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This report was compiled by UNEP-WCMC as a contribution to the FRA 2000 assessment, under contract to FAO.

The data presented in this report have to a large extent been extracted from UNEP-WCMC's Species Databases. These databases have been developed from a wide range of published and unpublished sources of data. In particular, the accuracy of the information depends on the expert contribution generously made by biodiversity experts from around the world. Comprehensive lists of the contributors are included in the published outputs from these databases: 1996 IUCN Red List of Threatened Animals, the 1997 IUCN Red List of Threatened Plants and the World List of Threatened Trees.

The project was managed by Harriet Gillett. Staff involved in assessing forest occurrence and identifying relevant species for each category were Neil Cox (animal data); Charlotte Lusty (trees and palms). Work on ferns was undertaken by Clive Jermy, Chair of the Fern SSC group. Rachel Bishop, under guidance from Gerardo Fragoso, produced the phase 1 Excel table. Edward Coney produced the graphs and tables, and prepared the web pages. Lise Jackson helped format the final report.

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