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Appendix I
L I S T   O F   P A R T I C I P A N T S

    Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias
    Universidad de Chile
    Casilla 1004
    Santiago, Chile

    Instituto de Agronomía
    Universidad de Tarapacá
    Casilla 287
    Arica, Chile

    Instituto Forestal
    Casilla 3085
    Santiago, Chile

    Corporación Nacional Forestal
    Av. Bulnes 259, Of. 506
    Santiago, Chile

    Corporación Nacional Forestal
    Maipú 333
    Arica, Chile

    Br. 235 Km. 4, 49.000 Aracaju-SE

    Instituto de Ecología de Chile
    Casilla 4012,-1
    Santiago, Chile

    Corporación Nacional Forestal
    Av. Bulnes 285
    Santiago, Chile

    Corporación Nacional Forestal
    Emilia Téllez 4136
    Santiago, Chile

    Universidad de Concepción
    Vicente Méndez s/n
    Chillán, Chile

    Sociedad Agrícola CORFO
    Matías Cousiño 64, piso
    Santiago, Chile

    Br. 235 Km. 4, 49.000 Aracaju-SE

    Ministerio de Agricultura del Perú
    Unamue 327
    Tacna, Peru.

    Corporación Nacional Forestal
    Cordobés 281
    La Serena, Chile

    Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias, Veterinarias y Forestales
    Universidad de Chile
    Casilla 1004
    Santiago, Chile

    Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias
    Universidad de Chile
    Casilla 9206
    Santiago, Chile

    Corporación Nacional Forestal
    Maipú 333
    Arica, Chile

    Universidad de Chile
    Casilla 9206
    Santiago, Chile

    Secretario Especial
    Sede da Delegaciao da Agricultura
    no Estado do Pernambuco
    Ministerio de Agricultura

    Instituto de Agronomía
    Universidad de Tarapacá
    Casilla 287
    Arica, Chile

    Corporación Nacional Forestal
    Casilla 167
    Arica, Chile

    Sociedad Agrícola CORFO
    Matías Cousiño 64, piso
    Santiago, Chile

    Isidora Goyenechea 3322
    Las Condes
    Santiago, Chile

    Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias
    Universidad de Chile
    Casilla 9206
    Santiago, Chile

    Corporación Nacional Forestal
    2 Poniente 1180
    Talca, Chile

    Corporación Nacional Forestal
    Av. Bulnes 285, Of. 506
    Santiago, Chile

    Corporación Nacional Forestal
    Av. Bulnes 259, Of. 604
    Santiago, Chile

    Apartado Postal 70–268
    México 20 DF

    Casilla 10095
    Santiago, Chile

    Corporación Nacional Forestal
    O'Higgins 726, Of. 41
    Copiapó, Chile

  31. HIZEM M. H.
    National Director TUN/81/004
    Ministere de L'Agriculture
    Forestry Department
    30 Rue Savary, Tunisia.

    Corporación Nacional Forestal
    Huérfanos 555
    Santiago, Chile.

    Casilla 10095
    Santiago, Chile.

    Instituto de Agronomia
    Universidad de Tarapacá
    Casilla 287
    Arica, Chile.

    Sociedad Agrícola CORFO
    Matias Cousiño 64, 3° piso
    Santiago, Chile.

    Universidad de Catamarca
    República 350
    4700 Catamarca
    Catamarca, Argentina.

    Universidad de Utah
    UNC 52, Dept. Range Science
    Logan, Utah 84322
    United States of America.

    Playa Blanca 2320
    Iquique, Chile.

    Universidad de Tarapacá
    Casilla 16059
    Santiago, Chile.

    Sociedad Agricola CORFO
    Casilla 167
    Arica, Chile.

    Empresa Brasilera de Pesquisa Agropecuaria/EMBRAPA
    EMBRAPA/CPATSA, CX Postal Petrolina - PE

    Centro de Investigaciones Zonas Aridas
    Universidad Nacional Agraria
    Casilla 456
    Lima, Peru.

    Comisión Chilena de Energía Nuclear
    Casilla 188-D
    Santiago, Chile.

    Instituto Nacional Forestal
    Av. Brasil 1241 - Jesús Maria

    Corporación Nacional Forestal
    Castillo 506
    Temuco, Chile.

    Dirección Provincial-Catamarca
    Cabrera 1073 - Río Cuarto
    5.800 Córdoba

    Fundación Chile
    Via Sur Parque Institucional 6651
    Santiago, Chile.

    Estación Experimental Los Vilos
    Instituto de Investigaciones Agropecuarias
    Casilla 40
    Los Vilos, Chile.

    Sociedad Agrícola CORFO
    Casilla 2245
    Iquique, Chile.

    Escuela Superior de Agricultura de Mossoró
    Caixa Postal 137 ESAM
    Mossoró, Brazil.

  51. MUTHANA K. D.
    Indian Council of Agricultural Research
    Central Arid Zone Research Institute,
    Jodhpur, India.

    Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Forestales
    Apartado Postal 150
    Saltillo Coah, Mexico.

    Sociedad Agrícola CORFO
    Matías Cousiño 64, 3° piso
    Santiago, Chile.

    Via delle Terme di Caracalla, I - 00100
    Rome, Italy.

    Toledo 1940
    Santiago 9

  56. PATERSON R. T.
    British Tropical Agriculture Mission (ODA)
    Casilla 359
    Santa Cruz, Bolivia.

    Instituto Nacional Forestal y de Fauna
    JRN. Natalio Sánchez 220, Jesús María
    Lima, Peru.

    Corporación Nacional Forestal
    Av. Bulnes 285
    Santiago, Chile.

    Universidad de Chile
    Casilla 9206
    Santiago, Chile.

    Hustre Municipalidad de Calama
    Vicuña Mackenna 2001
    Calama, Chile.

    Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias, Veterinarias y Forestales
    Universidad de Chile
    Casilla 9206
    Santiago, Chile.

    Via delle Terme di Caracalla I - 00100
    Rome, Italy.

    Corporación Nacional Forestal
    Casilla 1484,
    Arica, Chile.

    Dirección General de Agricultura y Ganadería
    Casilla Correo 212, 8340 Zapala
    Neuquén, Argentina.

    Instituto de Agronomía
    Universidad de Tarapacá
    Casilla 287
    Arica, Chile.

    Corporación Nacional Forestal
    Teniente 15
    Rancagua, Chile.

    Universidad de Chile
    Casilla 1004
    Santiago, Chile.

    Corporación Nacional Forestal
    Cordobez 281
    La Serena, Chile.

    Instituto Brasileño de Desarrollo Forestal (IBDF)
    Av. Alexandrino de Alencar, 1399
    Bairro Tirol, 59000 Natal - RN.

    Universidad de Chile
    Casilla 1004
    Santiago, Chile.

    Ilustre Municipalidad de Calama
    Vicuña Mackenna 2001
    Calama, Chile.

    c/o FAO C. P. 66 Praia
    Cape Verde.

    Universidad de Chile
    Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias, Veterinarias y Forestales
    Casilla 1004
    Santiago, Chile.

    Instituto de Agronomía
    Universidad de Tarapacá
    Casilla 287,
    Arica, Chile.

    Instituto de Agronomía
    Universidad de Tarapacá
    Casilla 287
    Arica, Chile.

    Universidad de Tarapacá
    Av. 18 de Septiembre 2222
    Arica, Chile.

    Huérfanos 554, 7° piso
    Santiago, Chile.

    Facultad de Agronomía
    Universidad de Chile
    Casilla 1004
    Santiago, Chile.

    Consejo Internacional para Investigación en Agroforestería
    P. O. Box 30677
    Nairobi, Kenya.

    Corporación Nacional Forestal
    Maipú 333
    Arica, Chile.

    Instituto de Investigaciones Tecnológicas,
    Casilla 667
    Santiago, Chile.

    Universidad de Chile
    Casilla 1004
    Santiago, Chile.

    Universidad Nacional de Córdoba
    Juana de Arco 1740, 5009, Córdoba
    Córdoba, Argentina.

    Instituto Nacional Forestal y de Fauna
    JRN Natalio Sánchez 220 - Jesús María
    Lima, Peru.

    Instituto Forestal
    Huérfanos 554, 4° piso
    Santiago, Chile.

    Corporación Nacional Forestal
    La Rábida 5787, Las Condes
    Santiago, Chile.

    Universidad de Chile
    Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias Veterinarias y Forestales
    Casilla 9206
    Santiago, Chile.

    Corporación de Fomento de la Producción, CORFO
    Moneda 920
    Santiago, Chile.

    Universidad de Chile
    Casilla 1004
    Santiago, Chile.

    Crops and Grassland Service
    Plant Production and Protection Division
    Via delle Terme di Caracalla 00100
    Rome, Italy.

    Dirección General de Agricultura y Ganadería
    Av. Argentina 245, 3° piso
    Neuquén, Argentina.

Appendix II

Ladies and Gentlemen:

It is a special honor for the Tarapacá University to open this Round Table, dedicated to the true plant paradox known as tamarugo, thriving, against all human judgment, in the midst of the most arid desert in the world.

This happy circumstance not only gives us the chance to have the pleasure of being host to our national and regional authorities, good friends and distinguished visitors —to whom we give our warmest welcome—, but also acts as a powerful encouragement to the efforts made by this Academic Center —from its very foundation— to fulfill what it considers one of its fundamental commitments: to meet, timely and generously, the comprehensive development needs of the Region on which soils our University has been erected.

This commitment has put us before an array of problems exerting a strong influence on the regional development, and which constitute the challenges that will test our imagination and creative capacity. We are a live and sensitive part of a Region permanently facing all the consequences derived from an unsurmountable situation of isolation from the major urban centers of our country. We are nestled in a vast desert which, according to the experts, is the most arid and inhospitable in the world. We have a strong dependence on the limited agricultural or livestock-raising possibilities of a handful of valleys, besieged by a permanent scarcity of water and by severe phyto-sanitary problems which, with the passage of time, have represented a serious and persistent setback to our crops. We are gravely concerned with the extremely serious temporary situation affecting the regional economy and which has deteriorated —up to a critical point— its formerly enormous productive capacity.

It would seem natural to be overcome by dismay when faced by such problems. However, in the same spirit as tamarugo, which, under the most adverse of circumstances continues to thrive and offer its fruit and shelter, the people who inhabit these latitudes of our nation have refused to be overwhelmed either by discouragement or by hopelessness, the necessary ingredients for failure.

Many of you, who are possibly in Arica for the first time, will be able to notice that, despite everything, this city continues to grow and develop with amazing vitality. The reason is that there is something here that is not found everywhere and which, undoubtedly, has to do with the quality of its people and with what we could call a big commitment to history. These two elements have enabled the northern man to develop a strong will to struggle and overcome adverse situations. All which this Region has achieved, is the fruit of painful sacrifice; nothing has been easy, neither in war nor in peace. When we make such a statement, once more the image of the lonely tamarugo comes to our mind, of that tree which, out of its enormous will to live, stands tall and challenging on the harsh desert soils.

You can then easily understand the pleasure of this University in sponsoring this Round Table and the interest with which we expect the learned conclusions of its participants, because then we shall know a little more about a plant species which should be the heraldic flower for the peoples of Arica, for its representative qualities and for its clear identification with the temper and fiber of the people in the region. Beyond a mere utilitary interest, there is a sort of spiritual bond linking us to tamarugo: It is so similar to us, in its resilience to survive against all odds, in its proud stance of caring for itself, and even in the historical oblivion to which it has been condemned.

The chroniclers —I quote, for instance, Gerónimo de Bibar— have barely mentioned this species, which seems to have been often mistaken for algarrobo. In Chapter Eight of his famous “Chronicle and Copious and True Relation of the Kingdoms of Chile”, published in 1558, Bibar tells us: “…This valley has vast algarrobales (algarrobo forests), having many good algarrobas (algarrobo fruit) which the indians mill and make tasty bread with. And with this milled algarroba they make a beverage by boiling it in water: it is tasty beverage”. Later, in Chapter XI of this book, he describes what he calls a flat land, on which “it does not rain nor does it snow, but there is only a freezing wind. Those passing through in this time of winter, Spaniards or Indians alike, of cold or thirst or hunger die.” After describing such a terrible scene, Gerónimo de Bibar tells us: “Likewise, no trees of any species grow on this barren land, but a sort of hawthorn. It grows very small, branching out near the ground, and this is the firewood with which we warm up and cook our meals.” Did he mean, really, our forgotten tamarugo?.

Our academist and researcher Jorge Hidalgo cites, in turn, Alonso de Barzana, who relates the economic, strategic and ceremonial value of tamarugo for the Indians. He tells us that its fruit was good fodder for the animals in the area, bread could be made with its flour and a strong alcoholic drink could be made with the pods, drunk even today in the region during festive or ceremonious occasions, taking the place of the maize beverage drunk in Peru and Bolivia. Our researcher tells us, as well, that “the adaptation of these trees to the desert environment enabled them to withstand the drought periods, becoming a sort of insurance against starvation.

When our troops were roaming this desert over a century ago, entering the names of Pisagua, Dolores, Pampa Germania and Tarapacá in their logbook, the spent, aching and thirsty bodies of hundreds of soldiers looked anxiously for the welcoming shelter and the fresh shade of the faithful tamarugo. How thankfully they would stretch their muscles knotted by the effort and the tension! How many memories and how many wounds were healed under the friendly canopy of this tree! However, none of our historians, not one war report ever cared more than just to include a passing remark on such a providential ally. Just a few vague remarks included in letters sent by the young soldiers to their expecting families in the South of Chile. But, like in the other cases, calling tamarugo “algarrobo” or, at least, leaving an open doubt.

Again, tamarugo lending its help, without anyone thanking it, not even by addressing it by its real name.

This Round Table is, therefore, an act of justice. Beyond the new uses which we may find for this faithful species, we hope this meeting will enable us to plan what is needed to insure its survival and to extend its range. We are a people whose natural habitat is determined by a combination of sea and valleys, mountain ranges and desert. We are interested, therefore, in being faithful to this habitat, knowing more about it and loving it better, because it is here where our interests lie, where our dead ones are buried and where our hopes are going to flourish.

I would not like to close without offering our most heartfelt welcome to the distinguished visitors from friendly and brotherly nations, who have come to work with us. And, of course, not before expressing our deepest appreciation for the invaluable sponsorship granted to this event by the United Nations, particularly FAO and UNESCO. The generous support of these international organizations bespeaks of a host of future initiatives which will enable us, as a University, to play a leading role in the efforts to accelerate our development. And in the specific field of agricultural development and scientific and technological investigation —which is becoming increasingly necessary— we hope to count on the possibility of joint work with the National Forestry Corporation, a state organization which has played a key role in the development of this area.

I thank, therefore, the United Nations and particularly FAO and UNESCO, because they have helped us feel, once more, really useful for the region and for the country.

Thank you very much.

Appendix III

On behalf of FAO's Director General, Mr. Edouard Saouma, it is a great honor for me to take part in the opening of the International Round Table on Prosopis tamarugo. I am equally pleased to visit, for the first time in my life, the northernmost city in Chile, Arica.

I am greatly impressed by this region's moonscapes, old rites, legends and traditions, where man has been demanded his best to thrive.

Desert development is an issue that concerns humanity as a whole nowadays. Latin America alone has over 375 million hectares of arid lands. It is on these grounds that the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations —FAO—, which I represent, has deemed it highly important to sponsor this international event, together with the Man and Biosphere Programme of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, UNESCO.

The responsibility for the organization and materialization of this International Round Table has been vested on two highly-prestiged Chilean institutions, the Tarapaca University, and the National Forestry Corporation.

I wish to pay the respects of the FAO Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean to both of these corporations: the Tarapaca University, a major nucleus for education and research, and promoter of the region's professional, scientific and cultural development; and the National Forestry Corporation, national organization that has excelled in the economic development and preservation of the flora and fauna natural resources throughout the country. Let it suffice to say that in these last few years it has projected and promoted the plantation of over a million hectares of radiata pine in the central-southern part of the country.

Among the considerable challenges faced by the world's scientists today, it is that of transforming the great deserts into areas suitable for human occupation, an unavoidable challenge, inasmuch as it constitutes an urgent problem, deepened by the demographic development and the increasing demand for food.

It is not my purpose to extend myself on this subject, as the scientist from over the world, represented here today, know deeply and in detail the size of the problem. I will just state that the situation is serious, and must be approached with professional ability, boldness and imagination. It is thus mandatory that all pessimistic attitudes be discarded, as they only produce a passive and indifferent contemplation, hindering positive and creative solutions. When these attitudes prevail, barren lands remain barren, deserts uninhabited, and desertification leads to desolation and hopelessness.

Scientists with far-reaching future vision predict that two plant genuses will have a major impact in man's survival: the genus Prosopis and the genus Acacia.

We ought not to be surprised by this statement, as both genera are outstanding in their adaptation capabilities to arid environments, and man in North and South America has used the genus Prosopis since prehistoric times to meet his own needs, as well as fodder for his livestock.

An interesting experience in desert development is the one we find here at the Tamarugal Pampa, and we believe that its international recognition will stimulate the implementation of further research, studies and trials, contributing to the socio-economic development of many other areas in the world affected by the same problem.

Ladies and gentlemen, let me welcome you most warmly, and particularly the distinguished scientists attending this event from the remotest corners of the world and from our own continent, who, in great professional spirit, have come to contribute to the success of this event.

I should also like to address the younger generations, represented here by the students from the Tarapacá University, and remind them that they are expected to maintain an alert and sensitive attitude towards the solution of the socio-economic problems of the nation, and an active fruitful professional life facing the challenge imposed by this region.

In closing, I state my deepest conviction that the work of the participating experts will be excellent, and shall contribute significantly to the betterment of the international community as a whole.

Appendix IV

Sergio Trobok
David Contreras

Faculty of Agricultural, Veterinary and Forest Sciences
University of Chile


Up to now no bibliographical tool compiling in an orderly and systematic manner the national literature on this subject was available. On these grounds, the idea of making a compilation of all the papers published and unpublished in relation with the genus Prosopis of the family Leguminosae (Fabaceae) came up.

We present the scientifical community with a list of approximately 285 bibliographical references including, in most cases, the recovery of the material. A sizable share of the material listed can be found at the Rector Ruy Barbosa Library of the Faculty of Agricultural, Veterinary and Forest Sciences of the University of Chile.

Despite the efforts made, not all the existing material has been included, due mainly to the fact that the primary source could not be located, or because some of the works contained unaccurate data. For these reasons, the present compilation must be regarded as a first approximation open to improvement and enlargement. To this end, the cooperation of all researchers and specialists in the field, by making available their publications to this library, is requested.

The purpose of this effort has been to offer an orderly arrangement of the research conducted in Chile on this major plant genus, hoping to meet the expectations both of researchers in this field and those of other disciplines and university students.

The information listed in this compilation has been collected from the Desert Zone Data Base of the Faculty of Agricultural, Veterinary and Forest Sciences, and includes a Subject Index and Bibliography.

The Subject Index has been arranged by subject, taking as base the categories established by the AGRIS System, the World Agricultural Data System. In each of the topics considered, the corresponding numbers remiting the reader to the respective bibliographical citations is included.

The bibliography includes individual and corporate authors in alphabetical order, preceded by an identifying number, referring them to the Subject Index.

A quick look at the information presented reveals that the Natural Resource, Botanics and Silviculture areas concentrate most of the works published, while those on Climatology, Entomology, Nourishment and Agriculture are those with fewest entries. This points to the fact that national efforts have been concentrated mostly on the areas indicated above and, furthermore, that certain subjects, such as climatology and meteorology, taxonomy and range of insects associated to the Prosopis species, agricultural legislation and human nourishment at desert ecosystems have been stressed in a lesser degree.

Last —but not least— aknowledgements are granted to the librarian Mrs. Elsa Domínguez for her dedication and invaluable contribution to this compilation, and to the students of the Botanics Practice Group.



4, 7, 14, 15, 50, 107, 109, 120, 196, 200, 201, 237, 240, 245, 269, 284.


14, 22, 107, 119, 144, 152, 200, 221, 227.


91, 256.


52, 64, 97, 102, 104, 106, 113, 134, 147, 158, 163, 164, 165, 186, 187, 192, 212, 226, 231, 255, 272.


187, 194, 272.


Plant Structure

24, 206, 207.

Physiology and Biochemistry

6, 13, 34, 53, 126, 130, 132, 143, 145, 147, 182, 184, 188, 191, 192, 194, 195, 197, 212, 213, 223, 236, 257, 258, 259, 260, 261, 262, 263, 264, 266.

Taxonomy and Geographic Plant Distribution

5, 8, 23, 29, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 90, 94, 100, 108, 111, 129, 130, 133, 145, 146, 155, 169, 170, 172, 175, 180, 184, 189, 190, 193, 194, 195, 197, 206, 207, 208, 209, 216, 217, 218, 234, 236, 242, 243, 281.


3, 4, 16, 17, 18, 27, 33, 51, 58, 65, 92, 98, 101, 114, 176, 188, 198, 254.


Animal Ecology

85, 86, 88, 89, 90, 105, 127, 131, 157, 173, 174, 176.

Plant Ecology

8, 19, 24, 63, 64, 85, 86, 88, 89, 90, 98, 105, 111, 114, 131, 133, 153, 169, 174, 176, 177, 182, 188, 190, 194, 195, 198, 214, 220, 229, 239, 242, 243, 253, 254, 265, 279, 282, 283.


Distribution and Trade

49, 135, 187.

Economy and Agro-silvo-pastoral

1, 2, 4, 21, 68, 91, 117, 122, 135, 151, 181, 199, 221, 224, 225, 227, 231, 239, 241, 249, 250, 251, 252, 285.

Development Goals, Policies and Programmes

22, 49, 66, 67, 69, 74, 83, 84, 107, 109, 152, 155, 199, 201, 202, 203, 204, 220, 224, 225, 248, 250, 251, 252, 255.

Farm Organization and Management

25, 67.

Rural Sociology

1, 2, 7, 31, 32, 54, 61, 62, 84, 199, 237, 248, 252, 284, 285.


Plant Pests and their Control

35, 47, 48, 73, 127, 148, 149, 167, 171, 183, 185, 222, 270, 271, 275, 279, 280.

Insect Taxonomy and Geographical Distribution

47, 90, 127, 173, 175, 185, 271, 280.


19, 20, 21, 26, 28, 30, 31, 68, 109, 124, 174, 176, 220, 234, 237.


7, 27, 28, 29, 30, 54, 77, 94, 112, 125, 130, 143, 152, 156, 161, 162, 168, 196, 237, 244, 245, 267, 284.


15, 45, 64, 67, 69, 71, 72, 74, 76, 77, 78, 83, 95, 97, 103, 113, 115, 117, 135, 157, 200, 210, 211, 226, 230, 235, 241, 268.


14, 22, 43, 50, 101, 107, 114, 119, 120, 131, 181, 187, 188, 195, 219, 240, 253, 281.


3, 4, 19, 20, 21, 22, 27, 61, 62, 85, 86, 87, 89, 100, 105, 109, 116, 122, 125, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 144, 151, 161, 187, 198, 200, 214, 227, 231, 245, 248, 256, 265, 269, 283.

Land Resources and National Parks

85, 86, 87, 88, 133, 169, 182.

Water Resources and Management

9, 10, 11, 12, 27, 36, 46, 51, 52, 55, 56, 57, 59, 75, 79, 80, 81, 82, 93, 99, 101, 109, 118, 150, 160, 166, 181, 215, 221, 223, 232, 240, 244, 246, 283.


15, 24, 25, 38, 45, 52, 53, 60, 66, 67, 69, 71, 72, 74, 76, 77, 78, 83, 91, 97, 100, 102, 104, 106, 110, 113, 121, 123, 128, 141, 142, 143, 147, 154, 155, 159, 178, 179, 192, 193, 200, 205, 208, 210, 215, 226, 231, 233, 235, 247, 253, 255, 256, 265, 273, 276, 277, 278.


Classification and Genesis

3, 4, 33, 37, 96, 166, 198, 238, 246, 274, 282, 283.

Erosion and Reclamation

101, 228, 244.

Chemistry and Physics

223, 246.

Reconnaissance and Cartography

31, 112, 166, 243, 254, 274.

Resources and Management

3, 64, 70, 79, 112, 116, 162, 221, 238, 282.

Irrigation and Drainage

27, 52, 59, 79, 93.

Cultivation Systems

4, 15, 24, 112, 113, 119.


001 ACEVEDO H. EDMUNDO. 1978. Antecedentes económico-demográficos de la Primera Región. En: Acevedo H. Edmundo. Estudio de prefactibilidad de desarrollo del desierto. Informe, caso 1430/1978. Anexo 1. s.l., s.e. p.i.

002 ACEVEDO H. EDMUNDO. 1978. Antecedentes demográficos de la Segunda Región. En: Acevedo H. Edmundo. Estudio de prefactibilidad de desarrollo del desierto. Informe, caso 1430/1978. Anexo 2, s.l., s.e. p.i.

003 ACEVEDO H. EDMUNDO. 1978. Características de suelos, geomorfológicas, vegetacionales, hoyas hidrográficas y altitud de la I Región. En: Acevedo H. Edmundo. Estudio de prefactibilidad de desarrollo del desierto. Informe, caso 1430/1978. Anexo 7. s.l., s.e. p.i.

004 ACEVEDO H. EDMUNDO. 1978. Estudio de prefactibilidad de desarrollo del desierto. Informe, caso 1430/1978. s.l., s.e. 5v., maps.

005 ACEVEDO H. EDMUNDO & PASTENES J. 1980. Distribución de Prosopis tamarugo Phill. en la Pampa del Tamarugal (Desierto de Atacama). In: International Congress on Arid and Semi-Arid Regions. La Serena, Chile, January 1980. Abstracts.

006 ACEVEDO H. EDMUNDO, SOTOMAYOR DRINA, ZENTENO V. 1983. Evolución diaria de la acidez titulable en hojas de Prosopis tamarugo Phil. Ciencia e Investigación Agraria. 10 (2): 193–195.

007 ADVIS P., NUÑEZ L. 1971. Antiguos sembradíos en el desierto de Huara (o Isluga) en la Pampa del Tamarugal (AP-Núm. 11).

008 AGUIRRE B., OVALLE P. 1974. Plantas vasculares nativas de las quebradas de Antofagasta (Primera Parte). Sem. Prof. Est. en Biol. y Cs. Antofagasta, Universidad de Chile, Departamento de Biología. 147 p.

009 ALAMOS F., PERALTA F. s.f. Las aguas subterráneas en la Pampa del Tamarugal. Santiago, SACOR-CORFO. 42 p.

010 ALAMOS F., PERALTA F. 1980. Evolución de los niveles del agua subterránea, sector reforestado del Salar de Bellavista. Santiago, SACOR-CORFO. 42 p.

011 ALAMOS F. 1980. Evolución de los niveles de agua subterránea, sector reforestado del Salar de Pintados. Santiago, SACOR-CORFO. 28 p.

012 ALAMOS F., PERALTA F. 1980. Evolución de los niveles de agua subterránea, sector reforestado del Salar de Zapiga. Santiago, SACOR-CORFO. 38 p.

013 ALFARO RENE, SIERRA VICTOR. 1973. Absorción foliar de humedad atmosférica y relaciones hídricas en Cryptocarya alba (Mol.) Looser, Quillaja saponaria (Mol.); Prosopis chilensis (Mol.) Stuntz y Acacia caven (Mol.) Thesis for Forestry Eng. Deg. Santiago, Universidad de Chile, Facultad de Ciencias Forestales. 69 p.

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034 BOTTI CLAUDIA. 1970. Relaciones hídricas del tamarugo (Prosopis tamarugo Phil.), en la localidad de Canchones. Thesis for Agronomist Deg. Universidad de Chile, Facultad de Agronomía. 117 p.

035 BRAVO ALEJANDRO, GARRIDO LUCINDA, LEYTON JAIME, MARINOVIC LETICIA, MICHAEL NURY. 1978. Plagas que afectan a Prosopis tamarugo Phil. (Antecedentes generales, recopilación y completación de trabajos realizados en la Pampa del Tamarugal). Thesis. Iquique, Universidad de Chile. 79 p.

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125 GAY CLAUDIO. 1846. Historia Física y Política de Chile. Botánica. Tomo II. París, Museo de Historia Natural. Chile. p. 245–250.

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129 GREISSEL RAINER. 1974. La colección botánica del Centro de Investigaciones y Capacitación Agrícola (CICA) Arica. Idesia. (3): 185–195.

130 GUNCKELL HUGO. 1967. Fitonimia atacameña, especialmente Cunza. Santiago, Universidad Católica, Apartado de la Revista Universitaria. 81 p.

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134 Informe sobre investigaciones realizadas en tamarugo. 1969. s.l., s.e. 16 p.

135 INGENIEROS CONSULTORES ASOCIADOS. 1975. Estudio de prefactibilidad de explotación ganadera basada en tamarugos, Salar de Pintados, Pampa del Tamarugal (Para SERPLAC I Región, Tarapacá). Santiago. 105 p. 2 appendices.

136 INSTITUTO DE RECURSOS NATURALES. Proyecto Inventario de recursos Naturales II Región de Chile. Método de percepción remota del Satélite ERTS.

137 INSTITUTO DE RECURSOS NATURALES & CORPORACION DE FOMENTO DE LA PRODUCCION. 1971. Proyecto de estudio integrado de recursos naturales del Norte Chico, provincias de Atacama y Coquimbo. Santiago. IREN-CORFO. 12 p.

138 INSTITUTO DE RECURSOS NATURALES & CORPORACION DE FOMENTO DE LA PRODUCCION. 1974. Inventario de Recursos Naturales del país (3a etapa). I y II Región de Chile. Anteproyecto. 37 p.

139 INSTITUTO DE RECURSOS NATURALES & CORPORACION DE FOMENTO DE LA PRODUCCION. 1975. Inventario de Recursos Naturales por método de percepción del Satélite Landsat I Región-Tarapacá. Convenio IREN-SERPLAC. Informe No 36. 28 p.

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141 INSTITUTO FORESTAL. 1964. Posibilidades de Reforestación de la Pampa del Tamarugal. Antecedentes preliminares sobre el tamarugo y la producción de frutos para alimento de ganado. Santiago, INFOR. 14 p.

142 INSTITUTO FORESTAL. 1964. Posibilidades de reforestación de la Pampa del Tamarugal. Santiago, INFOR. 8 p. (typewritten).

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144 INSTITUTO ITALO LATINO AMERICANO. IILA. Simposio internacional sobre la integración de la investigación para la valorización de los recursos biológicos de las zonas áridas y semiáridas de América latina. Roma, 1–5 October 1979. (Doc. No 29).

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285 ZEPEDA G. 1951. La provincia de Atacama y su economía. Tesis Lic. Santiago. Universidad de Chile. Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales. 72 p.

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