Indian Improved Cookstoves:
A Compendium

Field Document No.41, July 1993

Most Asian countries are making efforts in conservation of wood energy, especially with improved cookstoves. India has been running a national program for improved cookstoves (or chulhas) for several years. The main objectives of this program are conservation of fuelwood and improvements of the cooking situation, by reducing health hazards for women. This report, prepared by the Ministry of Non-Conventional Energy Sources (MNES) and the Indian Institute of Technology in Delhi, describes the Indian experiences.

More than 25 models of improved cookstoves are discussed with design drawings, general specifications and technical features, like costs, fuel requirements and test performance. Furthermore, institutional aspects of the program are discussed, and a list of government agencies, local implementing agencies and manufacturers is provided.

 Table of Contents
2.Organisation of National Programme on Improved Chulha
3.Selected Models of Improved Chulha
4.Networks of the National Programme on Improved Chulha
1.Subsidy Pattern for Improved Chulha
2.Indian Standard on Solid Biomass Chulha-Specification

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