RAP publication 2004/11

Country Experiences in Decentralization in South Asia
Report of the Subregional Workshop
Kathmandu, Nepal
24 to 26 February 2004

Centre on Integrated Rural Development for Asia and the Pacific


Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific
Bangkok, June 2004


Table of Contents

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Technical editing: Wim Polman & Mahesh Uniyal

For copies write to Wim Polman
Rural Development Officer
Food and Agriculture Organization of the
United Nations, Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific,
39 Phra Atit Road,
Bangkok 10200, Thailand

© FAO 2004

Table of Contents

Objectives of the workshop
Summary of proceedings
Summary of presentations
Conclusions and recommendations

Edited country papers


1 Role and experience of local government in Bangladesh


2 Decentralized rural local governance - the Indian experience
3 Decentralization experience in India’s Kerala State
4 Local self-governance and local development in India: challenges ahead


5 Capacity building for participatory local planning and empowerment of rural women and rural poor through decentralization in Nepal
6 The present status of decentralization in Nepal
7 Local governments in Nepal: reappraising provisions for empowering vulnerable rural poor
8 Role and experience of local governments in financial resource mobilization in Nepal
9 Development of cooperatives in Nepal


10 Role and experience of local governments in empowering communities and financial resources mobilization in Pakistan
Sri Lanka

11 Devolution in Sri Lanka
12 Agriculture development strategies in support of decentralization in Sri Lanka


13 Decentralization in CIRDAP member countries: experiences and issues
14 Country experiences in decentralization in South Asia
15 FAO rural development priorities in Asia and the Pacific


Annex 1 - List of participants and resource persons
Annex 2 - Programme schedule
Annex 3 - Inaugural address
Annex 4 - Address by the chairperson
Annex 5 - Keynote address
Annex 6 - Fourteen steps of the participatory district development planning process in Nepal