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Chapter 3. Workshop discussions and findings on improving understanding and management of soil biodiversity and ecosystems for productive and sustainable agriculture

Soil biodiversity understanding, status and trends

Biological indicators of soil health

The workshop participants agreed on the need for technical assessments to advise farmers, policy-makers and planners on indicators and methods for the assessment and monitoring of soil health and functions. These should focus on improving knowledge: on the roles and importance of diverse soil organisms in providing key goods and services; and on the positive and negative impacts of existing and new agricultural technologies and management practices.

In order to facilitate comparison at many scales, it is important to agree on and adopt standardized approaches to the use of soil health indicators. Currently, standard methodology is used for most bioindicator measurements (e.g. microbial biomass) but sampling strategies may vary (e.g. depth of soil used for sample collection). Basic requirements for the development of specific bioindicators would be:

Soil biotic systems are extremely complex, and assessment of soil health and ecosystem function by direct measurement of overall biodiversity is impractical. Therefore, the need to develop indirect assessment methods is compelling. In order to be practical for use by practitioners, extension workers, scientists and policy-makers, the set of basic soil health indicators should be applicable over a range of ecological and socio-economic situations.

Appropriate use of soil health indicators will depend to a large extent on how well these indicators are understood with respect to the ecosystem of which they are part. Tools and methodologies to measure soil health should be adapted to end users (Table 2). Tests should be able to measure properties of soil health that are meaningful to the actor’s understanding of soil and its process, and to give results that are reliable, accurate within an acceptable range, and easily understood and used.

Soil organism and biotic parameters, such as abundance, diversity, food web structure, and community stability, meet most of the criteria for useful indicators of soil quality. They respond sensitively to land management practices and climate. In addition, they correlate well with beneficial soil functions, including water storage, decomposition and nutrient cycling, detoxification of toxicants, and suppression of noxious organisms. Visible indicators such as earthworms (Plate 4), biogenic structures, e.g. termite mounds (Plate 5), insects and moulds are comprehensible and useful to farmers and other land managers, who are the ultimate stewards of soil quality. Several farmer-participatory programmes for managing soil quality have incorporated abiotic and simple biotic indicators.

PLATE 4. An endo-anecic earthworm from the Colombian savannahs, Carimagua - [J.J. Jiménez]

The activities of soil organisms interact in a complex food web with some subsisting on living plants and animals (herbivores and predators), others on dead plant debris (detritivores), on fungi or on bacteria, and others living off but not consuming their hosts (parasites). One of the major difficulties in the use of soil organisms per se, or of soil processes mediated by soil organisms as indicators of soil health has been methodological, i.e. what to measure and how, when to measure it, and how to interpret changes in terms of soil function.

Table 2, prepared by workshop participants, summarizes the characteristics of potential soil health indicators required at different levels. It presents examples that end users can select and use in order to provide a suitable set of indicators of soil health according to local monitoring capacities. There is also a need to ensure that they are relevant to the given region, farming system, soil type, climate, etc.

Development of an assessment and monitoring framework

The identification of appropriate indicators of soil health assessment is complicated by the fact that they must account both for multiple dimensions of soil functions, such as productivity and environmental well-being, and the multiple physical, chemical and biological factors that control biogeochemical process, and their variation over time and space.

Plate 5. Termite mound from Africa - [C. Rouland]

All of the soil parameters typically need to be measured simultaneously at a field site, although there can be gaps in the data if some analyses are not feasible or the facilities are not available. The database is most useful where the soil properties are analysed in conjunction with one another. Thus, it is more useful to have data on all soil properties at a single point, than to have separate databases of generalized properties.

Table 2. Practical tools for measuring soil health and their basic characteristics

Specific characteristic of soil health indicators for:


Extension workers



For use in the field: Self-assessed, easy and practical, based on visual indicators with interpretative guidelines relevant to region, farming system, soil type, climate, etc.

Visual indicators and simple low-cost field- and laboratory-based test kits that are easy to interpret

Minimum data set of soil health indicators, plus those associated with crop productivity and quality, environmental quality, off-site impacts, etc.

In-depth information on soil health, soil biodiversity, etc., including a range of laboratory-based indicators.

Practical examples of monitoring tools and indicators

Nature of roots (density, morphology, colour, disease, depth).

Decomposition of litter. Macrofauna, including indicators such as worm casts and pores.

N-fixing organisms, e.g. legume root nodules.

Plant population profiles (+ weeds).

Smell and taste.

Soil physical indicators, e.g. waterlogging and compaction.

Soil respiration measurement.

Presence of pathogens (basic keys to symptoms).

Soil pH, conductivity

Total C/N ratio

Microbial biomass.

Nutrient levels. CEC.

Physical indicators, e.g. bulk density, aggregate stability, and infiltration rate.

Farm scale:

Percent of potential yield reached (based on water use efficiency).

Farmer income, profitability.

Catchment scale:

Soil erosion. Depth of water table.

Enzyme activity (rapid techniques, e.g. BIOLOG)

Molecular detection of mycorrhiza, biocontrol agents, etc. Molecular biodiversity assessments (e.g. DGGE of microbial populations).

Nematode identification and assessment.

DNA/RNA methods for detection of functional gene diversity (N-fixation, etc.)

Figure 2. Pyramid of soil health indicators

Figure 2 presents the suite of soil health assessments in the form of a pyramid, with three sides corresponding to biological, chemical and physical indicators. The top of the pyramid represents the group of simple indicators that farmers would use, linked to the more complex indicators higher up the pyramid (e.g. total C) will be more useful for stakeholders who require soil health information at more detailed scales.measures lower in the pyramid. The more technical indicators occur in the lower part, but may move up as protocols are simplified or surrogate indicators are developed. There is a decrease in spatial resolution and scale with increasing complexity of the indicators. Therefore, simple

Development of target values and thresholds

Soil biota are among the most diverse communities in the world. Soil organisms regulate a number of processes in terrestrial ecosystems that are critical for productivity and essential for maintaining ecosystem health. The loss of any biodiversity from the natural ecosystem levels should be regarded as detrimental. However, food security requires some degree of compromise even where sustainable practices are employed. Therefore, the potential for adopting target and threshold levels of biodiversity needs exploration. Data and information required for sustainability assessment are generally unavailable, sparse or incomplete. The continued development of nationally and internationally agreed methods of soil quality assessment is a priority. The group confirmed that, in view of the limited information currently available on sustainable levels of soil biodiversity, a major scientific and socio-economic research programme is justified. As illustrated in Figure 3 (prepared by the working group), determination of the direction and rate of trends would be important, and identification of those indicators that respond more rapidly than others (e.g. microbial or macrofaunal diversity, soil enzymes). The degree to which the TSBF BGBD project meets this need should be considered and complementary work proposed as appropriate.

Figure 3 shows a declining yield trend over a period of time under a consistent and continuous land management system, i.e. crops or pastures, indicating a gradual loss of soil health. Where the selected indicator or suite of indicators of a particular land management option falls below the threshold value, it can be considered as an indication of poor soil health. This threshold value is the lower limit of system performance. At this point, the land management system will become unsustainable and a high investment will be needed in the recovery of the degraded land (restoration of soil properties and function). The upper line is the optimal situation or target value. It reflects the situation under a healthy pasture (deep rooting, good soil cover, etc.). In reality, the inputs and outputs vary over time (weeks, seasons and years) but should generally balance each other, so that the system oscillates between both limits, maintaining a relatively constant value.

Figure 3. Target values and thresholds for soil health indicators

In terms of sustainable land management, the threshold value may be considered as the level of a specific indicator beyond which the particular system of land management is no longer sustainable. However, the understanding of likely thresholds is not well developed except for a limited number of environmental indicators, such as soil acidity, nutrient status of P and K for a given soil type, and some biophysical indicators such as bulk density. It would be expecting too much for a single threshold value to represent the boundary or cutoff between sustainable and unsustainable. Consequently, a range of threshold values and temporal trends for particular indicators is required. Often, a combination of indicators may be needed.

Target values vary for different soils and for different land uses. Therefore, measurements of the indicators should be made over suitable time intervals using standard methodologies. Establishing acceptable trends requires appropriate methodologies and a common framework is essential to develop national and international standards for purposes of comparison. A key problem will be sample-to-sample variability. This will necessitate robust sampling and statistical analysis protocols if significant trends are to be discerned from a very noisy signal. The use of indicators of soil health helps to define the sustainability and health of the system (Pankhurst et al., 1997). There is a wide range of proposed soil health indicators. However, in terms of productivity, perhaps the best indicator relates to the yield trends under a given management system (Figure 3).

In developing indicators, target values and thresholds, the following projects are notable:

Both projects respond to the needs of parties to the CBD and to the Convention to Combat Desertification (CCD). They deserve close coordination among experts and supporting efforts in order to ensure the prompt dissemination of research findings and tools for promoting sustainable agricultural systems and practices and the restoration of degraded lands.

National capacities need strengthening for improved soil biological management, especially in agricultural research and extension, including participatory technology development and adaptation, soil health monitoring and evaluation, and priority setting, with attention to agricultural policy and planning. South-South cooperation, allowing intercountry exchange, could help disseminate appropriate technologies, for example:

Development and adaptation of productive and sustainable agricultural management practices

Integrated ecosystem and adaptive management approaches for soil health

As a basis for the discussions on adaptive management, reference was made to the operational objectives for adaptive management as defined by the CBD (annex to Decision V/5): “To identify management practices, technologies and policies that promote the positive and mitigate the negative impacts of agriculture on biodiversity, and enhance productivity and the capacity to sustain livelihoods, by expanding knowledge, understanding and awareness of the multiple goods and services provided by the different levels and functions of agricultural biodiversity.”

Specific attention was drawn to the International Workshop on Soil Health as an Indicator of Sustainable Management, held at the GAIA Environmental Research and Education Centre, Kifissia, Greece, 25-29 June 1999 (Box 1). This provides an important basis for the discussions.

In addressing this theme, reference was made to the meaning of adaptive management (Box 2). This is a formalized process of decision-making for improving continually the interactive management of ecosystems by learning from the outcomes of operational plans. The concept was developed to address the problems of natural resource managers, who typically face an enormous set of variables as they make decisions affecting the environment. Gathering and digesting huge amounts of information to eliminate uncertainty often leads only to more questions, which lead to more information gathering, more questions and, ultimately, deferred decisions.

The Londrina workshop confirmed that, in order to improve agro-ecosystem management, stakeholders need a greater appreciation and recognition of:

Soil biota can increase or reduce agricultural productivity depending on their composition and the effects of their different activities. Vice versa, farming practices modify soil conditions and, hence, soil life, including the total number of organisms, the diversity of species, the activity of the individual organisms and the aggregate functions of soil biota. These changes can be beneficial or detrimental to the functions and regenerative capacity of the soil biota. Thus, the activity of soil organisms and land management practices requires effective management for maximum productivity and sustainable use of resources.

Box 1: The Kifissia workshop on soil health as an indicator of sustainable management

The workshop:

  • Emphasized the links of soil quality to society and health, environmental degradation, novel ecological production systems and the land manager.

  • Noted that soil health and quality indicators, and the changes in those indicators, can be a major link between the strategies of conservation management practices and achievement of major goals of sustainable agriculture.

  • Noted that confirmation of the effectiveness of systems for residue management, organic matter formation, N and C cycling, soil structure maintenance and biological control of pests and diseases will assist in discovering and developing system approaches that are both profitable and environmentally friendly.

  • Recognized that the challenge is to make better use of diversity and resilience of the biological community in soil to maintain a quality ecosystem, thus fostering sustainability. Strategies could be fine-tuned using practices, such as crop rotation for greater crop diversity and tighter cycling of nutrients; reduction of soil disturbance to maintain soil organic matter and reduce erosion; and development of systems that make better use of renewable biological resources such as legume companion crops and animal manuring.

It identified the following critical issues and needs for sustainable management:

  • An ecological approach to sustainable management for multiple land uses.

  • Consideration of the size of farms for which sustainable farming systems are developed.

  • Communicating to a broad and diverse audience the critical importance of soil as related to the environment, society and economics.

  • Prescriptive and descriptive assessment of the sustainability of agricultural systems for the land manager and for scientists.

The Kifissia workshop concluded that an increased understanding must be sought of the linkages between soil properties, soil processes and ecosystem functions in order to improve the methodology for sustainable productivity, biodiversity and environmental protection. Moreover, efficient implementation of sustainable policies requires educational outreach to various segments of society and the translation of science into practices that land users can use.

The workshop proposed that soil health indicators and sustainable management strategies must be linked through agricultural systems that:

  • reduce inputs and reliance on non-renewable resources;
  • maintain productivity at acceptable levels;
  • minimize impact on the environment;
  • are economically viable and socially acceptable

Box 2: Adaptive management

“Adaptive management can be defined as an iterative approach to managing ecosystems, whereby, contrary to other approaches, the methods of achieving the desired objectives are unknown or uncertain” (Holling, 1978; Walters, 1986). It is a process of testing alternative hypotheses through management action, learning from experience, and making appropriate change to policy and management practice. The process is useful because:

  • Unexpected detrimental events may affect the site/ecosystem, requiring consideration of corrective measures, e.g. invasion by an exotic species.

  • It may not be completely clear how to achieve one or more of the objectives. Experiments or trials using different methods may be needed.

  • Something beneficial may happen unexpectedly. If so, a decision will be required on whether to capitalize on such events.

Critical steps in the process include:

  • acknowledgement of uncertainty about which policy or practice is ‘best’ for the particular management issue;

  • thoughtful selection of the policies or practices to be applied;

  • careful implementation of the plan of action;

  • monitoring of key response indicators;

  • analysis of the outcome in the light of the original objectives;

  • incorporation of the results into future decisions.

The web of life in the soil is a very complex and rich component of agricultural biodiversity and has important interrelationships with other components of the ecosystem. Human management practices influence its functions and activity both directly and indirectly. Thus, it needs to be addressed through an ecosystem approach.

Land managers need unbiased information that will enable them to develop biologically based management strategies to control or manipulate soil stabilization, nutrient cycling, crop diseases, pest infestations, and detoxification of natural and human-made contaminants. Such improved management strategies depend on a good understanding of soil organisms and their ecological interactions and of the effects on soil biota of habitats, food sources, host interactions, and the soil physical and chemical environment. The ecology regulating both beneficial and detrimental organisms is essential to harnessing and controlling their activity in agro-ecosystems. Such knowledge will yield great benefits in terms of the production of abundant, high-quality agricultural products with less dependence upon external inputs.

A vast range of innovative soil management practices involving biota and biotic products is available. Moreover, many of these practices are sustainable, environmentally friendly, affordable and applicable to developing nations. Many of the tools are based on traditional agricultural practices, while others are novel and take advantage of recent major advances in biotechnology. Biotic solutions should be encouraged in order to address the wide range of soil-related physical, chemical and biological problems.

The goal is to understand the soil biota and to utilize this living component of the soil for the benefit of agricultural systems in order to increase crop productivity and quality, reduce input costs, and reduce negative environmental impacts.

The review of cases and discussions during the workshop led to the following general guidelines for soil management and sustainable agriculture:

Figure 4. Diagram of an adaptive management framework for soil ecosystems: entry points and opportunities for intervention

The Londrina workshop participants suggested the preparation of a schematic diagram of an adaptive management framework for soil ecosystems (Figure 4).

Sharing experiences and lessons learned and identification of gaps and priorities

The basis of all efforts to conserve biodiversity and natural ecosystems effectively while supporting economic development lies in the ability of scientists, resource managers, policy- and decision-makers, and the concerned public to have the widest possible access to the existing body of knowledge on biodiversity and ecosystem resources and processes. Much information exists on biodiversity and ecosystems (from a legacy of past research and inventories), and much more is being collected. However, it is still not possible for all potential beneficiaries to locate, retrieve, integrate and apply this information in a consistent fashion. In many cases, public and private funds are spent unknowingly on re-collecting information that may already exist in some undocumented or unavailable fashion. Much existing biodiversity and ecosystem information cannot be used widely (and may be in danger of being lost) because, for example, it is not yet converted into an electronic format or other readily usable form.

There was a suggestion to make a user-friendly inventory of projects and activities upon which to build for the development of guidance, tools, approaches and materials for different scales, systems, etc., for example, the TSBF, the IRD, FFS-soil productivity improvement, watershed management projects, promoting farmer innovation and local knowledge systems, PLEC. The products and expertise of these projects and processes could provide guidance for specific systems and situations for, inter alia:

There was also a suggestion to develop a checklist and format for case studies in order to enhance their usefulness in terms of clarity and eventual replicability. There was also a proposal to prepare a conceptual diagram linking the different dimensions, to facilitate review and analysis, as initiated by the adaptive management group. The case-study format should specify, inter alia, the following information:

A particular strategic issue that the workshop identified was the need to enhance understanding of the benefits and value of soil biological activity and soil ecosystem functioning, illustrating, inter alia:

The other main strategic issue identified was the need to develop an approach that focuses on organic matter within a systems approach including technical, socio-economic, cultural and policy and institutional considerations, specifically:

It was suggested that case studies be compiled for each category of soil biological solutions in order to demonstrate the valuable role and functions of soil biodiversity and related ecosystem functions in different farming contexts. Three key areas of intervention include the production system as a whole, organic matter management, and the cropping system or plant-soil interface.

Sustainable production systems

Soil quality, landscape quality, soil biota, nutrient cycling and biodiversity are integral aspects of sustainable development. A holistic, ecological approach is required for future research on soil-plant-animal systems. This will enable redesign of farming systems from an overemphasis on production towards more quality and internal regulation. This will result in lower mineral fertilizer losses, lower pest and disease pressure, and reduced susceptibility to climate extremes, thereby contributing to sustainable land management on-farm and at regional scale.

PLATE 6. A mixed arable-livestock system from the Eastern Plains of Colombia - [ J. J. Jiménez]

Organic matter management and the soil ecosystem

Primarily at a functional group level, soil biota regulate vital ecosystem processes such as decomposition (the breakdown of complex organic compounds into nutrients available for plant growth), C sequestration, and nutrient cycling. The rate of decomposition is dependent on the interaction of climate, biota and the quality and quantity of organic matter.

Agricultural practices that provide good soil protection and maintain high levels of soil organic matter favour higher biodiversity. Examples include agroforestry systems, intercropping, rotational farming, conservation agriculture, green-cover cropping and integrated arable-livestock systems (Plate 6). Actions that target the joint conservation of both above- and below-ground components of biological diversity directly will have environmental benefits at ecosystem, landscape and global scales.

The cropping system and the soil ecosystem

The successful functioning of most ecosystem processes requires a balance of biotic interactions in a complex soil biota community (detritus food web). Availability of C is one of the important regulating factors of biological activity in soils, which affects the composition of the microbial community and the food-web structure. In addition, the number of trophic levels in a terrestrial food-web community and its stability depend upon the amount and quality of C input and the level and type of disturbance (e.g. tillage, genetically modified (GM) crops and use of agrochemicals).

Plants are the main drivers of the dynamics of soil microbial communities via their input of various C sources into the system. Plant residues are the primary source of C in soils, with the majority of biota populations concentrated near residues and in the rhizosphere of plants. Therefore, any changes to the quality of crop residues and rhizosphere inputs will modify the dynamics of soil biota. Hence, a change in vegetation as a result of changes in land use is a major factor affecting the diversity of the microbial community. Moreover, changes in agricultural practice including the intensity of the use of fertilizers and pesticides and crop cover, e.g. grass versus arable crops in rotation, may lead to shifts among and within groups of the microbial community.

Diverse habitats support complex mixes of soil organisms. Diversity can be achieved with crop rotations, vegetated field borders, buffer strips, strip cropping, and small fields. Crop rotations provide different food sources into the soil each year and encourage a wider variety of organisms and prevent the buildup of a single pest species.

Soil resilience and risk alleviation

Because of time constraints during the workshop, the working group on innovation and risk management agreed to exclude the important issue of genetically modified organisms (GMOs), and to concentrate on other organisms, technologies and methods, including peri-urban and waste management issues (e.g. vermicompost). The knowledge and experience among participants was reviewed, taking into account the different biophysical conditions and range of functional groups: the producers, consumers and decomposers (N fixers, P solubilizers, C and N mineralizers, predators, pests and pathogens, soil aggregation engineers, antibiotics). It was agreed to keep a focus on food security, environmental quality and economic sustainability goals. A holistic systems view is needed to address extensively managed systems, such as shifting cultivation, intensive diverse systems and monocultures.

The first role of biodiversity is to ensure the multiplicity of functions that soil organisms perform. A secondary but important role of biodiversity is to ensure the maintaining of these functions in the face of perturbations. Genetic variability within and between species confers the potential for resistance to perturbations, whether they be short or long term. Understanding the relationship between biodiversity and more complex functions requires the combined study of taxonomically distant groups of organisms that can perform specific functions, and thus belong to the same functional group.

The group considered available solutions for addressing a range of soil fertility deficiencies and land degradation problems that are mediated by soil organisms and their functions, summarized in Table 3. The analysis in Table 3 can be updated through further consultation and sharing of examples, e.g. in FAO’s electronic workshop on composting (

Soil microbial communities represent the largest source of biodiversity on earth. Given the extremely high species diversity in soil, it is estimated that microbial communities contain such high levels of redundancy as to make small changes in soil microbial diversity insignificant. Rather, shifts among groups or species within the microbial community are considered to be of much more relevance for the functioning of terrestrial ecosystems. Shifts that might be relevant for sustainable land use include those in the relative abundance of bacteria and fungi and within groups with specific functions, such as nitrifying bacteria. These shifts could affect vital functions of the soil ecosystems, such as nutrient retention and antagonism against plant diseases.

A greater degree of biodiversity between or within a given species or functional group should logically increase the inherent variability in tolerance or resistance to stress or disturbance. Implicit in these arguments is the assumption that a multiplicity of organisms can perform a particular function, and that the replication of the ability to perform a particular function implies a degree of functional redundancy. Whether organisms are ever truly redundant is a matter of debate. Though redundancy in a single function may be common among many soil biota, the suite of functions attributable to any one species is unlikely to be redundant. Furthermore, functionally similar organisms have different environmental tolerances, physiological requirements and microhabitat preferences. As such, they are likely to play quite different roles in the soil system.

Table 3. Soil biological solutions for soil fertility and land degradation problems

Physical problems

Chemical problems

Biological problems


Low water content

Poor drainage


Loss of silt or clay

Nutrient depletion

Excessive acidity or alkalinity

Low phosphate levels

Heavy-metal contamination

High salinity

Pesticide contamination

Low biodiversity

Low microbiological activity

Low humus content

High pest or pathogen levels

Lack of natural enemies

Low organic matter

Possible soil biological solutions:

Aggregation, porosity, regulation of soil hydrological processes - these are improved by bioturbating organisms, plant root, fungal hyphae, microbial secretions.


Nutrient cycling, decomposition of organic matter, nutrient mineralization, N fixation.

Crop diversity over space and time (intercropping, diverse rooting depths, rotations).

P solubilizing bacteria and plant nutrition and plant growth promoters.

Suppression of pests, parasites and diseases.



N fixing






Degraded soils-low aggregation





- +



Degraded soils-low organic matter


- +







Low saprobes








High pesticide levels



- +





High salinity




- +




High pollutants



- +


- +



- Unlikely to have beneficial impact
+ Positive impact expected

However, given the estimates for the vast numbers of species present in soils, and the rather limited number of functions that can be ascribed to the soil biota as a whole, a degree of functional redundancy seems inevitable even allowing for the fact that decomposition of plant material may require hundreds of enzymes. The greater the degree of functional redundancy, the greater will be the ability of a particular function to withstand stresses or disturbances, i.e. the greater the resilience.

Any novel method for manipulating and managing soil biodiversity and biotic products in situ requires an analysis of risk. There has been considerable interest in evaluation of risks associated with GM crop varieties. However, apart from these cases, little serious attention has been paid to environmental impact. This is the case especially where microbial treatments or manipulations are carried out. For example, little is known of the effect of Rhizobium inoculation on natural microbial populations. Similarly, the effects of herbicide-resistant plants and the use of herbicides on the soil ecosystem are not well known. It is not acceptable to assume that biosafety assessments can be made using external measurements, such as plant health or productivity, without doing the basic research to establish the necessary links.

Risk analysis is more complex than the simple establishment of safety in isolation from the environment in which the new product or process is to be employed. The following issues need to be addressed:

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