FAO/GIEWS: Africa Report No.2 - June 2004 p.48

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Following release of final production estimates by the national statistical services, the aggregate 2003 cereal production is estimated at a record 1.45 million tonnes, almost double the previous year’s poor harvest and 57 percent higher than the average for the previous five years. In spite of this bumper crop, cereal import is not expected to decline significantly in 2003/04, due to consumers’ preference for imported rice.

 WheatRiceCoarse GrainsTotal Cereals
 [thousand tonnes]
Previous year production (incl. paddy rice)-184630814
Previous five years average production (incl. paddy rice)-214710924
Previous year imports2676771021 046
Previous five years average imports25358956898
2003/04 Domestic Availability201621 2201 402
2003 Production (incl. paddy rice)-2321 2201 452
2003 Production (incl. milled rice)-1621 2201 382
Possible stock drawdown20--20
2003/04 Utilization2798101 2422 330
Food use2747847511 809
Non-food use525237268
Exports or re-exports--120120
Possible stock build up--133133
2003/04 Import Requirement25964722928
Anticipated commercial imports25964019917
of which: received or contracted434219473
Food aid needs-7310
Current Aid Position    
Food aid pledges-17320
of which: delivered-3-3
Donor-financed purchases--11
of which: for local use--11
for export----
Estimated Per Caput Consumption (kg/year)267471171
2003 Production compared to average (incl. paddy rice)-108172157
2003/04 Import requirement compared to average10211039103
Cereal share of total calorie intake   61
Additional Information    
Major foodcropsmillet; sorghum; rice; maize; wheat
Lean seasonAugust-September
Population (000s)10 549   
GNI per capita in 2002 (US$)470   

FAO/GIEWS - June 2004

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