/04 Import requirement compared to average:111483547
Cereal share of total calorie intake:   65
Additional Information    
Major foodcrops:maize; roots; tubers
Lean season:March-May
Population (000s):9 957   
GNP per capita in 2001 (US$):320   

FAO/GIEWS - May 2003

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