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4. Phase 2

4.1 Methodology

Following discussion with FAO in September 1999 on the variable quality and quantity of data gathered during phase 1, it was agreed to follow up the work in gathering species numbers, with a new approach. This concerned production of details of the names of relevant species but limiting the categories to single country threatened endemics: total and forest occurring. These were the two categories for which data were available for all groups from phase 1.

4.2 Results

Lists of species names, taken from UNEP-WCMC's Species databases, were provided for single country endemic species for each group. The exception to this was for ferns, for which only numbers were available. The original work on fern numbers was undertaken by a consultant to UNEP-WCMC. Unfortunately, following the decision in September 1999 to attempt to provide species names, the consultant (whose expertise was needed for this task) was unavailable to undertake the work for personal reasons within the time frame proposed. This provides an area to work on further in the future.

This information has been provided to FAO electronically in the format of searchable web pages. Printed copies of samples of these pages are included with this report in Annex 2.

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