Agriculture, Food and Water

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ISBN 92-5-104943-2

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© FAO 2003

Table of Contents




The world water development report

Chapter one - Introduction

Chapter two - How the world is fed

The world food system: sustained improvement in food availability

The main sources of food supply

Major crops

The prominent role of cereals and oil crops

Sources of growth in crop production

Livestock: an increasing role

Fisheries and the growing importance of aquaculture

Food trade

Developing countries are increasing their imports

The concept of virtual water

Chapter three - The use of water in agriculture

Water for food production

Food production: the dominant role of rainfed agriculture

Role of irrigation in food production

Future investments in irrigation

Water use efficiency

Future water withdrawals for irrigation

The special role of groundwater

Chapter four - Ensuring access to food for all

The markets fail to provide food for all

The undernourished: where, who, and why?

The role of irrigation in alleviating poverty and improving food security

Managing agricultural risk for sustainable livelihoods

Irrigation contributes to creating off-farm employment

The contribution of fisheries and aquaculture to food security

Forestry and food security

Chapter five - Trends in irrigation-water management

Adapting institutional arrangements

Increasing private investment in irrigation

Reforming irrigation: modernization and empowerment

Equity in the roles of men and women in irrigation

Improving water-use productivity in agriculture

Diversifying crops

Chapter six - Agricultural water use, environment and health

Environmental aspects

Water-quality deterioration

Health and irrigation

Chapter seven - Conclusions


Annex one - The right to adequate food and the right to water

The legal basis of the right to adequate food and the right to water

The right to adequate food

The right to water

States' obligations


Annex two - Related global assessment publications

Annex three - Some useful Web sites