information No. 17


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Note from the Editor

Forest Plantation Species Selection for Western Samoa (E.H. Nile)

Drought Resistant Trees and Shrubs for Dry Planting in Bahrain (C. Cossalter)

International Workshop on Perennial Sesbania species in Agroforestry Systems

Some Results from Cordia alliodora and Liquidambar styraciflua Provenance Trials in Vanuatu (P.E. Neil)

Some Results from Species and Provenance Trials of Eucalyptus Species in the Department of Antioquia, Colombia (G. Restrepo U. & L.M. Atehortúa V.)

International Provenance Trials of Pinus caribaea var. bahamensis (W.B.H. Baylis & R.D. Barnes)

International Provenance Trials of Pinus kesiya (R.D. Barnes & H. Keiding)

Can Neem Seeds be Expected to Keep their Germinative Capacity for Several Years After Collection? (Y. Roederer & R. Bellefontaine)

FAO Commission on Plant Genetic Resources and FAO Panel of Experts on Forest Gene Resources

Prosopis Seed Available from Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Argentina

Second International Casuarina Workshop

Seed Available from Centro de Genetica Forestal, A.C., Mexico

FAO/CTA Symposium on Plant Biotechnologies for Developing Countries

Flueggea flexuosa (Muell. Arg.)

In Situ Conservation

First International Workshop on Genetic Resources and Conservation of Prosopis.

14th Session of the AFC/EFC/NEFC Committee on Mediterranean Forestry Questions - Silva Mediterranea

Recent Catalogues and Lists of Seed Suppliers

Recent Literature of Interest

Books, Handbooks
Conference and Workshop Proceedings
Information, Reports from Institutions, Associations, etc.
Selected Articles from Journals and Periodicals

New Regional or Species-specific Newsletters of Interest

Cover photo: Transport of retem (Genista monosperma) for firewood, Libya. Photo: FAO