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12.1     In cooperatives the General Assembly is the supreme body. A General Assembly must be called at least once a year. The powers and functions of AGA are by-and-large uniform. However, while in some countries the functions of the AGA are stated in the cooperative law, in other countries these functions are held in the rules and bye-laws of the cooperatives. For example, Fiji and Sri Lanka do not mention anything about the General Assemblies in their cooperative laws. However, the laws partly regulate the conduct of General Assemblies, in two ways: 1) Quorum. In some countries the quorum is very low. In Fiji (Section 58) and in the Philippines (Article 36) 25%, in Korea, 50%, and in Thailand 50% or 100% (Article 29, and Article 30).

12.2.     According to Japanese Law (Article 40): "Even before the expiration of the officers term of office, an election of new officers must be conducted, when it is requested by one fifth or more of the members (excluding associate members) at the General Assembly.

12.3     Other Laws state that during an office term an elected member of the Board or Official can be removed only by a vote of no-confidence. In Malaysia, the registrar has to be informed of the General Meeting by every society, and has a right to attend the meeting and advise on any item, but cannot vote.

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