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Consultation framework, purpose and outcomes

This consultation was designed to address issues relating to two of the most critical components of the digital divide, namely rural communities and women, and to explore with partners, the processes, designs and models that can have a positive bearing on these issues. There are a number of studies documenting the disparity between rural and urban locations in access to ICTs. Far fewer studies are available on the gender specific impact of ICTs, especially on women living in rural areas. A position paper prepared earlier this year analysed selected pilot initiatives in various countries in Asia. From its findings it emerges that any new initiative in information and communication technologies for development (ICT4D) needs to reflect on the following issues:

The position paper titled Programme approaches for Asian rural women in knowledge society that guided the consultation was included as FAO and ICRISAT background paper in the consultation resource package. A general conceptual view developed in this paper illustrating the links on programme approaches to create opportunities for Asian rural women in knowledge society is presented below in Figure 1:

Figure 1. Gender and Class in ICTs Access and Opportunities

The following are the consultation outcomes:

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