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14.1     Practically no laws define powers vested in the position of Chairman, except the Cooperative Law of Fiji (Article 73), Japanese Law on Central Unions only (Article 73.19), and the South Korean Law (Article 148). In Bangladesh, the Chairman is authorized to decide on matters of an urgent nature within the competence of the Board, but has to bring it to the attention of the next Board meeting for final confirmation. Thus the main function of the Chairman is to preside over the meetings and exercise powers of the Board delegated to him, or prescribed in the bye-laws. However, in India a person cannot hold Chairmanship or Vice Chairmanship of more than one national cooperative simultaneously. Chairmanship and Vice-Chairmanship may not be held by the same person for more than two terms (Article 36).

14.2     In Korea, under the laws and bye-laws, powers are vested in the Board President to run the society, in addition to presiding over the Board and General Assemblies, and acts as a Chief Executive. Similar powers may be delegated to the directors working under the President (Article 47, 57.2).

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