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Editorial - The Global Strategy for the managment of AnGR: Towards the preparation of the Country Reports

The preparation of the First Report on the State of the World’s Animal Genetic Resources (SoW) is considered a most significant undertaking by FAO to start global Animal Genetic Resources (AnGR) utilisation and conservation activities on the right path. Conceived and planned in 1999/2000, the actual implementation of this country driven process started in the second half of 2001 (AGRI 30). Since its inception both the process and the product were emphasised. Much progress has been achieved since it started. A basic component of the process was capacity building in a large number of countries in the world.

Towards this goal, 12 workshops in as many countries were conducted to train 370 professionals from 176 countries during 2001 and 2002. The training which covered all geographical regions of the world included procedural as well as substantive aspects, so that the final product (Country Report, CR) could be easily compiled later into regional and global reports. The trained personnel in turn trained their nationals representing different stakeholders and started forming National Consultative Committees (NCCs) for the actual preparation of their respective CR as laid out in the FAO training manuals.

Out of the 190 countries invited to participate in the preparation of the First Report on the SoW-AnGR 149 have accepted, and at the time of the preparation of this editorial, 87 of them have already submitted either the final or draft version of their CRs. This last figure is expected to grow to more than 120 countries by the end of December 2003.

An important and practical consideration in this process is that some countries needed technical as well as financial support in order to carry out CR preparation. For this purpose FAO has dedicated $ 700 000 to implement technical and financial aid programmes to around 60 countries in all regions, in partnership with the World Association of Animal Production (WAAP). Good part of this fund has been actually disbursed. Complementary ad hoc financial and technical support to some 40 other countries came also directly through the FAO’s AnGR Group in Rome. These funds have all been welltargeted, efficient and low profile on-hand actions. At this stage about 20 additional countries are being sustained in order to be able to finalise their CRs.

Another important component of the process is the holding of a series of Regional Meetings to analyse and discuss National Reports and define Regional Priorities. The objective of these meetings is to identify priorities for actions at regional levels leading to Regional Priority Actions Reports, and to the elaboration of a Strategic Priority Actions Report by the beginning of 2004. In preparation for these regional meetings three subregional gatherings have already been organised.

The compiled global document, after possible revision by stakeholders, will then be submitted to the Intergovernmental Technical Working Group on Animal Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture, which is a structure of the governing body of FAO representing member countries. The final component of the process is the actual Analysis of Country Reports and the elaboration of the First Report on the State of the World’s Animal Genetic Resources.

The format of the Report is to be decided by the FAO governing body in 2004 and the elaboration of a Draft Report will commence immediately. Reaching that stage represents a landmark on the path of AnGR management at the global level.

The Editors

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