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6.1 Pilot projects and other initiatives will provide valuable information as to what should be incorporated in a long-term programme of land consolidation. Continuous monitoring during pilot projects and good reporting on lessons learned is essential for the preparation of long-term programmes. The experiences and results of the various activities should be reviewed and evaluated in order to provide insights in the following areas.

6.2 Administration of the consolidation programme. The appropriate structure for administering the programme will have to be designed or redesigned. A clear assignment of roles and responsibilities is essential, including identification of roles of those responsible for policy and for execution, and the sharing of responsibilities between the private and public sectors. The provision of “one-stop-shop” facilities can simplify matters for citizens. The danger of encouraging corruption by concentrating too much power in one organization must be dealt with. The relationship between the agency designated as the land consolidation agency and other central government agencies and local governments must be defined.

6.3 Financial management. For the smooth financing of consolidation projects, medium and long-term working and financial plans will have to be developed within national budgets and administration. Cost restrictions for individual projects have to be specified.

6.4 Initiation, design and implementation of land consolidation projects. Procedures developed for the pilot projects will have to be adapted to address the conditions of projects carried out under a long-term programme. Consideration should be given to specifying or designing the following:

6.5 Land consolidation legislation. Elements such as those described above will have to be addressed in special legislation in order to provide a legal basis for the long-term programme.

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