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1Forest utilization contracts on public land, 1977 (E F S)
2Planning forest roads and harvesting systems, 1977 (E F S)
3World list of forestry schools, 1977 (E/F/S)
3 Rev.1World list of forestry schools, 1981 (E/F/S)
3 Rev.2World list of forestry schools, 1986 (E/F/S)
4/1World pulp and paper demand, supply and trade 1- Vol. 1, 1977 (E F S)
4/2World pulp and paper demand, supply and trade - Vol. 2, 1977 (E F S)
5The marketing of tropical wood in South America, 1976 (E S)
6National parks planning, 1976 (E F S **)
7Forestry for local community development, 1978 (Ar E F S)
8Establishment techniques for forest plantations, 1978 (Ar C E * F S)
9Wood chips - production, handling, transport, 1976 (C E S)
10/1Assessment of logging costs from forest inventories in the tropics - 1. Principles and methodology, 1978 (E F S)
10/2Assessment of logging costs from forest inventories in the tropics - 2. Data collection and calculations, 1978 (E F S)
11Savanna afforestation in Africa, 1977 (E F)
12China: forestry support for agriculture, 1978 (E)
13Forest products prices 1960–1977, 1979 (E/F/S)
14Mountain forest roads and harvesting, 1979 (E)
14 Rev. 1Logging and transport in steep terrain, 1985 (E)
15AGRIS forestry - world catalogue of information and documentation services, 1979 (E/F/S)
16China: integrated wood processing industries, 1979 (E F S)
17Economic analysis of forestry projects, 1979 (E F S)
17 Sup.1Economic analysis of forestry projects: case studies, 1979 (E S)
17 Sup.2Economic analysis of forestry projects: readings, 1980 (C E)
18Forest products prices 1960–1978, 1980 (E/F/S)
19/1Pulping and paper-making properties of fast-growing plantation wood species - Vol. 1, 1980 (E)
19/2Pulping and paper-making properties of fast-growing plantation wood species - Vol. 2, 1980 (E)
20Forest tree improvement, 1985 (C E F S)
20/2A guide to forest seed handling, 1985 (E S)
21Impact on soils of fast-growing species in lowland humid tropics, 1980 (E F S)
22/1Forest volume estimation and yield prediction - Vol. 1. Volume estimation, 1980 (C E F S)
22/2Forest volume estimation and yield prediction - Vol. 2. Yield prediction, 1980 (C E F S)
23Forest products prices 1961–1980, 1981 (E/F/S)
24Cable logging systems, 1981 (C E)
25Public forestry administrations in Latin America, 1981 (E)
26Forestry and rural development, 1981 (E F S)
27Manual of forest inventory, 1981 (E F)
28Small and medium sawmills in developing countries, 1981 (E S)
29World forest products, demand and supply 1990 and 2000, 1982 (E F S)
30Tropical forest resources, 1982 (E F S)
31Appropriate technology in forestry, 1982 (E)
32Classification and definitions of forest products, 1982 (Ar/E/F/S)
33Logging of mountain forests, 1982 (E F S)
34Fruit-bearing forest trees, 1982 (E F S)
35Forestry in China, 1982 (C E)
36Basic technology in forest operations, 1982 (E F S)
37Conservation and development of tropical forest resources, 1982 (E F S)
38Forest products prices 1962–1981, 1982 (E/F/S)
39Frame saw manual, 1982 (E)
40Circular saw manual, 1983 (E)
41Simple technologies for charcoal making, 1983 (E F S)
42Fuelwood supplies in the developing countries, 1983 (Ar E F S)
43Forest revenue systems in developing countries, 1983 (E F S)
44/1Food and fruit-bearing forest species - 1. Examples from eastern Africa, 1983 (E F S)
44/2Food and fruit-bearing forest species - 2. Examples from southeastern Asia, 1984 (E F S)
44/3Food and fruit-bearing forest species - 3. Examples from Latin America, 1986 (E S)
45Establishing pulp and paper mills, 1983 (E)
46Forest products prices 1963–1982, 1983 (E/F/S)
47Technical forestry education - design and implementation, 1984 (E F S)
48Land evaluation for forestry, 1984 (C E F S)
49Wood extraction with oxen and agricultural tractors, 1986 (E F S)
50Changes in shifting cultivation in Africa, 1984 (E F)
50/1Changes in shifting cultivation in Africa 1984 - seven case-studies, 1985 (E)
51/1Studies on the volume and yield of tropical forest stands - 1. Dry forest formations, 1989 (E F)
52/1Cost estimating in sawmilling industries: guidelines, 1984 (E)
52/2Field manual on cost estimation in sawmilling industries, 1985 (E)
53Intensive multiple-use forest management in Kerala, 1984 (E F S)
54Planificación del desarrollo forestal, 1984 (S)
55Intensive multiple-use forest management in the tropics, 1985 (E F S)
56Breeding poplars for disease resistance, 1985 (E)
57Coconut wood - Processing and use, 1985 (E S)
58Sawdoctoring manual, 1985 (E S)
59The ecological effects of eucalyptus, 1985 (C E F S)
60Monitoring and evaluation of participatory forestry projects, 1985 (E F S)
61Forest products prices 1965–1984, 1985 (E/F/S)
62World list of institutions engaged in forestry and forest products research, 1985 (E/F/S)
63Industrial charcoal making, 1985 (E)
64Tree growing by rural people, 1985 (Ar E F S)
65Forest legislation in selected African countries, 1986 (E F)
66Forestry extension organization, 1986 (C E S)
67Some medicinal forest plants of Africa and Latin America, 1986 (E)
68Appropriate forest industries, 1986 (E)
69Management of forest industries, 1986 (E)
70Wildland fire management terminology, 1986 (E/F/S)
71World compendium of forestry and forest products research institutions, 1986 (E/F/S)
72Wood gas as engine fuel, 1986 (E S)
73Forest products: world outlook projections 1985–2000, 1986 (E/F/S)
74Guidelines for forestry information processing, 1986 (E)
75Monitoring and evaluation of social forestry in India - an operational guide, 1986 (E)
76Wood preservation manual, 1986 (E)
77Databook on endangered tree and shrub species and provenances, 1986 (E)
78Appropriate wood harvesting in plantation forests, 1987 (E)
79Small-scale forest-based processing enterprises, 1987 (E F S)
80Forestry extension methods, 1987 (E)
81Guidelines for forest policy formulation, 1987 (C E)
82Forest products prices 1967–1986, 1988 (E/F/S)
83Trade in forest products: a study of the barriers faced by the developing countries, 1988 (E)
84Forest products: World outlook projections - Product and country tables 1987–2000, 1988 (E/F/S)
85Forestry extension curricula, 1988 (E/F/S)
86Forestry policies in Europe, 1988 (E)
87Small-scale harvesting operations of wood and non-wood forest products involving rural people, 1988 (E F S)
88Management of tropical moist forests in Africa, 1989 (E F P)
89Review of forest management systems of tropical Asia, 1989 (E)
90Forestry and food security, 1989 (Ar E S)
91Design manual on basic wood harvesting technology, 1989 (E F S) (Published only as FAO Training Series, No. 18)
92Forestry policies in Europe - An analysis, 1989 (E)
93Energy conservation in the mechanical forest industries, 1990 (E S)
94Manual on sawmill operational maintenance, 1990 (E)
95Forest products prices 1969–1988, 1990 (E/F/S)
96Planning and managing forestry research: guidelines for managers, 1990 (E)
97Non-wood forest products: the way ahead, 1991 (E S)
98Timber plantations in the humid tropics of Africa, 1993 (E F)
99Cost control in forest harvesting and road construction, 1992 (E)
100Introduction to ergonomics in forestry in developing countries, 1992 (E F I)
101Management and conservation of closed forests in tropical America, 1993 (E F P S)
102Research management in forestry, 1992 (E F S)
103Mixed and pure forest plantations in the tropics and subtropics, 1992 (E F S)
104Forest products prices 1971–1990, 1992 (E/F/S)
105Compendium of pulp and paper training and research institutions, 1992 (E)
106Economic assessment of forestry project impacts, 1992 (E F)
107Conservation of genetic resources in tropical forest management - Principles and concepts, 1993 (E)
108A decade of wood energy activities within the Nairobi Programme of Action, 1993 (E)
109Directory of forestry research organizations, 1993 (E)
110Proceedings of the Meeting of Experts on Forestry Research, 1993 (E/F/S)
111Forestry policies in the Near East region - Analysis and synthesis, 1993 (E)
112Forest resources assessment 1990 - Tropical countries, 1993 (E)
113Ex situ storage of seeds, pollen and in vitro cultures of perennial woody plant species, 1993 (E)
114Assessing forestry project impacts: issues and strategies, 1993 (E F S)
115Forestry policies of selected countries in Asia and the Pacific, 1993 (E)
116Les panneaux à base de bois, 1993 (F)
117Mangrove forest management guidelines, 1994 (E)
118Biotechnology in forest tree improvement, 1994 (E)
119Les produits bois reconstitués, liants et environnement, 1994 (F)
120Decline and dieback of trees and forests - A global overview, 1994 (E)
121Ecología y enseñanza rural - Manual para profesores rurales del área andina, 1994 (S)
122Readings in sustainable forest management, 1994 (E)
123Forestry education - New trends and prospects, 1994 (E F)
124Forest resources assessment 1990 - Global synthesis, 1995 (E)
125Forest products prices 1973–1992, 1995 (E/F/S)
126Climate change, forest and forest management - an overview, 1995 (E)
Availability: March 1995

Ar - Arabic
C - Chinese
E - English
I - Italian
F - French
P - Portuguese
S - Spanish
Multil - Multilingual
* Out of print
** In preparation

The FAO Technical Papers are available through the authorized FAO Sales Agents or directly from Distribution and Sales Section, FAO, Viale delle Terme di Caracalla, 00100 Rome, Italy.

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