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Chapter 4: Reporting on progress towards sustainable forest management

Reporting on the progress made towards sustainable management of dry forests will be done on a country to country basis (i.e. country report). The report essentially presents (a) the information collected in the last assessment and (b) the results of monitoring including an interpretation of the trends obtained through the comparison of at least two assessments.

The reporting format comprises the following components:

As can be seen from above structure of contents the report, in its first part, focuses on the presentation of the broad picture of the results. More detailed information about the outcome of the monitoring and assessment exercises is presented in the second part of the report. The proposed structure of content allows the for various target groups such as politicians, government decision-makers, managers, forestry professionals and experts in forest-related fields to study the report up to the desired level of detail. Clients who only require less detailed information can obtain these without being forced to read through the entire report.

4.1. Background information

The report begins with a brief introductory section informing the reader about key parameters of the assessment and monitoring system including the set of criteria & indicators used as basis for this reporting. The key parameters may include the following:

The complete criteria and indicators set should be presented comprising the criteria, indicators and assessable verifiers. This section can also be used to explain why certain indicators could not be measured or monitored. In order to keep this section brief the table on criteria and indicators and associated descriptions should be placed in an appendix.

4.2. Synthesis

In this section, a summary of the progress achieved towards sustainable management of the dry forests within a country is presented. The synthesis is essentially based on the monitoring results discussing major trends occurred over time as revealed by the more detailed comparisons between the indicators measured in two or more assessments. It is important that the synthesis focuses on the major trends providing the "big picture" in the development towards sustainable forest management in the dry zone. This concise summary is intended for use by politicians and high-level government decision-makers. Because of their usually limited time to deal with specific and mostly technical issues one should refrain from presenting details that do not further enhance the understanding of the basic trends revealed in the monitoring process. The length of the synthesis should not exceed two pages.

4.3. Monitoring results

This section presents the results of the monitoring activities essentially revealing the trends towards sustainable management of dry forests over a specified period of time. For each individual indicator the monitoring results are presented here using the monitoring format outlined in Chapter 3. As an example, the monitoring format of Indicator 3.6 "Mechanisms for the conservation of genetic resources" is shown below.

Changes in coverage of threatened species in gene conservation mechanisms.

Monitoring Format for Indicator 3.6

Gene conservation mechanisms

Assessment 1 (Date)

Assessment 2 (Date)


Percentage of threatened species

Percentage of threatened species

Percentage of threatened species

Fully covered

Partly covered

Not covered

Fully covered

Partly covered

Not covered

Fully covered

Partly covered

Not covered

In-situ conservation

Ex-situ conservation

Germplasm bank

Tissue culture

The presentation of the monitoring format is accompanied by an interpretation of the monitoring results. Through the comparison of two or more assessments trends towards sustainable forest management can be described. The results obtained from one indicator should be discussed here and put into the context of broader sustainability issues associated with the respective indicator. Theses explanations provide the basis for writing the synthesis to be presented at the beginning at the progress report.

4.4. Assessment results

This section presents detailed information about the results obtained from the last assessment exercise. Reporting is performed at the level of individual assessable verifiers or indicators. For each of verifiers and indicators employed in the assessment the reporting format outlined in Chapter 3 is given here. As an example, the reporting format for Indicator 3.6 "Mechanisms for the conservation of genetic resources" is presented below.

Reporting on Indicator 3.6
Date of Assessment:..........

Threatened species

Gene conservation mechanism

In-situ conservation

Ex-situ conservation*

Germplasm bank*

Tissue culture

Species 1

Species 2

Species 3


Total number of species covered

The figures and information provided in the reporting format of verifiers and indicators is entered into the monitoring format as explained in Chapter 4.3.

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