Status and Development Issues of the Brick Industry in Asia

Field Document No.35, 1993

This report provides an assessment of the present housing situation in Asia and the use of construction materials. It is clear, that there is a growing need for both housing and construction materials. The report gives an overview of the nature of brick industry in Asia, together with six country industry profiles (Bangladesh, India, Indonesia, Nepal, Pakistan and Thailand). Details on several topics such as production methodology, ownership of factories, wood energy requirements etc. are described and this is followed by a discussion of the common issues of the brick industry in Asia.

The constraints on the development of the brick industry are analysed and the Asian situation as a whole is described. The technological constraints deal mainly with the work-circumstances involved. The institutional problems involve mainly lack of knowledge and organisation which lead to inefficiency. The environmental issues deal with the impacts of using fuelwood and agriculture residues. The report suggests that if the construction material industry is to make progress, some supporting policies and programmes are needed.

 Table of Contents
1.Development Background
2.The Nature of the Brick Industry in Asia
3.Review and Analysis of Constraints in Development of the Brick Industry
4.New Directions for the Building Industry: Policy and Programmes
5.Conclusions and Recommendations
Annex: Checklist for Assessment of the Brick Industry

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