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  1. Liyanage, D.Y. Case study on coconut based industries where wood is used as fuel.

  2. Samaraweere, D.S.A. & Sambasivam, T. Report on utilization of wood fuels in tea industry in Sri Lanka. April 1986.

  3. Case study on tea drying in Malawi using a wood-based energy system.

  4. Gunuruwan Fernando, T.L. & Bandara, S.M.J. Report on utilization of wood fuels in the latex production in Sri Lanka. August 1985.

  5. Kong, H.W. & Keng, L.C. The use of rubberwood as fuel for the smoking of sheetrubbers.

  6. Nerquaye-Tetteho, G.A. Case study on utilization of wood fuels in the fish smoking/drying industry in Ghana. September 1985.

  7. Maembe, T.W. Utilization of wood fuels for fish smoking in Tanzania.

  8. Koopmans, A. The use of wood as an energy source in the rural lime burning industry in Indonesia.

  9. Koopmans, A. The use of wood as an energy source in the rural clay brick and rooftile industry in Indonesia.

  10. Chomcharn, A. Wood-based energy system for rural industries and village activities: a case study in Thailand, lime production of Ratchaburi Privince. Bangkok 1985.

  11. Koopmans, A. The use of wood as an energy source in the rural cocoa processing industries in Indonesia.

  12. Koopmans, A. The use of wood as an energy source in the rural coffee processing industries in Indonesia.

  13. Whitelock, J.A. Case study on curing of tobacco in Malawi using a wood-based energy system. July 1986.

  14. Velazquez, C. Case study on curing of tobacco in Malawi using a wood-based energy system. July 1986.

  15. Rengifo Lopez, G.E. La lena y la cascarilla de arroz en el secamiento de granos. Bogota. September 1985.

  16. Nanayakkara, V.R. Wood energy systems for rural and other industries in Sri Lanka. FAO, Regional Wood Energy Development Program, Field Document No. 4. Bangkik, May 1986.

  17. Bhattacharya, S.C. Wood energy systems for rural industries of Thailand. FAO, Regional Wood Energy Development Program, Field Document No. 3. May 1986.

  18. Wood energy systems in rural industries and village applications. TEAM, Rome, June 1986.

  19. The use of wood fuels in rural industries in Asia and the Pacific region. Biomass Energy Services and Technology (BEST). London, Novembre 1986.

  20. Burne, S. Rural industry and the commercialisation of biomass. ITDG, Rugby, April 1986.

  21. Gordon, J. Biomass energy devices for income generation at the household or community level. ITDG, Rugby, 1986.

  22. O'Keefe, P., Rastern, P. & Bernow, S. Energy and development in Kenya: opportunities and constraints. Beijer Institute, Stockholm, 1984.

  23. Miller, A.S., Minzer, I.M. & Hoagland, S.H. Growing power: bioenergy for development and industry. World Resources Institute, Study No. 5, April 1986.

  24. Hall, D.O. et al. Biomass for energy in the developing countries. Pergamon Press, Oxford, 1982.

  25. Piarulli, S. A resource lost: barriers to the participation of women in bioenergy projects. In: Ramsay, W. (ed.) Bioenergy and economic development. Westview Press, 1985.

  26. Biomass for energy. OECD, Paris, 1984.

  27. Booth, H.E. Improvement of wood energy use in wood energy development. FAO/ESCAP Regional Workshop, Bangkok, December 1983.

  28. Islamn, N. Substitution possibilities in relation to fuelwood and charcoal. FAO/ESCAP Regional Workshop, Bangkok, December 1983.

  29. Rice-husk conversion to energy. FAO Agricultural Services Bulletin No. 31. FAO, Rome, 1978.

  30. Mahin, D.B. Bioenergy from crop residues. Bioenergy Systems Report, December 1983.

  31. Breag, G.R., Harker, A.P. & Smith, A.E. An introduction to small-scale natural draught wood-fired furnace system. Tropical Development and Research Institute, London, April 1986.

  32. Wood-gas as engine fuel. FAO, Forestry Department Report (in print).

  33. Ramsey, W. Biomass energy in developing countries. Energy Plicy, August 1985, pp 326–329.

  34. Avandaligam, G. Energy conservation in the industrial sector of developing countries. Energy Policy, August 1985, pp. 335–339.

  35. FAO Expert Consultation on wood-based energy in rural industries. Rome, December 3–5, 1986.

  36. El Mahgari, Y. & Biswas, A.K. Integrated rural energy planning. Butterworths, London 1985. 220 pp.

  37. Islam, M.N., Bhattacharya, S.C. & Bhatia, R. Atlas of biomass resources in Thailand. Asian Inst. of Technology, Energy Technology Division, Bangkok 1985 (unpublished).

  38. Dunkerley, J. & Ramsey, W. Analysis of energy prospects and problems of developing countries. Washington, D.C., Resources for the Future, 1983.

  39. Mwandosa - Luhanga, Energy use patterns in Tanzania.

  40. Pichetpinyo, S. Experimental testing of solar assisted tobacco curing system in Chiang Mai. M. Eng. Thesis ET 84-3. Asian Inst. of Techn., Bangkok, 1984.

  41. Eckholm, E. et al. fuelwood: the energy crisis that won't go away. London, IIED, 1984, 16.

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