FAO/GIEWS: Africa Report No.2 - June 2004 p.9

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Table 5. Local Purchases within sub-Saharan Africa in 2003/04 or 2004
(in '000 tonnes) 1/

�Donor�Recipient Country�Total
CanadaNiger (0.1)0.1
ECBurundi (0.4), Congo, dem.Rep.of (1.1), 16.7
Madagascar (1.6), Niger (0.3), Sudan (13.3)
GermanyBurundi (1.4), Malawi (1.5), Mali (2.0), Swaziland (0.3)5.2
Italy Niger (1.2)1.2
JapanMali (0.4)0.4
Libyan Arab
Swaziland (4.0)4.0
NGOsMalawi (2.2), Tanzania, U.R. (0.8), Uganda (0.1)3.1
Norway Tanzania, U.R. (1.4)1.4
WFPAngola (2.8), Burkina Faso (4.7), Cameroon (0.9), Chad (6.0)268.2
Congo, dem.Rep.of (0.9), C�te d'Ivoire (0.7), Ethiopia (16.1), Kenya (28.6),
Lesotho (12.3), Madagascar (1.1), Malawi (65.7), Mali (5.2), Mozambique (21.6),
Niger (3.4), Rwanda (0.5), Senegal (0.5), Sudan (22.3), Swaziland (0.2),
Tanzania, U.R. (20.9), Uganda (11.2), Zambia (33.7), Zimbabwe (8.9)
1/ Based on information reported by WFP to GIEWS as of end May 2004.

FAO/GIEWS�-�June 2004

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