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(Agenda item 18, CWP-20/Inf.5)

86. FAO reported that the “Handbook of Fishery Statistics”, which was first published in 1990 with a focus on Atlantic fishery statistics, has been extensively revised and released as a web-based publication under a new title of the “CWP Handbook of Fishery Statistical Standards”. Ten new chapters have been added, although some sections have not yet been completed, and information on areas other than the Atlantic has been extended. If printed, the hardcopy version consists of about 250 pages.

87. The primary medium for dissemination of the new version of the Handbook is the Internet, although it was suggested that dissemination of the Handbook on a CD ROM would also be useful, and CWP recommended that FAO consider this. The content of the Handbook will be subject to ongoing revision and therefore CWP recommended that version control should be carefully maintained. It was also suggested that an appendix that lists the abbreviations of units of measurement would also be useful. The meeting congratulated FAO and Eurostat on their considerable efforts which have resulted in an extremely useful document.

88. Eurostat noted that its fisheries section has developed a CD with significant statistical information and fishery statistics in FISHSTAT Plus in addition to compiled fisheries legislation. The CD will be made available to CWP members upon request.

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