Special Ministerial Conference on Agriculture in Small Island Developing States
Rome, 12 March 1999

Report and Background Documents

Rome, 2003
Table of Contents

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Table of Contents

Ministerial declaration on agriculture in Small Island Developing States

Plan of action on agriculture in Small Island Developing States

I. Adjusting to changes in the global trading environment
II. Towards a more intensified, diversified and sustainable agriculture
III. Meeting fisheries needs
IV. Ensuring sustainable management of land, water and forestry resources and environmental protection
V. Capacity building and institutional strengthening
VI. Implementing the plan of action

Background documents

Trade issues facing Small Island Developing States

I. Introduction
II. Economic and trade profile
III. Competitiveness of SIDS in agricultural trade

A. Improvements in competitiveness
B. Problems in competitiveness

IV. SIDS in the international trading system

A. Trade preferences in favour of SIDS
B. Uruguay Round Agreements
C. SIDS Commitments in the Uruguay Round Agreements

V. Impact of the Uruguay Round on trade
VI. Conclusions and areas for action
Table. Revealed comparative advantage and export market shares for SIDS, by commodity and category, 1984-86 and 1994-96

Sustainable production, intensification and diversification of agriculture, forestry and fisheries in Small Island Developing States

I. Introduction
II. Agriculture

A. Issues and constraints
B. Production constraints
C. Market constraints
D. Institutional constraints
E. Diversification: a strategy for addressing issues and constraints
F. Integrated land resources planning and management
G. Sustainable farming systems

III. Forestry

A. Current situation of the forestry sector
B. The role of trees and forests in improving food security
C. Major constraints inhibiting the achievement of sustainable forest production intensification and diversification
D. Prospects for forest production intensification and diversification in support of improved food security

IV. Fisheries and aquaculture

A. Fish and food security
B. Status of fisheries and aquaculture
C. Sector constraints
D. Prospects for increasing production and diversification

V. Integrated planning and management
VI. Conclusion
Table 1. Land Use in Small Island Developing States
Table 2. Production of Major Agricultural Crops in Small Island Developing States
Table 3. Exports in Small Island Developing States
Table 4. Livestock in Small Island Developing States
Table 5. Forest Cover 1995 and Changes in Forest Cover 1990-1995 for Small Island Developing States
Table 6. Production, Trade and Consumption of Forest Products, 1996
Table 7. Area of forest plantations as reported by Small Island Developing States
Table 8. National Forest Programmes in SIDS
Table 9: Per Capita Consumption of Fish and Fishery Products in Member States and Observers of the Alliance of Small Island States and Other Small Island Developing States

Environment and natural resources in Small Island Developing States

I. Introduction
II. The status of the environment and natural resources

A. Overview
B. Natural resources
C. Issues and constraints
D. Climate change
E. Natural disasters

III. Emergency management

A. Disaster prevention
B. Disaster preparedness
C. Impact and immediate needs assessment
D. Relief
E. Rehabilitation, reconstruction and sustainable recovery

IV. Environmental conservation and management

A. Holistic environmental management through integrated coastalarea management
B. Environmentally-sound agricultural practices
C. Environment, tourism and agricultural linkages

V. Environmental law instruments

A. Legal issues, principles and mechanisms
B. Biodiversity instruments
C. Fisheries instruments
D. Climate change instruments
E. Forest-related instruments
F. Land-related instrument

VI. Proposed areas of action

A. Human and institutional development
B. Information, research and technology
C. Policyand planning
D. Legal framework

Table 1. SIDS Fact Sheets
Table 2. Ratification of environmental international conventions and agreements by SIDS (as of December 1998)

List of participants

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