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Notas explicativas

  1. Forestry Paper No. 7. Forestry for local community development. Roma, FAO, 1978.
  2. Restoring the Balance: Women Forest Resources. Roma, FAO, 1987.
  3. J. Hourihan, Gender Issues in the Preparation and Implementation of Forestry Products. Manila, Banco Asiático de Desarrollo, 1987.
  4. S. Deem. “A Study of Veterinary Services and the Women of Zimbabwe”. Documento no publicado. Blackburg, Virginia Tech. 1965.
  5. J. Perssou. “Trees, Plants and a Rural Community in the Southern Sudan” in Unasylva, Vol. 38, Roma, FAO, 1986.
  6. J. Hourihan. Gender Issues in the Preparation and Implementation of Forestry Products. Manila, Banco Asiático de Desarrollo, 1987.
  7. J. Ashby. “Production and Consumption Aspects of Technology Testing”. Estudio de caso no publicado. Cali, IFDC/CIAT. 1986.
  8. L. Guzmán. Participación campesina y reforestación comunal: el caso de cuatro comunidades del Cusco. Lima, Ministerio de Agricultura y FAO. 1988.
  9. S. Saowakontha et al. Roles of food gathered from forest on self-reliance and nutritional status of northeast villagers. Documento presentado al Seminario de la Universidad de Khon Kaen sobre Nutrición en Silvicultura, Universidad Khon Kaen, Tailandia, 18–21 de octubre de 1988.
  10. Forestry and nutrition: reference manual. Roma, FAO, 1989.
  11. J. Hourihan. Gender Issues in the Preparation and Implementation of Forestry Products. Manila, Banco Asiático de Desarrollo, 1987.
  12. E. Campbell—Asselbergs. “Nutrition, Forests and Trees: Linkages, Concerns and Indicators”. Documento no publicado. Roma, FAO, 1986.
    C. Ogden. “Incorporating nutrition concerns into forestry projects: a field guide”. Borrador manuscrito. Roma, FAO. 1989.
  13. M. W. Hoskins. Strategies for involving women in RCUP activities and benefits: Nepal. Blackburg, Virginia Tech. 1982.
  14. D. Rochelau. “Women, trees and tenure: implications for agroforestry research and development”. Documento no publicado para el Seminario Internacional sobre problemas de la tenencia en la agrosilvicultura. Nairobi. 1985.
  15. P. Goswami y M. W. Hoskins. Assistance to local community forestry: report to the Government of Sierra Leone. FAO/ASDI Programa Especial de Acción sobre Actividades Forestales en el Desarrollo de Comunidades Locales, Roma. FAO, 1980.
  16. S. Subhadira et al. “Fuelwood situation and farmers' adjustments in northeastern Thai villages” in G. Lovelace et al. (eds) Rapid rural appraisal in Northeast Thailand: case studies. Khon Kaen, Siriphan Press. 1988.
  17. J. Campbell (ed.) Dynamics in forest based small scale enterprises. Women's roles: two examples from India. Roma, FAO, 1990 (en prensa).
  18. P. Goswami y M. W. Hoskins. Assistance to local community forestry: report to the Government of Sierra Leone. FAO/ASDI Programa Especial de Acción sobre Actividades Forestales en el Desarrollo de Comunidades Locales, Roma. FAO, 1980.
  19. Women and community forestry in the Sudan. Película y texto. Roma, FAO, 1988.
  20. N. Siddiqu. Technical Note 1/89. Towards effective participation: a guide for working with women in forestry. Kathmandu, Nepal-Australia Forestry Project, 1989.
  21. A. Mohar. “Forest conservation in Nepal: encouraging women's participation” in Seeds. Nueva York, The Population Council. 1987.
  22. R. Dixon. Cit. en Restableciendo el equilibrio: las mujeres y los recursos forestales. Roma, FAO, 1987.
  23. Restoring the Balance: Women Forest Resources. Roma, FAO, 1987.
  24. M. Sarin et al. “Report of a training programme for environmental reconstruction”. Documento no publicado. 1988.
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